Para2021-3 2
Para2021-3 2
Para2021-3 2
• Flagellates are unicellular microorganisms. Their locomotion is by
lashing a tail-like appendage called a flagellum or flagella and
reproduction is by simple binary fission.
Figure 12.17b-d
– Trypanosoma
• African sleeping
sickness or Chagas
• Transmitted by tsetse
flies or reduviid bugs
– Leishmania
• leishmaniasis –
“Baghdad Boil”-
• Transmitted by sand fly
Giardia lamblia
Giardia lamblia
• Giardia lamblia is
a flagellated
protozoan parasite that
colonises and reproduces in
the small intestine,
causing giardiasis
• The giardia parasite attaches
to the epithelium by
a ventral adhesive disc, and
reproduces via binary
Giardia lamblia
• Giardiasis does not spread
via the bloodstream, nor
does it spread to other
parts of the gastro
intestinal tract, but
remains confined to
the lumen of the small
• Giardia
trophozoites absorb their
nutrients from the lumen
of the small intestine.
• Occurs as both a flagellated trophozoite and a
non-flagellated cyst form.
• Trophozoite (9-21 µm long), motile, with 8 long
flagella, ventral sucker which attaches to
duodenal mucosa; lives only in small intestine;
non invasive.
• Cyst (8-12 µm); resistant to external
environment, to chlorination; intermittently
expelled in stool.
• Clinical Manifestation:
• Colonization of the gut results in inflammation
and villous atrophy, reducing the gut's absorptive
• In humans: symptoms appear after 1 to 2 weeks.
• 50% of infected are asymptomatic carriers
• The symptomatic disease, ranging from mild
diarrhea to a severe malabsorptionsyndrome
• Symptoms of infection include :
Excessive gas (often flatulence or a foul or sulphuric-tasting belch,
which has been known to be so nauseating in taste that it can
cause the infected person to vomit).
• Personal hygiene
• Condom use.
• Vinegar wash (decreases chance of infection).
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