Economic Survey Agricultural Sector 2022

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IC survey
Agricultural Sector
growth of the
agriculture secto
is vital. Why?
For food security and rural development
in Pakistan.
It contributes 22.7 percent to the GDP and provides employment to around 37.4
percent of the labor force

The improvement in agriculture production systems will increase farm income, reduce
consumer prices and enhance diverse food supplies besides generating an exportable

Farm mechanization: important element to accelerate agriculture

The Federal Government continued the relief package that allowed on supply of
imported farm machinery and equipment at reduced tariff (Custom Duty 0-2
percent and GST 05 percent) to encourage mechanized farming in the country.
Agriculture Performance during 2021-22

remarkable growth of 4.40 percent and The crops sector outperformed and
surpassed the target of 3.5 percent and posted a growth of 6.58 percent during
last year’s growth of 3.48 percent 2021-22 against 5.96 percent last year

Livestock having share of 61.89 percent in

agriculture and 14.04 percent in GDP,

The fishing sector having share of 1.39 percent in

agriculture value addition and 0.32 percent in

Forestry sector having share of 2.14 percent in

agriculture value addition and 0.49 percent in
Crop situation
The important crops contribute 19.44 percent to value addition in agriculture
sector and 4.41 percent to GDP

Cotton area under cotton cultivation: declined

Cotton production increased
Reason: improved yield, Conducive to weather conditions. smooth input supplies,
better crop management practices and favorable cotton prices

Sugarcane area of production increased by 8.2%. Reason: higher domestic

sugar price and better sugarcane procurement price

Rice contributes 2.4 percent of value added in agriculture and 0.5 percent in GDP.
During 2021-22, the crop was sown on 3,537 thousand hectares, an increase
of 6.1 percent
Crop situation
Wheat area sown decreased to 8,976 thousand hectares (2.1 percent). The
production of wheat declined to 26.394 million tonnes (3.9 percent)

Maize crop was sown on area of 1,653 thousand hectares and recorded increase of
16.6 percent . Output grew 19 percent

Other crop:
production of rapeseed & mustard increased by 26.7 percent

production of Jowar and Bajra witnessed a decrease of 33.3 percent and 15.0
percent, respectively, due to decline in area under cultivation.
Farm inputs
1. Fertilizer: production increased by 1.9 %. Why? Running of two LNG based plants
2. Phosphate uptake DECLINED, why? High prices in international markets.
3. Urea price INCREASED, reason is government subsidizing RS 1000 per bag of DAP.
4. Farm mechanization: operational tractors: 670,000, 0.09HP/1.4HP per acre.

Tractor production reached 41871 (increased)

5.Irrigation: rainfall DECLINED. GOVT STRATEGY of “Integrated Water Resources

Management” introduce policy measures, institutional reforms, and knowledge-based
WHY? to make water infrastructure and management system efficient & sustainable
Farm inputs
Rs 90.312 billion (10 percent of total PSDP) were allocated for 91 water sector’s
development projects/studies
1.Agriculture credit: SBP has allocated the indicative agriculture credit disbursement
targets of Rs 1,700 billion for FY2022 which is 24.5 percent higher than last year’s
disbursement of Rs 1,366.0 billion.
2.Outstanding portfolio of agricultural loans has increased by Rs 30.9 billion i.e., from Rs
601.8 billion to Rs 632.7 billion
3.Farm sector disbursement: Rs 474 billion (49.5 percent)
4.Non farm sector disbursement: Rs 484.3 billion (50.5 percent)
5.Production loans decreased, development loans increased
6.Livestock/dairy & meat sector witnessed 7.8 percent growth and poultry sector
recorded 6.9 percent growth
Seed sector achievements

Distinctness, Uniformity
International and Stability (DUS)
collaborations Examination Track and Traceability of
Certified Seed
For seed sector development in A total of about 149 new
candidate lines of Oilseeds, Certified seed replacement
Pakistan, Federal Seed
Certification & Research Vegetables, Pulses, Fruits, was 19 percent out of
Department (FSC&RD) Paddy, Fodder & Forage, which 160,715 MT of new
International Cooperation Medicinal plant, Maize, rust tolerant varieties have
section was in the process of Wheat & Cotton have been been given to farmers (i.e.,
deliberations during 2021-
examined for DUS trials 15 percent certified seed
22 through different replacement of new
cooperation proposals with
during the subject period.
DUS examination is under varieties).
the various countries and
international organizations progress.

