Downsizing and Restructuring
Downsizing and Restructuring
Downsizing and Restructuring
Friday, 04 Nov’2022
Downsizing and Restructuring
Appreciate the importance of defining
downsizing - why orgs engage in downsizing
Complexity of downsizing decisions
Impact of downsizing on the survivors and
the organization – how to address
Components of the effective downsizing
strategy – to enhance organizational
Comprehend the concept of “psychological
Developing the awareness of importance of
HRM in managing the downsizing process
Downsizing Phenomenon
Organizations became obsessed with reducing
workforce to operate in a “lean and mean” fashion
Downsizing cut into the muscles of orgs
Reductions characterized as “mean”
Destroying the lives of victims of cutbacks
Leaving demoralized and frightened group of
survivors–critical to components of HRP
Until 1990, focus on - growth –“bigger is better”
Downsizing on single experience, not supported
by research are frequently in conflict
Orgs around the globe striving to improve their
competitive position and respond to challenges of
a global economy must pay attention
Not restricted to pvt sectors only, govts intent on
trimming deficits and managing costs reduced
Defining D&R
Building-down, de-hiring, de-recruitment, reduction in force,
rightsizing (box-11.1)
Financial performance and downsizing
Impact of layoff announcement on stock market
prices found that shareholders generally reacted
negatively to the announcement, particularly
when a large number of workers was let go
Continue to perform more poorly
No consistent relationship between downsizing
and profitability
For short-term – improved financial performance
“Asset downsizers” (cut in workforce and
expenditure) generated higher returns
Consequences of Downsizing(HR)
Benefits of restructuring frequently fail to
transpire if HR issues are not carefully
thought out and resolved appropriately
High human costs, psychological trauma
experienced both by those let go and
survivors, reduced employee
commitment, lower performance among
employees due to job insecurity, greater
attention by the mgt to downsizing process
while ignoring customer needs, loss of
valuable employees, a shift from innovation
to protection of one’s turf, lower morale,
potential litigation
Effective Downsizing Strategies
Cutting the number of people in an organization is not a
“quick-fix” remedy
Prior to embarking on any workforce reduction effort,
firms should carefully consider the consequences
Considerable care and planning must go into the
decision and the reasons for reduction must be
communicated to employees
Must pay attention to critical aspects of redesigning
the organization and the implementation of cultural
Managers must have sufficient experience or training
with regard to downsizing and restructuring
Establish a shared vision of organization and a
clearly stated strategy supported by management,
understood by employees, and involving a sense of
“ownership” by members of the firm
HR dept. must play an active role in the early stage
Strategic Downsizing
Policies and programs to address problems
associated with cutting HR
Must be integrated as part of the organization’s
overall strategic plan
Change issues need to be considered by
organizations seeking to remain competitive in
today’s economy
Effective downsizing dependent on
comprehensive planning for change , proper
communication of the plan, credibility of the
organization with employees, suppliers, and other
stakeholders; and consideration and compassion
for both employees who are terminated and those
Must not ignore more time-consuming but
critical strategies of redesigning org, developing a
systematic strategy predicted on massive cultural
change within firm
Strategic Downsizing
Effective downsizing strategy requires
consideration of
The tactics used to reduce the
The implementation processes used
during downsizing and the redesign of
The change to or impacts on structures
and processes within the organization
Effective and ineffective downsizing
Ineffective downsizing practices :
1. Offering voluntary early retirement programs
2. Instituting across-the-board layoffs
3. Eliminating training programs
4. Making personal cutbacks that are too deep
5. Placing survivors in jobs for which they lack the
necessary skills and hoping that they will learn
by experience
6. Emphasizing employee accountability instead
of employee involvement
7. Expecting survivors to “row harder”
8. Implementing layoffs slowly in phases over time
9. Promising high monetary rewards rather than
Successful downsizings
An expressed higher commitment to job security
An ideology based on progressive decision making
and a culture that focuses on human resources
An entrepreneurial spirit within the organization
Investment in training, new technology, and a quality
management/customer focus
The manner in which the workforce reduction was
carried out : reasons clearly explained, employees
perceive cuts were necessary, employee input to DM
process fair, methods communicated, employee
perceive assistance fair, cuts were targeted not across
the board, part of strategic management process
Important to attend to rumors, provide survivors with
available information on downsizing, ensure survivors
aware of new goal, make expectations clear, tell
survivors that they are valued, allow time for grieving
(key issues of effective downsizing Box 11.5)
Best practices of Downsizing
1. Downsizing should be initiated from the top but
requires hands-on involvement from all employees
2. Workforce reduction must be selective in application
and long-term in emphasis
3. Special attention should be paid both to those who
lose their jobs and to the survivors who remain
4. Decision-makers should identify precisely where
redundancies, excess costs, and inefficiencies
exist and attack those specific areas
5. Downsizing should result in the formation of small,
semi-autonomous organizations within the broader
6. Downsizing must be proactive strategy focused on
increasing performance
HRM issues