SSGC Checklist Power Point Presentation
SSGC Checklist Power Point Presentation
SSGC Checklist Power Point Presentation
To carryout a systematic and objective verification, analysis and appraisal of the operational functionality. Performance evaluation of the system (safety, managements, documentation, data acquisition and control aspects of the system functions) Operations of equipments/ tools under SSGC use. Appraisal means technical appraisal only and exclude: Financial evaluation Estimation of worth.. Physical execution Inspection, testing Measurement and calibrations
Operational functionality and performance evaluation of the system (Integrity, adequacy, effectiveness & efficiency) System Management
Scope Of Work
I) Projects System VI) Metering System VII) Distribution System VIII) Civil Works IX) Procurement of material X) Customer service response and operation
II) Transmission System III) Compression System IV) Corrosion System V) Telecommunication System
Projects System
Projects System
Project means the pipeline construction and laying for transmission and distribution systems.
Reference Documents Section 2, 3, 5 & 6 OGRA GTTS ASME B 31.8 API RP 5L 1 API 1104 API RP 1102 Gas Rules 1960
Project System
SSGC to provide: List of various projects in hand/ongoing Planning of each project showing work break down Project Schedule - Planned Vs Actual Manpower & Equipment Deployment - Planned vs. actual General Pipeline construction Manual QA / QC documentation (In house / 3rd Party) Design Dossier/Drawings of few significant completed and on going projects Material inspection procedures & reports cont .
Projects System
Right - of - Way (ROW) Drawings Stringing & Storing records Welding - QA / QC docs, Weld Test Result (NDT& DT), Welder qualification procedure & Records Coat & Wrap - Design Specs, MDS, QA / QC documents Ditching & Lowering / Backfill - Approved & As built drawings Crossings - Approved & As built Drawings Cathodic Protection - Design documents, Soil survey report, Approved & as built drawings Testing procedures & records including Holiday Detection, Leak Detection, Hydro Static Testing
Projects System
b) Procurement of material & equipment for projects (procedure & conformance) Exclusions:
Warehousing Issues relating to land acquisition / land rehabilitation
Transmission System
Transmission System
a) Pipeline operations (operation and maintenance planning and control Management) including right of way (ROW), Patrolling, ROW maintenance, River crossing, valve assemblies maintenance, Block Valve and actuator operation, commissioning and de commissioning of pipeline. Ref Doc - OGRA GTTS SEC 8, ASME B31.8 2, OGRA GTTS SEC 8.5
SSGC to provide
Transmission Net Work diagram showing all installations & facilities: Pipeline Terminal Stations Divisional Stations/HQ Stations SMS Repeater Stations Valve assemblies Major Road, Railway, Bridge or Barrage crossings Pipeline Diameters Approach from nearest highway, Railway Station or Airport cont ..
Transmission System
Right of Way ROW Dimensions at various sections of pipeline Net work Patrolling Procedure & Inspection Record Maintenance Record of ROW Work orders to Contractors - HQs/Terminal Stations. Encroachments reports and measures taken Pipeline Maintenance Periodical inspection & maintenance reports including thickness checks, Sleeving, Coat & Wrap repairs. Pigging arrangements locations and records. Hot tap/stoppling design, procedure and reports. Maintenance of Civil Structure and Protective Works records Valve Assemblies - Maintenance procedures and inspection records
Transmission System
SSGC to provide: Compressor Operation Plan Vs Actual of last three years covering Un-interrupted running hours Standby time Down time for scheduled maintenance Log book or Shift Status Chart Daily Operation Activity reports transmitted to Zonal / Central Offices. Maintenance work records
Transmission System
c) Pre- Invoice verification of Gas source. Debit invoice including circular chart reading, strip chart reading, Gas volume calculations and transmission UFG. Post Invoicing verification of Gas supply Ref Doc - AGA REPORT 3, MNOP&R MODEL GSA SSGC to provide Gas Sales Agreements Billing Trail Circular charts Strip charts Gas chromatograph data
Transmission System
d) Filtering, Metering and pressure regulation arrangements Ref Docs - ASME B31.8 SECTION 803.3 / 853 SSGC to provide
P & IDs Filter design specifications and drawings Pressure regulators and meter data sheets
Transmission System
f) SCADA System Data Acquisition from sources and SMSs SSGC to provide
Vendors Manual SOPs Records / Data
g) Meter Proving and maintenance Ref Doc - AGA Report No.3 & 8, AGA Report 9
SSGC to provide
Vendor manuals in-house SOPs Maintenance and calibration record
Transmission System
h) Joint calibration of custody transfer metering equipment at gas source Ref Doc - AGA Report, GSA with producers SSGC to provide
GSA Record of joint calibration
i) Joint calibration of SMS with Distribution Department Ref Doc - AGA Report No.3. SOPs SSGC to provide
SOPs Maintenance and calibration records
Transmission System
j) Gas Quality Monitoring Ref Doc - GSA SSGC to provide
GSA Gas chromatograph readings provided by seller
Transmission System
l) Operation and Maintenance of construction equipment Ref Doc - Operations & Maintenance manuals SSGC to provide
Operation and maintenance manuals Maintenance record of individual machine Maintenance schedule
SSGC to provide
Fleet maintenance register Maintenance manuals.
