Nursing Research Definition, Need, Purpose

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RE –

The word was derived from the old French
word cerchier, meaning to“seek or search”.
The prefix re means “again” and signifies
replication of the search.
• Research is defined as a systematic &
scientific process to answer to questions
about facts & relationship between facts. It
is activity involved in seeking answer to
unanswered questions.
• Research seeks to generate an answer to
the problem as well as suggesting
additional questions in need of further of
further inquiry.
Nursing research is scientific, systematic & orderly
process to find out solution for problems concern to
nursing or generating and refining the nursing
knowledge to improve quality of nursing care,
nursing education, nursing administration

• Nursing research is a way to identify

new knowledge, improve professional
education & practices & use of
resource effectively.
• international council of Nurses
Needs and purpose of nursing research
The specific purpose of nursing research
includes identification, description,
exploration, explanation, prediction &control
of facts. Therefore , nursing research enables
nurses in the following ways:
•Develop refine & extend the scientific base
of knowledge, which is required for quality
nursing care, education, administration.
•Enhance body of professional knowledge in
 Description

 Exploration

 Explanation

 Prediction and control

 Answers to question/ solution to a

 Discovering and interpreting new facts

 Establishes generalization and builds

 Formulating new phenomenon

 Development of clinical

 Promotes EBN
 Document cost effectiveness

 Develop nursing principles and theories

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