Thermal Engineering Systems (BMEE303L)
Thermal Engineering Systems (BMEE303L)
Thermal Engineering Systems (BMEE303L)
– Principle, working and performance of IC engines
Quiz-1 10 10
CAT-I 50 15
Digital Assignment-2 10 10
CAT-II 50 15
FAT 100 40
Total 100
My Experience
Academic Experience at VIT
1.Thermal Engineering Systems
2. Heat Transfer
3. Nuclear Power Engineering
Research Experience
At Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), Bangaluru
1.Performance analysis of PHE used in the Fighter Aircraft
2. Cabin Air-cooling Distribution
At IGCAR, Kalpakkam
1.Flow and temperature development in the FBR fuel pin
2.Thermal hydraulic consequences of flow blockage within
the FBR fuel pin Bundle
My Publications
– Investigations of flow and temperature field development in bare and wire-
wrapped reactor fuel pin bundles cooled by sodium. Govindha Rasu, N.,
Velusamy, K., Sundararajan, T. Chellapandi, P., Annals of Nuclear Energy,
55, 29-41 (2013).
– Simultaneous development of flow and temperature fields in wire-
wrapped fuel pin bundles of sodium cooled fast reactor. Govindha Rasu,
N., Velusamy, K., Sundararajan, T. Chellapandi, P., Nuclear Engineering
Design, 267, 44-60 (2014).
– Thermal hydraulic effect of porous blockage in fuel subassembly of sodium
cooled Fast Reactor. Govindha Rasu, N., Velusamy, K., Sundararajan, T.
Chellapandi, P., Annals of Nuclear Energy, 70, 64-81 (2014).
– Flow and thermal development in wire-wrapped fuel pin bundle of sodium
cooled Fast Reactor during low flow conditions. Govindha Rasu, N.,
Velusamy, K., Sundararajan, T. Chellapandi, P., Progress in Nuclear Energy,
81, 141-149, (2015).
My Publications with B-Tech
students at VIT
– Experimental investigation of radiator performance using TIO2 nanfluid. Sai Nikhil,Y.,
Dinesh, G. P., Girish Hemanth, B.B., Govindha Rasu, N., International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 8(6), 607-614 (2017).
– Performance improvement study of cessna-172 aircraft using CFD. Manoviraj Singh S,
Arjun Singh, Govindha Rasu, N., International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and
Technology, 8(9), 414-424 (2017).
– CFD analysis of commercial bus models for improvement of aerodynamic performance.
N. Govindha Rasu, A. M. Renil, S. J. Sachin, and J. kevin, Journal of Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, special issue-3, 106-110,(2016).
– Nanofluid Heat Transfer Mechanism and Thermo-Physical Properties: A Review.
Prashant K. Singh, Dhruv Khandelwal, C. Sidhant, A. Shubham, Priyanshu and N.
Govindha Rasu, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8(11),
pp. 156–164 (2017).
– Investigation of Steady State Forced Convection Heat Transfer in a Nanofluid Cooled
Circular Pipe, Aman Kumar, Avinash Kumar, Salil Kumar and N. Govindha Rasu,
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(4), pp. 91–101,
My Specialization
1. Heat transfer
2. Nuclear Engineering and
3. Computational Fluid dynamics
Contact Details
Govindha Rasu N
Cabin: GDN 151 (Near Robotics Lab)