MK PDGK4304: Ida Masruroh, S.PD., MM

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 MODUL 1 : Personal Information and

 MODUL 2 : Jobs and Routines
 MODUL 3 : Family Relationship
 MODUL 4 : Telling Time and Telephone

 MODUL 5 : Food and Money
 MODUL 6 : Tranportation
 MODUL 7 : Leasure Activities
 MODUL 8 : Clothing and Fabrics
 MODUL 9 : Schooling and Learning
Modul 1
Personal Information and Introduction

 Greeting
 Give self identification and personal

 Introduction oneself and others
 States of being feeling
Unit 1
 Menyapa atau memberi salam
 Menjawab sapaan atau salam dari seseorang
 Menanyakan kabar tentang kesehatan

 Menjawab pertanyaan tentang kabar atau

 Good morning good morning
 Good afternoon good afternoon
 Good evening good evening
 Hello , How are you? fine, thank you
 How have you been? Not so bad
 How are you doing? I’m very well.thank you
 What about your parent? They are fine
 How is she? She is fine
 How is your mother? She is all right
Unit 2
Give Self Identification and Personal
 Menggunakan ungkapan- ungkapan untuk
memberi informasi tentang diri sendiri
 Menggunakan ungkapan – ungkapan untuk

menanyakan identitas orang lain

 Menggunakan ungkapan – ungkapan untuk

mejelaskan asal suku atau kebangsaan

 Mengisi formulir tentang identitas diri.
Give Self Identification and Personal

 Name
 Place of birth/date of birth
 Address
 Telephone number
 Nationality and cityzenship
 What’s your name?
 May I have your name, please?
 What is your birth place?
 Where were you born?
 What is your birthday?
 How old are you?
 What ‘s your address?
 Where do you live?
 What is your zip code?
 My name is Joe Brown
 I am from Bandung
 I come from North Sumatra and my surmame

is Simanjuntak
 I am 30 years old
 My house is at jl, Mawar number10
Unit 3
Intoduction oneself and Others
Ungkapan untuk menanyakan nama orang misal :

 Are you naufal? Yes I’m

 Is your name Rifka ? No, I’m not

Ungkapan – ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan

orang lain:
 Noval, this is Dani

 Rifka , this is Farah, my sister

 Antik, this is Ida My Friend

 Safa, this is Dani my brother

 Billa, this is Dina , my daughter

 Bill, this is nita, my wife

Personal Pronoun
 Personal Pronoun (kata ganti orang)
 Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti pada subyek

dan obyek yang menunjukkan pada orang atau

 I => Me
 You => You
 She => Her
 He => Him
 It => It
 We => Us
 They => Them
 My name
 your father
 our class
 their rule
 his address
 her phone number
 its tail
Unit 4
States of being feeling

 Tired busy sad

 Slepy happy angry
 Hungry thirsty

he is hungry she is happy

I am sleepy they are thirsty
you are sad
Unit 4
States of being feeling
Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan
psikis seseorang misalnya:

 How do you feel ? I feel sleepy

 How does she fell ? She feels tired
 Is she happy? Yes, she is
 Are you hungry? No. I’m not
 Are you thirsty? Yes , I’m
 Is he depressed? No, he is not
 Is she cheerful? Yes, she is
 Are you tired? Yes I am

Please intoduce your self

 Your name
 Your address
 Your age
 Your job
 Your phone number

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