Kachhi Canal (Phase-I) with 72,000

Under Karachi Transformation Plan
CCA in Baluchistan remained
Despite COVID construction of (Storm Water Drain Projects), Restoration
operational. 55,000 of this command
mega projects were continued & Revamping of Mehmoodabad Nullah
area has been developed.
was completed,

In Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab and Khyber PC-I for Greater Karachi

Under Southern Pakhtunkhwa construction of Bulk Water Supply
Balochistan Package, medium/small/delay action dams and recharge
Scheme K-IV approved by
approval of 17 water sector dams remained in progress in FY2022.
ECNEC on 31.01.2022.
Packages Announced by
Federal Government
SBP’s Initiatives for the Promotion of Agriculture Financing

1. Crop Loan Insurance Scheme (CLIS) & Livestock

Insurance Scheme for Borrowers (LISB)

2. Credit Guarantee Scheme for Small & Marginalized

Farmers (CGSMF)

3. Adoption of Electronic Land Record Management

Information System (LRMIS) by banks for Agriculture

4. Promoting Electronic Warehouse Receipt Financing


5. Introduction of Scoring Model for Agriculture Credit

Performance of Banks

6. Introduction of Champion Bank Concept

Livestock and forestry

Forestery livestock
14% GDP contribution, 8 M
According to the latest findings of National Forest
rural families associated with
Reference Emissions Level (FREL), the country is
livestock, gross value addition
maintaining 4.786 million hectare (5.45 percent)
increased by 3.26%. Focus on
area under forest cover.
breed improvement for enhanced
Inadequate forest cover area is due to growing
population and deforestation led to f=drastic climate
change Poultry
Employment to: 1.5 M people,
investment of 720 B, growth
Total fish production: 696
rate: 7.5% leads to Pakistan
thousand MT, further
becoming 11th position on
enhancement of seafood export
largest poultry producer among
to EU countries, six more
processing plants are in pipeline
and their cases for approval are
under process with EU
Ongoing projects

Prime Minister Initiative for

Prime Minister Initiative
Calf Feedlot Fattening in
for Backyard Poultry Pakistan:
• Cost of project RS 2.4 billion.
• Cost of project RS 1.6 billion
• Promoting feedlot fattening in country.
• 30% contribution by federal government while rest of by
• Since 2019, 191757 calves fattened in
• Since 2019, 2.927million backyard poultry will be pakistan except sindh and balochistan
distributed by 30th June 2022 all over Pakistan except

Sub project:
Prime Minister Initiative
for Safe the Calf Project
Resistance (AMR).
• Cost of project RS 3.4 billion. • Improved policy environment for managing data
• 20% contribution by federal government while rest of by • Enhance quality and quantity of sites.
provincial government. • Improve AMC
• Since 2019, 167175 calves would be saved by 30th June 2022 all • Support one health approach among humans
over Pakistan except Sindh and Baluchistan.
• Project aim to be saved from early slaughter in 4 periods
Ongoing projects

Support Development and Piloting National PPR

Pakistan Animal Identification and Eradication Programme:
Traceability System (PAITS).
Under this project, efforts will be made to move Pakistan
The project will be used as pilot demonstrations in
cattle and buffaloes in limited geographic region in into stage 3 of the progressive step-wise approach of
smallholder livestock farming and selected feedlot Office International des Epizooties (OIE) for PPR
fattening dairy farms. eradication in next five years. The total cost of the
project is Rs 1.8 billion.
Under execution
Way forward
The available potential in agriculture sector needs to
be exploited to boost economic growth, job creation
and encouraging country’s exports.

Effective mechanization stands vital to enhance

productivity in this sector.
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