A Book Review-Hygo

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Project: A book review

"The Hunchback of Notre Dame"

The topics include :
1) Victor Hugo’ s background and his quotes.
2) Plot lines.
3) Characters development.
4) The Hugo’ s symbolism and metaphor used .
5) Most important themes.
6) Top quote.
7) Differences between the novel and the film.
8) Moral lessons.
Victor Hugo’ s background
Victor Hugo was born on 26 February 1802 in Besancon, France.
He was the youngest son of the family. Travelling with his father to different countries,
young Hugo developed a liking for nature and beauty. At the age of 20, his first volume of
poetry ‘Odes et Poésies Diverses’ was published. His major works were the Gothic novel,
‘Notre-Dame de Paris’ (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) and ‘Les Misérables’. Adèle
Foucher with whom he had 5 children died in 1868. To honor his entering his 80th year in
1881, celebrations across France were organized which included the largest parade in
French history. His mistress, Juliet Drouet died too in 1883. On 22 May 1885 at
the age of 83, Victor Hugo breathed his last. His body was rested in state beneath the Arc de
Triomphe before burial in the Panthéon. The house where he stayed in Vianden,
Luxembourg, in 1871 has also become a memorial museum.
Victor Hugo was a renowned poet, novelist and playwright of the Romantic Movement in
19th century France.
Hugo’ s quotes
Plot lines
During the Festival of Fools in Paris, Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame, is
elected the Pope of Fools for being the ugliest person in Paris.
La Esmerelda, a gypsy street dancer is suddenly attacked by Quasimodo and Frollo.
A few months later La Esmeralda has fallen in love with Phoebus and Frollo becomes jealous.
One night he follows Phoebus with La Esmerelda and stabs Phoebus repeatedly. He escapes and
La Esmerelda is captured by the King's guard. Quasimodo carries her back to the cathedral. Frollo
offers La Esmeralda two choices: she can either say she loves him or be hanged. Sister Gudule
and La Esmeralda turn to be mother and daughter. Quasimodo sees the figure of La Esmerelda
in a white dress hanging from the scaffold. He grabs Frollo by the neck and then
throws him down to his death. Quasimodo cries out: "There is everything I ever
Years later when a gravedigger stumbles across La Esmerelda's remains, he finds the
skeleton of a hunchback curled around her.
Quasimodo La Esmeralda
Quasimodo is an abandoned child  The lost daughter of Sister
left at Notre Dame and adopted by Gudule, La Esmerelda is a
Frollo. beautiful gypsy street dancer.
 He is hideously deformed and is  Along with her goat, Djali, she
also deaf. His heart is pure, and charms everyone she meets
this purity is linked to the
with her stunning looks and
cathedral itself.The whole of Paris
magic tricks.
ironically enjoys Quasimodo's
singing while at the same time  She keeps an amulet and other
detesting him for his ugliness. trinkets around her neck to help
His name literally means "half- her find her parents.
Frollo Phoebus
 A priest at Notre Dame, Frollo is  The captain of the King's
also the novel's antagonist. Archers, he saves La Esmerelda
 However, he is not a typical evil from Quasimodo.
character bent on causing pain  He does not love her, but tries
and suffering; instead, he is very to seduce her and a number of
bright and compassionate. His other women as well. Frollo
obsessive lust for La Esmerelda stabs him and everyone leaves
causes her to be executed and him for dead, but he recovers.
Quasimodo to be tortured. He ends up marrying Fleur-de-
 No matter how hard he tries to Lys.
make her love him, he only ends  His first name is Greek for "the
up causing her pain. sun." 
The Hugo’ s symbolism
Gold The Cathedral

 Gold is associated with alchemy,  The Cathedral – a symbol of

God, and humanity’s quest for hope.
knowledge throughout The  Despite the adversities it has
Hunchback of Notre Dame. faced, Notre-Dame continues to
 In the novel, just as Frollo fails to symbolize the spirit of Paris.
make gold, Frollo’s obsession turns  The cathedral of Notre Dame
him into a monster rather than symbolizes the city of Paris and
making him divine, so gold the whole of medieval society.
symbolizes both the desire to
understand God and the dangers of
trying to do so.
The Hugo’ s symbolism
Esmeralda’ s shoe
 Esmeralda’s shoe is a symbol of
her innocence throughout the
 Esmeralda’s shoe is also
associated with her dancing and
her lightness on her feet.
 Throughout the novel,
Esmeralda’s shoe represents her
attempts to flee from the
powers of darkness that pursue
her, as well as her desire to be
joyful and free.
Quasimodo – a metaphor and a symbol