Transmission System
M & o) Safety & Fire Protection & ERP: Ref Docs - NFPA Codes, API code
SSGC to provide HSE Manual Safety checklists Safety records Fire drill records Emergency Response Procedures Incident reporting procedures and records investigation procedures and records List of Safety & Fire Fighting equipment at each installation
Transmission System
p) Rehabilitation of Transmission lines (Coat & Wrap, Sleeving) Ref Doc - OGRA GTTS, ASME B31.8
SSGC to provide:
Thickness and PSP / HOLIDAY / DCVG Reports Sleeving, Coat & Wrap procedures and record
q) PCV remote operation through SCADA Ref Doc - Operation and maintenance manual. SSGC to provide:
Schematics Operation reports Operations and maintenance manuals
Transmission System
r) Pigging of pipelines wherever required
Ref Doc - ASME B31.8, SOPs SSGC to provide:
Pipeline schematic showing pig launching and receiving arrangements Pigging procedures and reports
s) Hot tapping / Stoppling Ref Doc - Operation & maintenance manuals SSGC to provide:
Hot Tap / Stoppling procedure and records
Transmission System
t) Daily / hourly maintenance of flow pressure data of Gas Control Refer item e of SOW
Compression System
Compression System
a) Compressor Operations evaluation Ref Doc - API 616, API 617 SSGC to provide
Operation Manual / Design & As built Manual FAT report, performance curves Gas Turbine & compressor operating parameters recorded at normal / average operating conditions and at peak load
b) Compressor efficiency evaluation Ref Doc - API 616, API 617 SSGC to provide
Detail of studies carried out for improvement Recommendation & Implementation Methodology adopted & results of improvements
Compression System
c) Maintenance of equipment installed at compressor station Ref Doc - OGRA GTTS, ASME B31.8
SSGC to provide
Maintenance manual. In-house SOPs. Planned maintenance schedules vs. actual. Maintenance record of individual unit Maintenance report prepared after each overhaul / Scheduled inspection
Compression System
d) Controls of Gas Turbines SSGC to provide
Detail of studies carried out for improvement Recommendation & Implementation Methodology adopted and results of improvements.
e) Optimization of pipeline flow, pressure for better utilization of available horse power SSGC to provide
Detail of studies carried out for improvement Recommendation & Implementation Methodology adopted and results of improvements.
Compression System
f) Improvement of compression efficiency through restaging redundancy and standby equipment requirement to meet the goals and objectives / targets SSGC to provide
Detail of studies carried out for improvement Recommendation & Implementation Methodology adopted and results of improvements.
h) Gas Filtration facilities functioning Ref Doc - ASME B31.8, OGRA GTTS SSGC to provide
P & IDs Filter design specifications and drawings Filter element change-out frequency records
Compression System
i) Discharge cooling system functioning Ref Doc - API 661 SSGC to provide
Design data sheet Vendor data Discharge temperature Number of fans Operating Parameters recorded during normal / average condition and peak load / peak ambient condition. Winter data
Compression System
k) Designing, Planning and implementation work for revamping / De bottlenecking of Compressor stations SSGC to provide
Reports on modification for De-bottlenecking efficiency improvement. Plans for ongoing & those to be taken in hand in near future.
Compression System
m) Evaluation of overhauling function and appraisal of overhauling activities SSGC to provide
OEMs guidelines / Manuals, Drawings. Workshop facilitates availability of essential machines. Availability of requisite hand tools / special tools. No of overhauls carried out with / without OEM support. Maintenance reports including Post overhaul performance testing.
