Developing A Sales Strategy
Developing A Sales Strategy
Developing A Sales Strategy
A sales strategy is concerned about generating real,
quantifiable profits. No matter how good your
product or marketing plan is, it will be for nothing if
your sales process can’t produce results.
• What is a sales strategy
• Why do you need a sales strategy
• Types of sales strategy
• Keys to developing a sales strategy
• How to build a sales strategy
• Best practices for a sturdy sales strategy
• Optimizing sales strategies with CRM
• What is a sales strategy
A sales strategy is a plan by an individual or a company to sell
products or services to generate and increase revenue. It enables you
to sell your products or services over and again successfully. This
strategy is always tested, evaluated, and optimized to achieve the
desired results.
• Difference bet. Marketing strategy and Sales Strategy
A marketing strategy focuses on increasing the product/service’s
A sales strategy concentrates on actually selling the product/service
• A sales strategy helps
• What are the types of sales strategies
1. Inbound sales strategies
involve attracting prospects to your website
creating a website, writing blogs, and optimizing web pages are
some ways to attract your potential customers.
prospects are actively looking for a solution or information
regarding their needs
more prone to purchase from you
at this stage, your salespeople act as consultants who educate
prospects, address their questions and concerns, and nurture them
through their decision-making process.
2. Outbound sales strategies
allow you to reach out to potential customers, spread the word about your
product or service, and finally sell to them.
This strategy is built on the foundation of knowing who your prospects
a. equipping your sales team with Buyer Persona (BP) and Ideal Customer
Profile (ICP) documents.
b. lead generation strategies
c. Prospecting
d. Getting customer’s interests
e. Sales pitch
f. Close the deal
Buyer Persona
a fictionalized characterization of your best customer(s) based
on information about them and how they use your product or
• How to Define Your Buyer Personas in 5 Steps
• Step 01: Research Buyer Personas
• Step 02: Segment Buyer Personas
• Step 03: Create a Name and a Story
• Step 04: Focus on Roles, Goals, and Challenges
• Step 05: Use Your Buyer Personas to Craft Tailored Marketing
& Sales Strategies
• Step 01: Research Buyer Personas
You have to have a good grasp of who is buying from you?
Start questions
If an employee:
• What does their job look like?
• Are they your company's primary point of contact?
• What are their roles at work?
• Do they manage people or processes?
• Do they have to answer to a boss or supervisor?
If a household
• What does their home life look like?
• Do they have any hobbies?
• How old are they?
• Are they married or single? Kids or no kids?
• Step 02: Segment Buyer Personas
According to:
- Industry – Academe (public or private), business, NGO
- Job Title – CEO, Employee
Value: When you know what a person does and what roles they play in
their life, you can create content that speaks to those specific roles.
• Step 04: Focus on Roles, Goals, and Challenges
buyer persona goals
- CEO – improve business profitability
- parent – let their children be successful
- employee – move up in the company
- retirement
Value: The more challenges you can identify for each persona,
the more opportunities you have to deliver solutions. And the
more solutions you deliver, the more attractive and helpful your
company is to those qualified leads.
• Step 05: Use Your Buyer Personas to Craft Tailored Digital
Marketing and Sales Strategies
• Help familiarize your sales and marketing teams with each buyer
• Create ad campaigns that correspond to each buyer persona's
favorite platform.
• Develop content that speaks to the specific pain points and
challenges identified in your buyer personas.
• Take stock of your existing content. Does it speak to one or more of
your buyer personas? If not, make some changes.
• Optimize your landing pages to speak to buyer personas, and in
their language.
• Group Activities: Conceptualize a buyer persona.
• Instructions:
a. Use slide # 3 for topic:
Group 1 : Parent
Group 2: CEO
Group 3: public school teacher
Group 4: NGO volunteer
Group 5: a movie artist
2. Conceptualize a buyer persona (use steps 1 to 4)of the assigned
topics. Write down as many descriptions of your buyer persona
as you can. Use the template:
Step 1: Research
Pls identify the links of the topics you researched from.
2. For step 5
Message 15
Presentation/Execution 15