Institutitional Support

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 Need and Importance of Support Functions

 NSIC (National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.)

 SIDO (Small Industries Development Organisation)

 SSIB (Small Scale Industries Board)

 SSIDC (Small Scale Industries Development

 SISI (Small Industries Service Institutes)

 DIC (District Industries Centres)

 SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India)

 Specialised Institutions

 TCO (Technical Consultancy Organisation)

Need And Importance Of Support
 small-scale sectors have technology related knowledge to
take care of production and quality aspects.
 require lot of guidance and support in the beginning
 The support functions will extends necessary guidance
 An entrepreneur should be able to consider the advantages
of various Government subsidies and assistance given for
backward areas
 An elaborate frame work exists in India to provide
necessary assistance to SSI units.
NSIC(National Small Industries
Corporation Ltd.)
 NSIC was started by the Central Government in 1955 with
the objective of promoting and developing SSI units
throughout the country.
 Objectives of helping SSI units for : a) providing machinery
on hire purchase, b) assisting, marketing and exports, c)
enlisting SSI units for tender participation in Government
purchases, d) organizing supply of raw-materials, e)
training of personnel and
f) assistance in modernization.
The important functions of NSIC can be summed as under :
 Financial assistance by way of hire purchase scheme for

purchase of local and imported machinery.

 Provision of various equipments on lease basis.
 Assistance for marketing the produce in the country and

also to help in exporting the products of SSI units.

 Enlisting quality conscious good SSI units for sending

enquiries of Govt. stores and purchase departments.

 Training of workers in various trades required for SSI units.
 Assistance in up-gradation of technology, processes and

modernization of plant and machinery.

 To make bulk purchases of important raw-materials and

distribute to SSI units at reasonable rates. This avoids

speculation and exploitation by the traders.
 To develop industrial estates and testing facilities in the

industrial areas.
SIDO (Small Industries Development
 created for development of various small-scale units in
different areas.
 SIDO is a nodal agency for identifying the needs of SSI

units, coordinating and monitoring the policies

Co-ordination activities of SIDO
 To co-ordinate various programmes and policies of

various State Governments pertaining to small industries.

 To maintain relation with the Central Industries Ministry,

Planning Commission, State Level Industries Ministry and

Financial Institutions.
 Implement and co-ordinate in the development of

industrial estates.
Industrial development activities of SIDO
 Develop import substitutions for components and products based on

the data available for various volume wise and value wise imports.
 To give essential support and guidance for the development of

ancillary units.
 To provide guidance to SSI units in terms of costing market

competition and to encourage them to participate in the Government

Stores and Purchase Tenders.
 To recommend the Central Government for reserving certain items to

produce at SSI level only.

Management activities of SIDO

 To provide training, development and consultancy services to SSI to

develop their competitive strength.

 To provide marketing assistance to various SSI units.

 To assist SSI units in selection of plant and machinery, location, layout

design and appropriate process.

 To help them get updated in various information related to the small-

scale industries activities.

SSIB (Small Scale Industries Board)
 SSIB was started in 1954 by the Central Government
with the objective of developing small-scale industries
through out the country.
 SSIB advices to the Government about various
development activities of small industries and the
related matters.
 takes policy decisions on all matters related to small
SSIDC (State Small Industries
Development Corporations)
The main functions of SSIDC are as under :
 Assist for procurement of machineries on hire purchase
 Assist in marketing of the products.
 Keep stock of vital and scares raw-materials and
distribute to small industries.
 Develop industrial sheds, estates and godowns for use
of small industries.
SISI (Small Industries Service
The functions of SISI can be written as under :

 Provide technical and entrepreneurial support services.

 Guide entrepreneurs in setting up their industries.
 Assist in project reports and market information.
 Work as a link between State and Central Government
industrial departments.
 Undertake study of requirements on facilities, training
needs and modernization.
DIC (District Industries Centres)
 DICs were started in 1978 to focus on district level and rural
level promotion of small-scale industries
 provided through a single window in DICs.

The main functions of DICs are as follows :

 To conduct service about industrial growth possibilities with

reference to skilled work force, market infrastructure etc.

 Organize techno commercial reports on the identified lines

and then give advice to new entrepreneurs on these aspects.

 Provide technical guidance to entrepreneurs regarding

selection of machinery, imports, imports substitution and

 Advice entrepreneurs about favorable and unfavorable

factors pertaining to various schemes and projects put up to

 To help small industries in marketing their products.

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