Corrosion System
Corrosion System
a) Physical and operating conditions of CP System installations vis-vis DC source (T/R, TEG units), ground bed (Horizontal, deep well ), Negative distribution box, drain point etc. SSGC to provide
Complete route map indicating CP system. Installed Equipment detail, Data sheets. Operations and maintenance Procedures and records
Corrosion System
c) Testing of CP Isolation devices, insulating flanges SSGC to provide
Test record of insulating flanges
d) Pipeline Integrity Assessment through indirect surveys vis-vis Close Interval Potential (CIP) survey, Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) survey, Soil Resistively survey, Soil Analysis of the selected pipeline sections SSGC to provide
Record of integrity assessment surveys Recommendations and implementation reports
Corrosion System
e) Pipeline Integrity Assessment through direct examination of pipeline vis--vis, Bell Hole (visual coating inspection, pipe surface condition of the selected pipeline sections. SSGC to provide
Record of integrity assessment surveys Recommendations and implementation reports
f) Recommendation for CP System up-gradation and coating rehabilitation of the vulnerable pipeline section. SSGC to provide
Record of integrity assessment surveys Recommendations and implementation reports
Tele-communication System
Tele-communication Stations
a) Maintenance of the existing Telecommunication Network, comprising of Digital Microwave Back Bone Radio Link, Low Capacity Digital Spur Links, Single Channel Radio Telephone links and Base to Vehicle UHF Wireless Radio System for minimum outage time.
Tele-communication Stations
b) Maintenance of existing SCADA system for reliable Data acquisition from Gas Sources, Sales Meter Stations, Compressor Stations, Repeater Stations and Remote Control Operation of Pressure Control valves and Mainline Block valves. SSGC to provide
SOP Lay out diagrams Vendors Manuals Maintenance procedures Down time analysis reports Record for the calibration of test equipment Procedure of calibrating the pressure, temp and flow from SMS, compressors stations and controlling the remote block valve operation.
Telecommunication Stations
c) Operation and maintenance of Digital Telephone Exchanges installed from SUI to Peshawar on our Microwave Radio Network. SSGC to provide
SOP Lay out diagrams Customer Manuals Spares record
d) Provision and maintenance of internet facilities in SNGPL through Companys dedicated radio network.
Tele-communication Stations
e) Routine calibration of SCADA instruments for Data Integrity SSGC to provide
Procedure adopted for the calibration of SCADA instruments Record of routine calibration performed on different instruments for the data integrity.
SSGC to provide
Prequalification procedure for supplier Bid evaluation procedure
g) Planning and execution of new projects for up grading of the existing telecommunication system. SSGC to provide
Future plans and upcoming projects to upgrade the existing telecommunication system.
Distribution System
Distribution System
a) Laying of distribution mains and service lines Ref Doc - OGRA GDTS Sec-2 thru 4 ASME B 31.8 Sec 849, 850 & 852 SSGC to provide
SOPs Pipeline route, Layout drawings showing rail / road crossings QA/QC Procedure
b) Testing and commissioning of mains Ref Doc - OGRA GDTS Sec-5 SSGC to provide
Testing Procedure Test reports
Distribution System
c) Meter installation at different domestic, industrial and commercial customers Ref Doc - ASME B31.8 SECTION 848, OGRA GDTS sec 8.15 SSGC to provide
Installation Procedure Maintenance procedure and records Calibration procedure and records
d) Service line shifting Ref Doc - ASME B 31.8 Sec 849, OGRA GDTS Sec 8.20 SSGC to provide
Work Procedure Completion reports / log reports
Distribution System
e) Control valves maintenance Ref Doc - ASME B 31.8 Sec 841.126 SSGC to provide
Maintenance Procedure Maintenance register
f) Maintenance of regulatory stations Ref Doc - OGRA GDTS Sec 8.15 thru 8.19, ASME B 31.8 Sec 848 SSGC to provide
Maintenance procedure Maintenance register
Distribution System
g) Gas Leakage rectification Ref Doc - OGRA GDTS Sec 7.2 & 7.3 & 8.6, ASME B 31.8 Sec 851.3, 851.6 & 852.3 Appendix M SSGC to provide
Leakage Survey reports Leakage rectification Procedure Leakage rectification reports
Distribution System
i) Meter proving at central metering shop and at mobile test van Ref Doc - AGA Report No.3 SSGC to provide
Meter proving Procedure and reports Practical demonstration
Distribution System
k) Maintenance of Town border stations, District regulatory stations and consumer meter station Ref Doc - OGRA GTTS Sec 8.15, ASME B 31.8 Sec 848 & 803 SSGC to provide
SOP's Maintenance manuals of individual equipment Maintenance records
Distribution System
m) Material inspection test laboratory (If available) SSGC to provide
SOP's for individual tests and equipment used. Sample test report for individual item. Test record keeping system
n) Maintenance of construction equipment like welding plants, compressors etc SSGC to provide
Maintenance manuals Maintenance Schedules and reports
Distribution System
p) Pipeline patrolling Ref Doc - ASME B 31.8 Sec- 851.2 SSGC to provide
Pipeline patrolling log book. Pipeline Patrolling Guidance note Report on special / abnormal situations noted during patrolling