Capitalism, Free Enterprise, & Market Economy
Capitalism, Free Enterprise, & Market Economy
Capitalism, Free Enterprise, & Market Economy
Laissez-faire Economics-
French term that means
“to let alone”
Government should not
interfere in the
What makes capitalism work?
1. Private Property Rights
We have the freedom to own,
2.Economic Freedom
Choice is the key in a free enterprise system
Each person can choose the type of job they want and where they
Consumers we have the right to choose the products they buy
Businesses have the right to choose the products they produce & sell
The Cost of Choice
Individuals must accept the consequences (i.e. if a individual’s
business fails the government usually won’t help them out)
Profit Motive: the driving force that encourages individuals and
organizations to improve their material well-being
What makes capitalism work? Continued…
3. Consumer Sovereignty
Consumer Sovereignty the idea that the
4. Markets
Markets are where the prices of goods and services
5. Competition
Competition is the struggle
6. Voluntary Exchange
Voluntary Exchange is the act