Ias 12 Income Taxes
Ias 12 Income Taxes
Ias 12 Income Taxes
income Taxes? Normal corporate tax (24.72%) the Income Tax Act
– (Chapter 23:06)
Capital gain tax of Capital Gains Act (Chapter
Withholding tax on dividends
Presentation of
Tax Expense in
2 is correct
The tax dilemma
Timing difference
Unknown future tax consequences (use
(tax losses allowed only when future or sell)
taxable profit will be available)
Tax Expense Calculation Formula 10
Current tax
Deferred Tax
Taxable TD Deductible TD
loss NB: TDs are calculated under deferred tax section and
give rise to deferred tax
Amt Rate
Profit Before Tax 150,000 24%
Tax @ std rate (150000*25%) 37,500 (37.5k/150k) 24%
+/- Reconciling items:
Less nontaxable dividend (20,000*24%) (4800) (5k/150k) (3.2%)
Plus nondeductible meal 5,000*24% 1200 (1.25k/150k) 0.8%
Dividend tax (20%) 4000 (4/150k) 2.67%
Plus nondeductible bad debt 500*24% 120 (0.14k/150k) 0.08%
37,020 24.35%
Deferred Tax
Deferred tax assets or liabilities the adjustment is accounted for NB: Tax rate change is effected No impact on current tax
are adjusted when a new tax as a revision to an accounting on the deferred tax balance at
rate is substantively enacted estimate (i.e. it affects current the time of change (usually the
period’s profit) opening balance).
Example: 19
The deferred tax asset should be recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be
available against which the unused tax losses and unused tax credits can be utilised (the benefit is a future
reduced current tax).
1st - recognise in full if and only if future taxable profits will be available to deduct the loss;
2nd – if no future taxable income, recognise an asset equal to the credit balance of the deferred tax
liability. If it is however uncertain whether there will be future taxable income, the deferred tax account
may not reflect a debit balance, i.e. deferred tax balance is limited to zero
unrecognised deferred tax asset should be disclosed separately in the notes as required by IAS
tax assets:
Investment property held at Fair Value per IAS 40 – taxed at CGT Rate – unless
rebutted – [ IAS 12. 51C]
Investment property held under Cost Model per IAS 16 – Normal tax rate. [ IAS 12.
NB: Land whether under IAS 16 or IAS 40 still taxed at CGT rate [ IAS 12. 51B]
RV to Original Cost – use CGT rate Original Cost – RV – use Normal tax rate
Original Cost – TB – use Normal tax Original Cost – RV – use Normal tax rate
rate (recoupment) (recoupment)
1. Marketable Securities
a) Disposal of listed securities – 1% on gross proceeds – effective 1 February 2019
b) Disposal of unlisted securities:
a) before 1 February 2019 – 5% Capital Gains Tax on gross proceeds
b) On or after I February 2019 – 20% Capital Gains tax on the gain (Proceeds less Base Cost
+ inflation adjustment)
2. Immovable Property
Disposal of immovable property:
a) before 1 February 2019 – 5% Capital Gains Tax on gross proceeds
b) On or after 1 February 2019 – 20% Capital Gains tax on the gain (Proceeds less Base Cost).
NB: An initial 15% withholding tax is required, which forms a credit against the capital gains tax.
Tax Value/CA 30
Components of Tax Expense 46
In accordance with IFRS 3, an entity recognises any resulting deferred tax assets
(to the extent that they meet the recognition criteria in paragraph 24) or
deferred tax liabilities as identifiable assets and liabilities at the acquisition
date. Consequently, those deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities affect the
amount of goodwill or the bargain purchase gain the entity recognises. However,
in accordance with paragraph 15(a), an entity does not recognise deferred tax
liabilities arising from the initial recognition of goodwill.
Investments in associates, subsidiaries, divisions & JVs – IAS 12. 39-44 (Exempt by withholding tax on dividends)
Business Combination and Goodwill – IAS 12.15 and 66-68 –(Exempt by 15(a) on Goodwill but allowed on all other
identifiable taxable items at acquisition date 15(b) (i) )
Share-based payment – IAS 12.68A-68C - (Equity settled SBPs are exempt , where as Cash-settled SBPs are taxable)
Employee Benefits :
Contribution plan – taxable deferred tax could arise where amount accrued differs from amt paid.
Defined Benefit plan – Mvt in liability in the P/L results in D/T effect
Research and development – R&D could be expensed in P/L, however taxman may not allow till a later date – hence, deferred
tax effect.
Gvt Grants – Deferred G/G results in deferred tax if the G/G is taxable -IAS 12.33