Ladylibertylegal Victoriasaysanasongkham

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Lady Liberty Legal

Presented by: Victoria

Prepared for: TechStars Start Up
•“More than 100 million poor and middle-income Americans
cannot afford representation for basic human needs,
according to a study cited in the American Bar Association’s
recent “Report on the Future of Legal Services in the United
States (Eckert, 2016)”.
People of Color
People with Disabilities

Why is this a Women

problem? Immigrants
The Elderly
The LGBT Community
The United
What are the “The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
SDG’s? Development adopted by all United Nations
Member States in 2015, provides a share
blueprint for peace and prosperity for people
and the planet, now and into the future. At its
heart are the 17 Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for
action by all countries- developed and
developing- in a global partnership (United
Nations, 2020).”
My Goal
•I am a member of the Stevens Initiative which is
hosted by the United States Department of State.
Through this program, I have been introduced to the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
(Stevens Initiative, 2022)
•Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
The Lord God has told us what is right and what he
demands: “See that justice is done, let mercy be your
first concern, and humbly obey your God.”
Micah 6:8
My solution is to create a 24-hour emergency hotline
and online law firm to assist those who are
unprepared to handle interactions with other
citizens, police officers, attorneys, and judges
throughout the legal process. It is my hope to be a
continual resource to those who need assistance to
advise them of their legal and constitutional rights,
so they are not compromised throughout the course
of their ordeal.

I am hoping to assist people wading through the

turmoil of making legal decisions. If they are willing
to do the legal footwork, we are willing to work
alongside them to advise them.
Unique Value Proposition
To act as an undergird to those who are unable to afford high-
priced legal services but desire to have ongoing access to an
attorney who can counsel a client through a legal procedure
from beginning to end.
•By usurping the established methods of
representation, it is a possibility that we could
make use of the legal industry obsolete as more
Unfair Americans are empowered to represent
themselves in court. Right now, the average
Advantage American is in a disadvantaged position because
only the elite have access to legal representation
thereby maintaining the status quo.
Any of the 100 million Americans who are
facing a legal challenge and are willing to
receive online counsel from a licensed
attorney and do the work to interact with
the courts to represent themselves.

•Lawyer Costs
•Rural areas- $100-$200 per hour.
•City areas- $200-$400 per hour.
•Specialized lawyers (Patents, Intellectual Property,
etc.)- $500-$1,000 per hour. ( Staff,
Key Metrics •Court Costs- Traffic Ticket
•Base Fine $102.10 and an additional $8 dollars for
each additional mile
•Free 24/7 Hotline
•Monthly Subscription- $200-$400 dollars a month
depending on the type of case.
•Top 10 Social Justice Hashtags in 2022 popular on Instagram,
Twitter, Facebook, TikTok:
•#socialjustice #blacklivesmatter #justice #humanrights
#equality #blm #activism #love #community #racism
Early Adopters
The YouTube Generation-
Those who teach themselves by observing.
The Do-It-Yourself Types-
Adopters of simplified technological systems such as TurboTax, BetterHelp, Zoom, etc.
Business Owners-
Those who need legal services can purchase corporate services.
Shelters that house domestic violence victims keep them safe by meeting remotely.
•Legal Shield-
Limits on how many documents they will review
(Up to 15 pages each)
There are waiting periods in some circumstances.
•Legal Zoom-
Existing The attorneys advised based on limited
Alternatives There is not a 24/7 hotline.
•U.S. Legal Forms-
Forms can be purchased to use for legal situations,
but advice is given only on a limited basis.
•The high-level concept is to bring legal
representation back to the people. Much like in
the days of the early church, leadership would
manipulate the members of their church by
taking advantage of the fact that they could not
High-Level read the Bible for themselves. I hope to create a
Concept system for Americans to represent themselves. In
this way, they can understand the legal system
and obtain justice for themselves.
•With Liberty and Justice for All.
Cost Structure


Revenue Stream
•A monthly cost of $200-$400 dollars for ongoing
cases, providing documents for clients to file, and legal
counsel (that excludes physical representation in the
•This is significantly lower than the regular cost of legal
services which ranges from the hourly base fees of
$100 to $1,000 dollars.
• Buckwalter-Poza, R. (2016). Making justice equal. Center for
American Progress.
• Eckert, E. M. (2016). Baylor Law School: “100 million Americans can’t
afford legal services. what can we do about it?” Media and Public

References Relations | Baylor University.
• United Nations. (2020). Communications materials - United Nations
sustainable development. United Nations Sustainable Development.
• ‌Stevens Initiative. (2022). About us - Stevens initiative. Stevens
• ‌ staff. (2020). How much does a lawyer cost:
everything you need to know. UpCounsel.

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