Department of Mechatronics: Subject:-Electrical Engineering Second Year Mechatronics Unit 5 - Measuring Instruments

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Department of Mechatronics

Subject :- Electrical Engineering

Second Year Mechatronics
Unit 5- Measuring Instruments
Prof. S. C. Bhangale
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Contact No: 7745801978

5.2 Electro-dynamic wattmeter, energy meter, digital multi

meter, Clip on meter, Megger (Applications only)

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 2

Electro-dynamic wattmeter
 Wattmeter is an electric instrument which is used to measure the electric
power of various electric circuits.
 It consists of a current coil and a voltage coil.
 These instruments are widely used in transmission and distribution of electric
power and these are also used for protection purposes.
 Dynamometer type wattmeter works on very simple principle and this
principle can be stated as when any current carrying conductor is placed inside a
magnetic field, it experiences a mechanical force and due to this mechanical
force deflection of conductor takes place.
Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 3
Working Principle of Wattmeter:

Dynamometer type Wattmeter

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 4

 It consists of two stationary coils, called current coils
and one moving coil, called voltage or potential coil.
 The moving coil is mounted on the spindle, in the gap
between two stationary coils, as shown.
 The current coils are connected such that they carry the
current proportional to (or equal to) the load current
and the voltage coil is connected in such a way that it
carries the current proportional to the load voltage.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 5

 It consists of two stationary coils, called current coils
and one moving coil, called voltage or potential coil.
 The moving coil is mounted on the spindle, in the gap
between two stationary coils, as shown.
 The current coils are connected such that they carry the
current proportional to (or equal to) the load current
and the voltage coil is connected in such a way that it
carries the current proportional to the load voltage.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 6

 The interaction between two magnetic fields
causes the production of force on moving
system, which is proportional to the product of
voltage and current i.e. power.
 The meter can be calibrated directly to indicate
the power in watts.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 7


• The dynamometer wattmeter works on the motor principle
• When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it
experiences a force and tends to move in the direction as per Fleming’s
left hand rule.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 8

Advantages & Disadvantages of Dynamometer Type Wattmeter

Advantages of Dynamometer Type Wattmeter

These instruments are made to give very high accuracy and these are used as a
standard for calibration purposes.
These instruments provide full accuracy on direct current (DC).

Disadvantages of Dynamometer Type Wattmeter

These instruments cannot provide full accuracy on alternating Current (AC).
These instruments cause errors at low power factor.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 9

Energy Meter
The meter which is used for measuring the energy utilises by the electric load
is known as the energy meter.
The energy is the total power consumed and utilised by the load at a particular
interval of time.
It is used in domestic and industrial AC circuit for measuring the power
consumption. The meter is less expensive and accurate.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 10

Energy Meter

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 11

The energy meter has four main parts. They are the
1.Driving System
2.Moving System
3.Braking System
4.Registering System

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 12

Working of the Energy Meter
 The energy meter has the aluminium disc whose rotation determines the
power consumption of the load.
 When induction energy meter is connected in circuit, the pressure coil on the
shunt magnet carries current which is proportional to the applied voltage
across the load.
 While the current coil on the series magnet carries the load current.
 The magnetic flux produced by these two magnets are cut by the aluminum

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 13

 According to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, emf is induced
in the disc & currents are circulated in it.
 There is interaction between these currents & the magnetic field produced
by the two magnets.
 Due to this interaction the driving force is produced & the aluminium disc
starts rotating.
 Driving torque is given by,
Td ∝ P
 ∴ the driving torque is directly ∝ to the power consumed by the load.
Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 14
Advantages & Disadvantages of Energy Meter

Easy to monitor your energy usage and spending using in-home display
Accurate bills- no more estimates!

They won't reduce your bills alone.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 15

Clip on meter (Clamp Meter)
 A clamp meter is an electrical test tool that combines a basic
digital multimeter with a current sensor. 
 Clamps measure current. Probes measure voltage.
 Clip on meter or clamp meters are very convenient testing instrument that
permits current measurements on a live conductor without circuit interruption.
 When making current measurements with the ordinary multimeter or
ammeter, we need to cut wiring & connect the instrument to the circuit.
 Using the clamp meter, we can measure current by simply claming on a
Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 16
Clip on ammeter-
The principle of operation is shown in above Primary
figure, where it can be seen that the clamp‐on
jaws of the instrument act as a transformer core
and the current carrying conductor acts as a
primary winding. The resulting secondary
current is then measured by the instrument
(taking the turns-ratio of the current transformer
into account).

