G7 Scada

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College of Engineering, Ambajogai

Department of Electrical Engineering

A Project Seminar on


I. Mohini
Chaudhari Roll
Roll No.
No. :: (59)
III. Shivkanya Bhise Roll No. : (65)

Project Guide: Mr. N.G.Kulkarni

Index :
Literature Survey
Block Diagram
Approximate Cost of Project
Proposed Work
• SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Literature Survey
1.The development of a supervisory control and acquisition (SCADA) based’ remote terminal unit
(RTU) for customer side distribution automation system’’ DAS was presented by M.M Ahmed and
W.L.Soo in 2008 [1]

2.Modern industrial facilities have command & control system on that “efficient secure
group communication’’ on was presented by S. Lee and D .won in 2010 [2]

3.Traditionally remote monitoring architectures have relied on “sacda approaches to remote condition
monitoring’’ was presented by P. parker and S. Chadwick .in 2011 [3]

4.Owners industries traveling around the world need some system on ‘remote access of scada with online
video streaming’’ was presented by S.F.Ahmed and A.Surti in 2013 [4].

5.The manufacturing industries tend to meet the ever increasing demands of people on ‘implementation of scada
in industries using wireless technologies’’ was presented S.R. Desai and D.R. Gajanaan in 2015 [5]

6.Now a days SCADA system are used various application like ‘web based control and data acquisition system
for industrial application monitoring’’ was presented M.D. Unde and P.S. Karhe in 2017 [6]

7.The process automation is made effective and more accurate with the help of automation ‘cost effective scada for
remote monitoring and control for effective process automation using HMI’’ was presented by G.jayanthi and
K.praveen in 2018 [7]

8.The development of SCADA system based on ‘SCADA system implemention for small system
electricity’’ was presented by K.M. tofani and P.A. permano in 2020 [8]

9.SCADA is the abbreviation for ‘an industrial SCADA system remote control using
mobile phones’’ was presented by A. Elgail and A. Saad.in 2022 [9]
Block Diagram

• The Arduino Uno is one kind of

microcontroller board
based on ATmega328,
Temperature Sensor
• Temperature sensor
senses the room
• Relay is a electro-
mechanical switch used
to control high power
Power Supply

• Transformer

• Rectifier

• Regulator
Approximate Cost of Project
Components Cost
LCD 700/-
Relay 1000/-
Transformer 1000/-
Microcontroller 1050/-
Temp Sensor 300/-
Lamp 50/-
A to D Converter 200/-
PCB 180/-
MAX 232 600/-
Load Mechanism 700/-
Total Cost 13000/-
• This system is easy to design.
• We can easily install this system at any
• The power requirement of this system is very

• Installation costs are higher.

• The system increases unemployment rates
• We can use this system where the industrial
automation is required.
• For the industries where the power
consumption is a major factor.
Proposed Work
Our project contain mainly the three types those are :-

Phase 1 - Includes the process of system development moving

forward the Phase 2.

Phase 2 - Involves the testing of component and model & at

nal stage that is Phase 3.

Phase 3 - Will contain the commissioning procedure that is the

output stage of our project.
1. M. M. Ahmad and W. L. Soo " SCADA based customised RTU for
distribution automation IEEE ", IEEE second international power and
energy conference ( PE con 08 ) 2008 Malaysia , pp 1655 -
2. S. Lee and D. Won " SCADA based on the efcient secure
group communication IEEE transactions on power delivery. For 2010 pp 714
- 722 .
3. S. F. Ahmad and A. Surti " SCADA based on remote excess of
online video streaming IEEE 8th international
Conference for 2013 pp 270 - 274 .
4. S. R. Desai and D. R. Gajanan " Implementation of SCADA in
industries using wireless IEEE international Conference on industrial for 2015
pp 143 - 148 .
Thank you

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