Essentially, Quasimodo, the

hunchback character, is a
metaphor for the cathedral.
He’s malformed and
misunderstood, but he’s
ultimately good-hearted.
Quasimodo, the deaf, pitiably
ugly protagonist of Victor
Hugo's novel "The
Hunchback of Notre Dame" .
He became a classic symbol
of a courageous heart beneath
a grotesque exterior.
Most important themes
Love comes in many forms in the
Loyalty, in various guises,
steers much of the novel's plot
Frollo's intense and obsessive love
of Esmeralda leads to his madness
Quasimodo's intense loyalty to and ultimately his destruction at the
Claude Frollo initially prevents hands of Quasimodo.
the hunchback from perceiving Esmeralda's unyielding love of
his master's madness . Phoebus blinds her to his
 Esmeralda is loyal to her insincerity.
Quasimodo's pure love for
virtue because she believes that
Esmeralda leads him to reconfigure
so long as she is virtuous her his life around her so that when she
amulet has the power to restore dies he elects to join her in the tomb
her mother. rather than go on living.
Top quote
 Quasimodo's reaction to Esmeralda's gift of a drink of water : "Then from that
eye, hitherto so dry and burning, was seen to roll a big tear, which fell slowly
down that deformed visage so long contracted by despair. Perhaps it was the
first that the unfortunate creature had ever shed." (p. 322)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Novel Disney movie
 Frollo is a priest.  Frollo is a judge.
 Frollo tries to be a good person but his  Frollo is established from the
lechery towards Esmeralda turns him beginning as an evil man.
into the novel's antagonist.  Quasimodo is the protagonist, and
 Pierre Gringoire is the protagonist, an Gringoire doesn't exist.
author stand-in for Hugo, as he is a  Phoebus is a heroic, kind man.
struggling poet and playwright.  Both Esmeralda and Phoebus survive
 Phoebus is an awful person.
and end up together.
 Phoebus does not rescue Esmeralda and  Esmeralda is a gypsy by birth.
he marries Fleur-de-Lys.
 Esmeralda, born Agnes, was stolen by
the gypsies in exchange for Quasimodo.
Esmeralda is a gypsy by birth.
Major And Minor Characters Condensed
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Novel Film
 Quasimodo is half-deaf and blind from the  Quasimodo is simply physically
bells and has no one to confide in. deformed, and he confides in the
 Victor Hugo's main message and goal are
gargoyles who also live in the bell tower.
 The focus is the question: "Who is the
expressed through Claude Frollo about
monster and who is the man?", which
halfway through the novel in the
instead looks at Frollo's internal monster,
sentences: "The book will kill the
and Quasimodo's goodness despite his
building.” deformity.
 Most characters die: Esmeralda,  Most characters survive. The antagonist,
Quasimodo, Frollo. Phoebus and Gringoire Frollo, dies by falling into the fire, but no
both survive, but don't have particularly one else dies. Quasimodo is accepted by
happy endings. the people of the city.
 Esmeralda is hanged.  Esmeralda’ s choice is either Frollo or
 Esmeralda’s end is more tragic. being burned at the stake.
 Esmeralda is more defiant.
Moral lessons
 We should weigh people up very carefully, by their words, deeds and attitudes towards
 Don’t let your life pass you by.
 Don't judge people based on their appearance.
 Sometimes you have to help people you don’t really want to.
 Who the monster is and who the man is depends on your point of view.
 Those who do wrong and are hypocritical will pay the price in the end.
 There is always someone who has it worse than you.
 Nothing is ever completely hopeless.
 It only takes one person to lead the way and start a trend of standing up against
 Be the encouragement in other people’s lives.
 Be happy for others even if you didn’t get what you wanted.
 Holding a grudge won’t change anything.
 The most unlikely hero can be found in all of us.
 https://www-thefamouspeople-com.webpkgcache.com/doc/-/
 https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/hunchback/
 https://www.litcharts.com/lit/the-hunchback-of-notre-dame/symbols
 https://www.historydefined.net/who-was-the-real-hunchback-of-notre-dame/
 https://www.britannica.com/topic/Quasimodo#:~:
 https://www.litcharts.com/lit/the-hunchback-of-notre-dame/themes
 https://
 https://

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