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 17


Current induced in the secondary winding is

rectified and applied to a moving‐coil meter.
Use -
Clip-on ammeter is used to measure the AC
current without breaking the circuit or without
opening the circuit.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 18

Working principle of clip on meter
 A Clamp on meter works on the principle of Faradays laws of
electromagnetic induction.
 When their primary conductor is connected to a.c. supply, a current flows
through it.
 This current flowing through the primary conductor produces an alternating
magenetic flux .
 This flux links with secondary winding through the magenetic core &
induces an emf in it according to the faraday’s laws of electromagnetic
Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 19
Clip on Meter

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 20

Application of clip on meter
Application of clip on meter.
Clip-on meter is used to measure the High value AC current without breaking the
circuit Or without opening the circuit

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 21

Digital Multi meter
 A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a
VOM (volt-ohm-milliammeter), is an electronic
measuring instrument that combines several
measurement functions in one unit.
 The Digital multi-meter is an instrument capable of
measuring dc voltage , ac voltage, dc current, ac
current, resistance, conductance & decibels.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 22

Digital Multi meter

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 23

Features of Digital Multimeter

1.t is light in weight.

2.Capable of giving more accurate readings.
3.It measures lots of physical quantities like voltage, current, resistance,
frequency etc.
4. It is less costly.
5. It measures different electrical parameters at high frequencies with the help
of special probes.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 24

Block diagram of DMM

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 25

 As shown in the block diagram, in a typical
Digital multimeter the input signal i.e ac or dc
voltage, current, resistance, temperature or any
other parameter is converted to dc voltage
within the range of the ADC.
 The analog to digital converter then converts
the pre-scaled dc voltage into its equivalent
digital numbers which will be displayed on the
display unit.
Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 26
Advantages of digital multimeter :
•They are having higher accuracy.
•An unambiguous reading is obtained.
•The output can be interfaced with external equipment.
•They are available in smaller sizes.
•It can be used for measurement of A.C. and D.C. both quantity.
•It can be used for measurement of various parameters such as resistance,
voltage, current etc.
•Measurement of quantities with different range can be possible.
•It is small in size or compact.
Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 27
Disadvantages of digital multimeter :

1) The LCD display depends on a battery or external power source. When the

battery is low, the display will be dim, making it difficult to read.
2) There is a voltage limitation. If it is increased beyond the limit, the meter will
be damaged.
3) It is more expensive than the analog type.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 28

Aplications of Digital Multimeter

1) To measure ac & dc voltages.

2) To measure ac & dc currents.
3) To measure resistances.
4) To check continuity of electrical circuits / elements as resistances, coils etc
5) To test Diode.
6) To test transistor.
7) To measure capacitance.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 29


An instrument that is used to measure insulation resistance is a Megger. It is

also known as meg-ohm-meter. It is used in several areas like multi-meters,
transformers, electrical wiring, Etc
Principle of Megger
The principle of Megger is based on moving coil in the instrument. When
current is flowing in a conductor, which is placed in a magnetic field, it
experiences a torque.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 30

There are two types of Megger.
•Hand Driven Type
•Electronic Type

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 31

Hand Driven Type
•Hand Driven Type –
Hand driven megger test consists of a
handle that is used to drive a generator inside
the Megger.
This generator supplies DC power to the
coil that is under the influence of a magnet.
Due to the influence of the magnetic field,
an emf is induced in the primary coil.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 32

Advantages of Hand driven type Megger

• Oldest method used for the insulation resistance calculation but still is an
important one.
• External sources are not required for the operation.
• Cheaper and easily available in market.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 33

Disadvantages of Hand driven type Megger
• Labor requirement if more, that is, 2. One for connecting the megger
with the electrical system that is to be tested and other for the rotation of
the crank
• Accuracy level varies with the rotation speed of crank
• Analog display shows the result
• High safety and care is required for the use of the equipment.
• Placing of equipment at work sites is an issue since it requires a stable
position for operation and unstable placing affects the results.
Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 34
Electronic Type –
•Electronic Type –
For the time being, electronic megger is
introduced to overcome the disadvantages
of the hand-driven type.
It has a digital meter and a monitor that
displays the exact values.
The electronic type megger is shown in
the figure below.
Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 35
Advantages of Electronic Type Megger

• Accuracy level is very high.

• Digital display enables easy readability of insulation resistance values.
• Instrumentation operation can be carried out by a single person.
• Even when used in a congested place this device works perfectly and is
very handy and safer.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 36

Disadvantages of Electronic Type Megger

• External source of energy is required like dry cell.

• This device is costlier in the market.

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 37

Applications of Megger
The equipment basically uses for verifying the electrical insulation level
of any device such as motors, cables, generators, windings, etc
•Used in motors, transformers, and cables.
•Power generation
•Quality Testing Companies
•Solar generation
•Industrial companies.
Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 38

 Electrical technology (Vol. I & II) - B. L. Theraja

 Basic Electrical Engineering - Mittle & Mittal
 Fundamental of Electrical Engg. - Mittle & Mittal
 Sources from Internet

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 39

Thank you…

Department Of Mechatronics, Sanjivani K. B. P.Polytechnic, Kopargaon Prof. S.C.Bhangale 40

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