Department of Mechatronics: Subject:-Electrical Engineering Second Year Mechatronics Unit 5 - Measuring Instruments
Department of Mechatronics: Subject:-Electrical Engineering Second Year Mechatronics Unit 5 - Measuring Instruments
Department of Mechatronics: Subject:-Electrical Engineering Second Year Mechatronics Unit 5 - Measuring Instruments
Department of Mechatronics
• The dynamometer wattmeter works on the motor principle
• When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it
experiences a force and tends to move in the direction as per Fleming’s
left hand rule.
Easy to monitor your energy usage and spending using in-home display
Accurate bills- no more estimates!
They won't reduce your bills alone.
• Oldest method used for the insulation resistance calculation but still is an
important one.
• External sources are not required for the operation.
• Cheaper and easily available in market.