Writing Research Proposal: BY Dr. Robert Mugabe
Writing Research Proposal: BY Dr. Robert Mugabe
Writing Research Proposal: BY Dr. Robert Mugabe
Dr. Robert Mugabe
Research proposal
A research proposal is a document,
which gives an account of what will be
investigated and a detailed plan of
action. It is the first step in developing
a research project
It is a written presentation of an
intended or planned process that the
researcher will take
It outlines specific aspects and activities of
the research process. The research proposal
should clearly spell out the research problem,
objectives, research questions/hypotheses,
theoretical/conceptual framework,
significance and scope of the study,
limitations of the study, operational terms,
and the methodology that will be used to
gather and analyze it.
The process of preparing a proposal
should rely on adequate reading and
citation of relevant literature.
Purpose of the Proposal
The main purpose of the proposal is to
demonstrate that the person intending
to do research (the student/researcher)
has a clear and systematic
conceptualization of the research
problem and the research process and
that he/she has done adequate reading
and is informed about recent work done
in the area of interest.
Reasons for writing a research
consistence/dependability of an instrument in
measuring what it is designed to measure.
Validity of an instrument is the extent to
which an instrument measures what it
designed to measure and measuring it
Pre-testing of instruments can be used
to guarantee validity and reliability.
3.9 Procedures of data collection