Dna 20 Fingerprinting 1

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DNA Fingerprinting

By Yu Zhi Hen
Historical background
• DNA fingerprinting was developed in 19
• by Alec. J. Jeffrey at the University of
• He was studying the gene of myoglobin.
What is DNA Fingerprinting?
• The chemical structure of everyone's DNA
is the same.
• The only difference between people (or any
animal) is the order of the base pairs.
• The information contained in DNA is
determined primarily by the sequence of
letters along the zipper.

Structure of DNA
The Different Sequences
segments that v
ary in size and c
omposition and h
ave no apparent
function are call
ed minisatellites

The different sequences is the same as the

word "POST" has a different meaning from
"STOP" or "POTS," even though they use the
same letters. i
• Using these sequences, every person could be
identified solely by the sequence of their base
• There are so many millions of base pairs, the
task would be very time-consuming
• Instead, scientists are able to use a shorter
method, because of repeating patterns in DNA.
• These patterns do not, however, give an
individual "fingerprint,"
• They are able to determine whether two DNA
samples are from the same person, related
people, or non-related people.
DNA Fingerprinting using
• On some human chromosomes, a short sequence
of DNA has been repeated a number of times.
• The repeat number may vary from one to thirty
• These repeat regions are usually bounded by
specific restriction enzyme sites
• Cut out the segment of the chromosome
containing this variable number of tandem
repeats (VNTR's )
• Identify the VNTR's for the DNA sequence of
the repeat.
Making DNA Fingerprints
DNA fingerprinting is a laboratory
procedure that requires six steps:
1: Isolation of DNA.

2: Cutting, sizing, and sorting.

Special enzymes called restriction enzymes
are used to cut the DNA at specific
3: Transfer of DNA to nylon.
The distribution of DNA pieces
is transferred to a nylon sheet
by placing the sheet on the gel
and soaking them overnight.

4-5: Separating and Probing.

Fragments are separated by size using an
electric current. Adding radioactive or
colored probes to the nylon sheet
produces a pattern called the DNA
6: DNA Fingerprint
• The final DNA fingerprint is built by using several
probes (5-10 or more) simultaneously.
Practical Applications of DNA
1.Paternity and Maternity
• Person inherits his or her VNTRs from h
is or her parents
• Parent-child VNTR pattern analysis has
been used to solve standard father-ide
ntification cases
Can someone tell me who is my
2. Criminal Identification and Forensics

• DNA isolated from blood, hair, skin cells, or

other genetic evidence left at the scene of a
crime can be compared
• FBI and police labs around
the U.S. have begun to use
DNA fingerprints to link suspects
to biological evidence –
blood or semen stains, hair, skin
cells or items of clothing
3. Personal Identification
The notion of using DNA fingerprints as a sort o
f genetic bar code to identify individuals has
been discussed

4.Diagnosis of Inherited Disorders

• diagnose inherited disorders in both prenatal
and newborn babies
• These disorders may include cystic fibrosis, h
emophilia, Huntington's disease, familial Alzhe
imer's, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, and ma
ny others.
5.Developing Cures for Inherited Disorders
• By studying the DNA fingerprints of relatives w
ho have a history of some particular disorder
• Identify DNA patterns associated with the dise

6.Identification of Chinese medicine

• The Hong Kong Baptist University was able to u
se DNA fingerprinting to identify the Chinese m
edicine—Lingzhi in 2000
Considerations when
evaluating DNA evidence
• In the early days of the use of
genetic fingerprinting as criminal
evidence, given a match that had a
1 in 5 million probability of occurring
by chance the lawyer would argue
that this meant that in a country
of say 60 million people there were 12 people
who would also match the profile.
2. Problems with Determining

A. Population Genetics
• VNTRs, because they are results of gen
etic inheritance
• it will vary depending on an individual's g
enetic background
B. Technical Difficulties

• Errors in the hybridization and probing

process must also be figured into the
• Until recently, the standards for determining
DNA fingerprinting matches, and for
laboratory security and accuracy which would
minimize error
When evaluating a DNA match, the
following questions should be asked:

-Could it be an accidental random match?

-If not, could the DNA sample have been
-If not, did the accused leave the DNA
sample at the exact time of the crime?
-If yes, does that mean that the accused
is guilty of the crime?
A Kid’s set of
apparatus for DNA
fingerprinting, What
does it mean?


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