Reticulocyte Count
Reticulocyte Count
Reticulocyte Count
• immature RBCs that contain remnant cytoplasmic
ribonucleic acid (RNA) and organelles such as
mitochondria and ribosomes.
• the RBCs have six stages :
1) Pronormoblast
2) Basophilic normoblast
3) polychromatophilic normoblast Bone Marrow
4) orthochromic normoblast
5) Reticulocyte 2-3 day B.M. ,
1 day P.B.
6) mature red blood cell.
peripheral blood
The reticulocyte count is an important diagnostic tool.
It is a reflection of the amount of effective red blood
cell production taking place in the bone marrow.
RBCs life span ~ 100 days, ± 20 days
Reticulocyte ~ 1 day in peripheral blood
Then the B.M. replaces approximately 1 % of the
adult red blood cells every day.
normal value :
0.5 to 2.5/100 red blood cells (or, 0.5 to 2.5%)
absolute count : 50 to 100 X 109/L
Indicates that the bone marrow is not producing a
normal number of red blood cells.
Found in
1) Aplastic anemia.
2) Exposure to radiation or radiation therapy.
3) Chronic infection.
4) Untreated pernicious anemia, megaloblastic anemia
and iron deficiency anemia
5) chemotherapy medications.
when the bone marrow makes more red cells in
response to:
1. thalassemia, sideroblastic anemia.
2. in acute and chronic blood loss.
3. Hemolytic anemias.
4. Pregnancy.
5. Pernicious Anemia or iron deficiency anemia after
6. Medications.
• Are visualized by staining with vital dyes (such as
new methylene blue, Brilliant Cresyl Blue, Pure
azure B)
B that precipitate the RNA and organelles,
forming a filamentous network of reticulum
• On Wright stain.
stain the reticulocyte appears
polychromatophilic or as a macrocytic blue red cell.
Whole blood (1 mL), using tripotassium EDTA as the
anticoagulant. Capillary blood may also be used.
To detect the presence of reticulocytes must be stained
while they are still living. This process is called
supra¬vital staining. Whole blood is incubated with new
methylene blue. Smears of this mixture are then prepared
and examined. The number of reticulocytes in 1000 red
blood cells is determined. This number is divided by 10
to obtain the reticulocyte count in percent.
Mix equal amounts of methylene blue and EDTA .1
(two to three drops) on a small test
tube. If anemic use a larger proportion of blood; use a
smaller proportion of blood if
Mix the tube and allow standing at room temperature .2
or leaving in water bath or incubator at 37oC for 15-20
minutes. This allows the reticulocytes adequate time to
.take up the stain
Mix blood and stain mixture thoroughly and make .3
.two thin wedge or spun smears and allow to air dry
Place the first slide on the microscope stage and, .4
using the low power objective (10X), find an area in the
thin pore on of the smear in which the red blood cells
are evenly distributed and are not touching each other.
Carefully change to the "oil immersion objective (100x)
and further locate an area in which there are
approximately 100 to 200 red blood cells per oil
.immersion field
1. Average the two results and calculate the reticulocyte
count as shown below.
• Absolute Reticulocyte Count (ARC): is the
actual number of reticulocytes in 1L of whole
blood. This is calculated by multiplying the retic
% by the RBCs count and dividing by 100.
: Example
Reticulocytes Count
Newborn % 6.0 – 2.5
RPI or greater 3
• When using EDTA as the anticoagulant, the blood
may be stored for 24 hours prior to staining while still
obtaining acceptable results. It is thought, however,
that the reticulocyte count may tend to drop after 6 to 8
hours after obtaining the specimen.