Female Reproductive System

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Fallopian tubes
 Theuterus is a hollow, pear shaped muscular

 Theuterus measures about 7.5 X 5 X 2.5 cm

and weight about 50 – 60 gm.
 The upper part is the corpus, or body of the
 The fundus is the part of the body or corpus

above the area where the fallopian tubes enter

the uterus.
 Length about 5 cm.
 A narrower transition zone.
 Is between the corpus of the uterus and cervix.
 During late pregnancy, the isthmus elongates and

is known as the lower uterine segment.

 The lowermost position of the uterus “neck”.
 The length of the cervix is about 2.5 t0 3 cm.
 The os, is the opening in the cervix that runs between the uterus
and vagina.

Ectocervix is the part exposed to the vagina & is lined by stratified

squamous epithelium, whereas the endocervix is continous with
the endocervical canal & is lined by a single layer of tall columnar
mucus secreting epithelium.

The junction of the ectocervix & endocervix junctional mucosa

(squamo-columnar junction) is clinically & pathologically
significant landmark
 Perimetrium.
 Myometrium.
 Endometrium.
 Is
the outer peritoneal layer of serous membrane
that covers most of the uterus.

 Laterally,
the perimetrium is continuous with the
broad ligaments on either side of the uterus.
 Isthe middle layer of thick muscle.
 Most of the muscle fibers are concentrated in

the upper uterus, and their number diminishes

progressively toward the cervix.

 The myometrium contains three types of

smooth muscle fiber
 Which are found mostly in the fundus and are
designed to expel the fetus efficiently toward the
pelvic outlet during birth.
 These fiber contract after birth to compress the
blood vessels that pass between them to limit
blood loss.
 Which form constrictions where the fallopian
tubes enter the uterus and surround the internal os
 Circular fibers prevent reflux of menstrual blood

and tissue into the fallopian tubes.

 Promote normal implantation of the fertilized

ovum by controlling its entry into the uterus.

 And retain the fetus until the appropriate time of

 Is the inner layer of the uterus.
 It is responsive to the cyclic variations of

estrogen and progesterone during the female

reproductive cycle every month.
 The three layers of the endometrium are:
*Compact layer
*The basal layer
*The functional or Sponge layer this
layer is shed during each menstrual period and
after child birth.
 Menstruation ----the uterus sloughs off the

 Pregnancy ---the uterus support fetus and allows the

fetus to grow.

 Labor and birth---the uterine muscles contract and

the cervix dilates during labor to expel the fetus

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