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The Effects of Pandemic to

the Academic Performance

of Grade 12 Learners of
JPI San Jose Campus
Baguio, Marianette C.
Burlas, Ruellie R.
Cariaga, Jessica Lyn S.
Guile, Queenie Eve
Dichoso, Jhon Mark R.
Lacia, John Mark P.
Litana, Steven G.
Lunas, Rocel D.
Ramos, Maribeth M.
Rustia, Juliet Jr
Quebral, Vhiona Mariz S.
Umas-as, Cherry Ann U.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Chapter I: The Problem and its Background

 Research aim to discover the challenges faced by Grade 12 learners of
JPI San Jose Campus, who experienced the pandemic.
 Research aim to provide a further knowledge of what is the effect of
pandemic to the academic performance of Grade 12 learners.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Statement of the Problem

 General Problem
The goal of this study is to identify the effect of pandemic to
the academic performance among Grade 12 learners of JPI San Jose

Specific Problem
 Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of?

1.1 Name (optional)
1.2 Age
1.3 Sex
1.4 Gender
2.) What are the challenges encountered by the students during the pandemic?
3.) What recommendations can be made to address challenges identified in the
4.) What future studies can be made based on the findings of the study?
5.) What is the effect of Pandemic on the Grade 12 learners of the JPI San Jose
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Chapter II: Review Related literature

Conceptual Framework

1.) What is the Collection of data The pandemic has a

demographic through great effect to the
Profile of the Informal Interviews Academic
respondents Procedural performance among
In terms of? Understanding grade 12 learners of
1.1 Name (optional) Analysis and JPI San Jose Campus.
1.2 Age interpretation
1.3 Sex of Data
2.) What are the
encountered by the
students during
pandemic. engaging
on digital
technologies as
marketing skills

Figure 1. A Research paradigm showing the profile of the learner and their feedback about the effect of pandemic
to the academic performance.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Theoretical Framework

 The Social Cognitive Theory

 Albert Bandura
 (1991)
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Chapter III: Research Methodology

Research Method

 Qualitative method is used to understand people's beliefs, experiences,

attitudes, behavior, and interactions. It generates non-numerical data.
Qualitative research is a type of research that explores and provides
deeper insights into real-world problems.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Research Design

 Descriptive research design is a type of research design that aims

to systematically obtain information to describe a phenomenon,
situation, or population.

 Phenomenological research design requires the researcher to

bracket whatever a priori assumption they have about the
experience or phenomenon.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Respondents or Participants of the Study

 The chosen respondents of the study are thirty (30) grade 12

learners only, that is currently enrolled in Japan Philippines
Institute of Technology – City of San Jose Del Monte Campus.
These respondents was chosen by the researchers because they are
suitable and applicable to the study.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Research Instruments

 This study used face-to-face interviews with Grade 12 learners of

JPI San Jose campus. Each learner will be interviewed
individually, with the researcher posing questions and the
respondent providing answers. The questions will be provided by
the researcher and presented through printed paper or mobile
phone, with the interview also being recorded on video.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Chapter IV: Presentation, interpretation and analysis

 Coding is the procedure of categorizing and labeling your
qualitative data to distinguish various themes and the connections
among them.

 A set of data with an identifiable pattern that analysts look for in the
present data.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

 The researcher identifies "themes" as aspects of participant
stories that characterize certain perceptions and/or experiences
that are pertinent to the research topic.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings
1.What is the good and bad effects of pandemic to you as a student? Why?

Theme 1: Based on the respondents' responses, with the theme of mental

health, they were all in agreement that pandemic can have negative on
one's mental health.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Theme 2: Based on respondents' responses, with the theme of

effect. Some of the respondents are stressed because they are
struggling in a new learning system, but at the same time, they've
discovered their habits.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

2. What are the challenges encountered by the students during the


Theme 1: Based on respondents' responses, with the theme of laggy.

Some respondents reported having difficulty with slow internet and
submitting activities online.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Theme 2: Based on respondents' responses, with the theme of lack

knowledge. Some respondents did not learn anything in the module
or online class. Because of the pandemic almost every one also
finds it hard to self-study.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

3. What is the effect of Pandemic on the Grade 12 student of the JPI

San Jose Campus?

Theme 1: Based on respondents responses, with the theme of

effect. As a result, some of the respondents are stressed because
they are struggling about difficult and new learning system but at
the same they've discovered new talents and hobbies.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Theme 2: Based on respondents responses, with the theme of stress.

As a result of stress they experienced difficulty to socialize with others
and they have difficulty to adjust with their studies because schools
implemented a new learning system during the pandemic, government
have some rules about pandemic and then some students need to
follow their rules, some rules are to wear face mask but some students
have asthma, and some students experienced difficulty in breathing
when they have face mask. They also discover their study habits and
their hidden talents during pandemic.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

4. What recommendations can be made to address the challenges

identified in the study?

Theme 1: The respondents said motivational quotes, and they

motivate other students to study hard and not give up on their
studies and on their passion in life.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

Theme 2: Based on the respondents' responses, with the theme of

strength. Be strong in any challenges they're facing in life. Being
strong is one of the things that students have to do during the
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus


1.) What are the challenges encountered by the students during the

The challenges experienced by the participants is the slow Internet

when taking an online class and they have difficulty adjusting to the
ever-changing learning system and others have depression or anxiety
during the pandemic because they are only at home and are not allowed
to go out.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

2.) What recommendations can be made to address challenges

identified in the study?

The participants recommended to the students who have

experienced the Covid-19 pandemic to keep doing what you're
doing and do not to give up on the battles we're facing, and not to be
affected by the pandemic we've experienced.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

3.) What future studies can be made based on the findings of the study?

In the future, more people or students will be aware of the existence

of this pandemic, making these studies simpler. And they will be aware of
the significant effects of this pandemic, particularly on students who are a
significant distraction from their academics. Because of this, people will
be more aware that if something were to happen to them, they would be
aware that it was a result of the pandemic and would need to exercise
caution. This would also serve as a lesson for them.
The Effects of Pandemic to the Academic Performance of Grade
12 Learners of JPI San Jose Campus

4.) What are the effects of Pandemic on the Grade 12 learners of the
JPI San Jose Campus?

The students found it difficult to learn with the new way of

doing things. They were used to learning online or in modules, but
now they have to learn in traditional setup again and it's been hard
for them to adjust.

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