Dna 20 Fingerprinting 1
Dna 20 Fingerprinting 1
Dna 20 Fingerprinting 1
By Yu Zhi Hen
Historical background
• DNA fingerprinting was developed in 19
• by Alec. J. Jeffrey at the University of
• He was studying the gene of myoglobin.
What is DNA Fingerprinting?
• The chemical structure of everyone's DNA
is the same.
• The only difference between people (or any
animal) is the order of the base pairs.
• The information contained in DNA is
determined primarily by the sequence of
letters along the zipper.
Structure of DNA
The Different Sequences
segments that v
ary in size and c
omposition and h
ave no apparent
function are call
ed minisatellites
A. Population Genetics
• VNTRs, because they are results of gen
etic inheritance
• it will vary depending on an individual's g
enetic background
B. Technical Difficulties