Introduction To Stakeholder Engagement in M&E

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Introduction to Stakeholder

Engagement in M&E

Presented by
Petra Najjuka Sewagaba, PMP®

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture

1 Resources.

 Failure to understand the importance of

planning , managing and controlling
stakeholder engagement has a huge impact
on understanding project monitoring and

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

2 Lecture Resources.
Preamble cont’d

 In reality, the project manager needs to be

an expert in project management, while the
stakeholders serve as the technical experts
in what needs to be done and how it needs
to be done.

 Work can not be done well without

stakeholder involvement.
Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).
3 Lecture Resources.
Who Is a Stakeholder

 This refers to any person or organization

whose interests may be positively or
negatively impacted by the project or its
product, as well as anyone who can exert
positive or negative influence over the

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

4 Lecture Resources.
Brainstorming Exercise!

The concept of stakeholder management can

be troublesome for those who do not do it for
their real world projects. How should you
involve stakeholders throughout the life of a

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture

5 Resources.

1. Identify all of them

2. Determine their requirements
3. Determine their expectations
4. Determine their interest
5. Determine their level of influence
6. Plan how u will manage them
7. Plan how you will communicate with them
Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).
6 Lecture Resources.
Required cont’d

8. Manage their expectations , influence and

engagement throughout the cycle
9. Communicate with them
10. Control communication and stakeholder

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

7 Lecture Resources.
The Stakeholder Management

1. Identify stakeholders
2. Plan Stakeholder Management
3. Manage Stakeholder Engagement
4. Control stakeholder Engagement

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

8 Lecture Resources.
1. Identify stakeholders Process

 It is essential to identify all stakeholders on

the project at Initiation stage . Why? Any
stakeholders found later can bring about
changes in the plan which can have an
implication on the cost and schedule of
project activities.

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

9 Lecture Resources.
Introduction to Stakeholder
Identification tools in M&E

Presented by
Petra Najjuka Sewagaba, PMP®

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture

10 Resources.
A). Stakeholder Analysis

 It is a technique used to identify stakeholders and

analyze their impact or influence on the project
throughout the life of the projects

 Stakeholder analysis results should be recorded

carefully – the information can be very sensitive. The
audience for reporting results of stakeholder analysis
must be considered very carefully if it is outside of
the Project Board.

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

11 Lecture Resources.
Brainstorming Exercise!

Why do we conduct a stakeholder


Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture

12 Resources.
Why carry out stakeholder

 Draws out the interests of stakeholders in relation to the

project’s objectives. Stakeholders who will be directly
affected by, or who could directly affect, the project are
clearly of greater importance than those who are only
indirectly affected;

 Identifies actual and potential conflicts of interest – a

stakeholder who is vital to your project may have many
other priorities and you need to know this so that you can
plan how to engage with them;

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

13 Lecture Resources.
Why carry out stakeholder
Analysis cont’d

 Identifies viability other than in pure financial terms (e.g.

includes social factors) – for example staff who will be
using a new system might be worried about the change;

 Helps provide an overall picture;

 Helps identify relationships between different

stakeholders – helping to identify possible coalition

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

14 Lecture Resources.
stakeholder Analysis cont’d

 Once you have identified your stakeholders, the

table below, which is an example of a simple
stakeholder analysis, can be used as a template

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

15 Lecture Resources.
Example of a stakeholder analysis

Stakeholder Stake in Impact What we need Perceived Stakeholder responsibility

Project from them attitudes / mgt strategy

Registrar Policy High Commitment to Lack of clarity Involvement Registrar


Faculty New OPS Medium Commitment to Lack of Involvement Sponsor

implementing interest
change .
Admin staff New OPS High Contribute to Worried about Involvement Project Team
system and change
process design
and testing .

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

16 Lecture Resources.
Template showing stakeholder category and
strategy to manage them

Name of Knowledge Position Interest Alliance Resources Power strategy



Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture

17 Resources.
Create a Stakeholder Map

 Map stakeholders on a Stakeholders Matrix according to the

level of impact of the change on them and the importance
these stakeholders to the success of the change project.

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

18 Lecture Resources.

 Another good tool to use to help you identify all your

stakeholders is PESTLE. By considering each of
these categories and how they relate to your project,
you can then identify stakeholders. For example
when thinking about the Legal aspect, you may
realize a contract for services is needed. This will
require input from our Legal team, so clearly they are
a stakeholder.

