Oral Week 5 Done
Oral Week 5 Done
Oral Week 5 Done
Linear Communication Models
The first kind of model that experts have made to
understand the process of communication.
Characteristics of the linear model are
the following:
1) Unidirectional - It is one-way
communication. The speaker
sends messages to the receiver
with or without effect.
b) Attitudes of the sender and receiver also plays a part in the process.
The sender’s attitude towards others, himself/herself, and the
environment can affect the meaning of the message.
c) Knowledge of the sender and receiver on the subject matter makes
the sender and effective communicator. If the sender is familiar with
the subject or topic at hand, it adds value and impact to the message.
a) Communication Skills
b) Attitudes
c) Knowledge
d) Social System
e) Culture
Transactional Communication Models
Interactive Communication
Interactive communication model,
also known as convergence model,
emphasizes the coding and decoding
components of the process.
f. Message - data sent by the sender and information that the receiver gets.
i. Noise - interference disruptions during the process. This is also created when the
intended meaning sent by the sender is different from what was interpreted by the
j.Field of experience - patterns which affect the communication process. This can be
from society, culture, situations, psychological or sociological events or experiences of
the sender and receiver.