Germs and Diseases

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Group 9: NgHa - LNhi
Table of contents
01 02
Warm-up News
Game: Charades Health

03 04
Presentation Wrap-up
Germs and diseases Answer some questions
● Two teams
● A person act out a word from the list
(no speaking allowed)
● The rest guess the word
(1 word = 1 point)
Vietnam has seen a rise in COVID-19 patients over the past week

April 11 is the day with the highest number of cases so far this year.
weather changing neglect of epidemic
prevention measures
Hanoi is the locality with the highest number of cases
Germs and Diseases
What are germs?
Germs are microorganisms that can cause diseases.

● They’re everywhere
● Some germs in our body help us to stay healthy
● But some germs can make you sick

Learning about germs and diseases is an important

way to help prevent the spread of germs.
Types of germs

Bacteria Viruses
pneumonia and tuberculosis measles and HIV

Fungi Protozoa
yeast infections and athlete’s diarrhea and malaria
How germs and diseases are spread

Direct Indirect
contact contact
Coming into contact with saliva, Coming into contact with areas that have
or blood containing germs been contaminated by germs
How germs and diseases are spread

Insect or Waterborne
animal bites
Being bitten by a mosquito Eating food contaminated Drinking or coming into contact
carrying a disease with germs with contaminated water
Myth of diseases
• Banknotes and coins pick up bacteria /
viruses as they circulate.

• Level of bacteria depends on age and

what it’s printed on.

• Don’t worry about this – just wash your

Recirculated air
• Air filters on planes remove roughly
99.9% of bacteria and viruses.

• Plane air refreshed 20 times an hour

while office air refreshed 12 times an

• Don’t worry about this either –

recirculated air is unlikely to make you
• Kitchens are full of germs!
Cleaning with sponges and clothes
may spread germs.

• Floor has a high concentration of

• Five-second rule is a myth.

• Any food dropped on the

floor is unsafe to eat.
04 1. Why should people know about
germs and diseases?

Wrap-up 2. How can you protect yourself

and others from germs?
Thank you!

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