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

19 Lecture Resources.
PESTLE Illustration

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

20 Lecture Resources.
2. Plan Stakeholder Management

 The identify stakeholder process can result in

a register of hundreds of stakeholders.
Managing the impact, relationship, and
engagement of this many people is essential
to project success.

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

21 Lecture Resources.
Plan Stakeholder Management

 Stakeholders can be a problem or an asset

on a project, depending on how well a project
is planned, hence need for a project
management plan.

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

22 Lecture Resources.
Brainstorming Exercise!

As you plan to get to know your

stakeholders, What qualities do you want
to nurture in your relationship with them?

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture

23 Resources.

 During planning , the M&E team needs to

figure out how much time to spend with
stakeholders and which stakeholders will
require most time.
 Review meetings, historical records, expert
judgment are some of the relevant tools that
can help you anticipate and plan for
stakeholder needs for a project.
Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).
24 Lecture Resources.
Stakeholder Management Plan -

 This is the output of plan stakeholder

management process. It might detail the
1. Desired levels of engagement for
2. Which stakeholders will be involved – details
3. Information distribution

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

25 Lecture Resources.
Stakeholder Management Plan

 Guidelines of evaluating how well the plan is

meeting the needs of the stakeholders and
the project.

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

26 Lecture Resources.
3. Manage stakeholder
engagement process

 “ an M&E expert notices that a stakeholder who used to provide

helpful input regularly has become less involved in the project
lately. The M&E expert touches base with the stakeholder to
say, I have really missed getting your feedback on the status
reports. I have always appreciated your comments. Is there a
reason why you have been holding back lately? Is there
anything I can do to get you more involved?

 Question? As an M& Expert, why bother doing that?

 Can you see how stakeholders all having a different
picture of the future could cause problems?

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

27 Lecture Resources.

 The M&E Expert should review the stakeholder mgt

plan change log, organizational process assets to
determine what to do to maintain stakeholder
engagement during the project. It is also important to
consult the communication management plan given
how important good communication is to stakeholder

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

28 Lecture Resources.

 It is essential for the M&E expert to maintain

trust, help resolve conflicts, prevent
problems, foster agreement among
stakeholders to meet the needs of the project
and generally encourage stakeholder support
of the project and

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

29 Lecture Resources.
4. Control Stakeholder
Engagement Process

 Maintaining stakeholder relationships and

controlling their engagements are on going
responsibilities for the M&E manager

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023).

30 Lecture Resources.
Brainstorming Exercise!

What is the relevancy of monitoring &

evaluating Stakeholders perceptions as the
project progresses?

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture

31 Resources.
Conclusion. M&E and Stakeholder

 Most, if not all, development initiatives, involve a network of

diverse stakeholders with varying interests and varying types
and levels of power. They include for example the primary
stakeholders (beneficiaries), clients, development NGOs,
government agencies. This makes a development initiative
deeply political, just as is the case for any other social process.

 Within organizations there are power dynamics between the

work floor and management, while power struggles between
organizations are part of the course. Meanwhile, in communities
power differences are played out in all corners: between leaders
and others, women and men, young and old, rich and poor.
Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture
32 Resources.
Conclusion. M&E and Stakeholder

 M&E that engages stakeholders in critical reflection and brings

greater transparency to the actions and performance of different
groups can threaten the status quo of existing political relations and
power dynamics

 An individual or organization can fear that his/her/its position and

credibility will be affected by transparency about their performance
or being too frank about the performance of others

 An individual in a management position may well feel too personally

insecure to feel comfortable exposing themselves to criticism - or to
the potential consequences of loss of face or contract termination
Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture
33 Resources.
Conclusion. M&E and Stakeholder

 For M&E to be effective under these circumstances, those who are to

introduce learning elements must have a solid understanding of the
power dynamics and politics of the situation. This understanding will
help them introduce the process in ways that can build trust or to
accept the limits of what is possible in contexts where open and
transparent M&E processes are not (yet) politically feasible.

 In relation to power, M&E can itself become a critical tool for

empowerment - or disempowerment. For example, participatory impact
assessment can be developed in a way that holds donors and
implementing agencies and NGOs accountable to those they should
be benefiting.

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture

34 Resources.

 Questions, Comments are welcome

 Group Exercise:

Petra. N.Sewagaba. (2023). Lecture

35 Resources.

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