Unit - 2: Consumer Learning
Unit - 2: Consumer Learning
Unit - 2: Consumer Learning
• If motives serve to stimulate learning, cues are the stimuli that give direction to
the motives.
• In the marketplace, price, styling, packaging, advertising, store displays etc. are
cues that help consumers to fulfill their needs.
• Cues can direct the drives of the consumers when they are consistent with
their expectations.
• Hence, we can say that Motives drive learning and Cues give direction to
• Example: All 4Ps could act as cues and give direction to motives; eg. the
packaging of the product (colorful design; easy to carry; reusable containers),
price (discounts, sales), place (store display, store layout, window dressing)
and promotion (advertisement).
• Response means how shall individuals react to a cue.
That means, response means the way individuals
behave when they come across cues
• A response is not tied to a need in a one-to-one
• A need or motive may generate variety of responses.
• The response of a consumer depends heavily on
previous learning. Previous learning depends on how
related responses were reinforced previously.
• Reinforcement increases the chance that a specific response will occur in the
future as the result of particular cues or stimuli.
• If a consumer is rewarded, that consumer has learnt to associate the purchase
with a pleasant feeling and is likely to repeat the learnt behaviour and become
a loyal customer.
• An action always has a reaction; based on the reaction, the behavior gets
reinforced. In other words, if the action (behavior) is followed by a reaction
that is positive or pleasant or rewarding, the action (behavior) gets positively
reinforced; the likelihood of repetition of that action (behavior) increases.
• If the action (behavior) is followed by a reaction that is negative or unpleasant
or unrewarding, the action (behavior) gets negatively reinforced; and the
likelihood of repetition of that action (behavior) decreases.
EXAMPLE: Basic elements of Learning
Before conditioning
• Before conditioning is when the unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response come into play. This is the
natural response that wasn’t taught.
• For instance, food produces salivating, or a stomach virus produces nausea.
• At this point, the conditioned stimulus is still called the neutral stimulus because it currently has no effect.
During conditioning
• We begin to associate the neutral stimulus with the unconditioned response.
• For instance, you may associate a specific type of food with a stomach virus, or the bell ringing before getting food
may be associated with receiving food.
After conditioning
• Once you’ve learned to associate the conditioned stimulus with the unconditioned response, it becomes the
conditioned response.
• So, the specific type of food now produces nausea (even if it wasn’t necessarily what caused the stomach virus),
and the bell creates salivation.
• In this way, you’ve unconsciously learned to associate the new stimulus (whether situation, object, person, etc.)
with the response.
• There are many different examples of classical conditioning and how we can
learn in our daily lives.
Example 1
• For the last few years, you receive your paycheck every Friday. Even though
you have a new job where you receive your paycheck on different days, you
still feel good on Fridays. You’ve been conditioned to associate it with the
positivity of receiving that paycheck.
Example 2
• You used to smoke in a certain outside area at work but have recently quit
smoking. Every time you go to this outside break area, your body craves a
Example 3
• During a thunderstorm, a tree breaks and falls onto your house, causing major
damage. Now whenever you hear thunder, you feel anxiety.
• Operant conditioning, sometimes referred to as instrumental conditioning,
is a method of learning that employs rewards and punishments for
behavior. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between a
behavior and a consequence (whether negative or positive) for that
• For example, when lab rats press a lever when a green light is on, they
receive a food pellet as a reward. When they press the lever when a red
light is on, they receive a mild electric shock. As a result, they learn to press
the lever when the green light is on and avoid the red light.
• But operant conditioning is not just something that takes place in
experimental settings while training lab animals. It also plays a powerful
role in everyday learning. Reinforcement and punishment take place in
natural settings all the time, as well as in more structured settings such as
classrooms or therapy sessions.
• His theory was heavily influenced by the work of psychologist Edward Thorndike,
who had proposed what he called the law of effect. According to this principle,
actions that are followed by desirable outcomes are more likely to be repeated
while those followed by undesirable outcomes are less likely to be repeated.
• Operant conditioning relies on a fairly simple premise: Actions that are followed
by reinforcement will be strengthened and more likely to occur again in the
future. If you tell a funny story in class and everybody laughs, you will probably
be more likely to tell that story again in the future.
• If you raise your hand to ask a question and your teacher praises your polite
behavior, you will be more likely to raise your hand the next time you have a
question or comment. Because the behavior was followed by reinforcement, or a
desirable outcome, the preceding action is strengthened.
• Conversely, actions that result in punishment or undesirable consequences will
be weakened and less likely to occur again in the future.
Types of Behaviors
• Skinner distinguished between two different types of behaviors
• Respondent behaviors are those that occur automatically and
reflexively, such as pulling your hand back from a hot stove or jerking
your leg when the doctor taps on your knee. You don't have to learn
these behaviors. They simply occur automatically and involuntarily.
• Operant behaviors, on the other hand, are those under our conscious
control. Some may occur spontaneously and others purposely, but it
is the consequences of these actions that then influence whether or
not they occur again in the future. Our actions on the environment
and the consequences of that action make up an important part of
the learning process.
Components of Operant Conditioning
• Reinforcement in Operant Conditioning
• Reinforcement is any event that strengthens or increases the behavior it follows.
There are two kinds of reinforcers. In both of these cases of reinforcement, the
behavior increases.
• Positive reinforcers are favorable events or outcomes that are presented after the
behavior. In positive reinforcement situations, a response or behavior is
strengthened by the addition of praise or a direct reward. If you do a good job at
work and your manager gives you a bonus, that bonus is a positive reinforcer.
• Negative reinforcers involve the removal of an unfavorable events or outcomes
after the display of a behavior. In these situations, a response is strengthened by
the removal of something considered unpleasant. For example, if your child starts
to scream in the middle of a restaurant, but stops once you hand them a treat,
your action led to the removal of the unpleasant condition, negatively reinforcing
your behavior (not your child's).
Punishment in Operant Conditioning
• Punishment is the presentation of an adverse event or outcome that causes a
decrease in the behavior it follows. There are two kinds of punishment. In both of
these cases, the behavior decreases.
• Positive punishment, sometimes referred to as punishment by application, presents
an unfavorable event or outcome in order to weaken the response it follows.
Spanking for misbehavior is an example of punishment by application.
• Negative punishment, also known as punishment by removal, occurs when a
favorable event or outcome is removed after a behavior occurs. Taking away a child's
video game following misbehavior is an example of negative punishment.
Reinforcement Schedules
• New behaviour can be learned and old behaviour can be changed with the help of
reinforcement schedule.
• Reinforcement schedule must focus on time and frequency of reinforcement.
Examples of Operant Conditioning
4. Appeal to emotions
• Marketers typically want consumers to have positive emotions associated with their products. They may
also want to address any doubts or anxiety that consumers have. An emotional appeal can allow them to
counter rational decision-making that might be an obstacle to a consumer's purchasing actions. For
instance, a campaign might seek to make a consumer feel more positive about a product by highlighting
its unique features. This may lead consumers to disregard feelings of anxiety over price and purchase the