Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcome
QA at Programme Level 1
Goals, Aims and Objectives?
• Typically teacher-centric
QA at Programme Level 2
Goals, Aims and Objectives?
• May refer to non-observable, non-measurable
effects on students
QA at Programme Level 3
The shift to (Expected) Learning
Outcomes …..
QA at Programme Level 4
Learning Outcome, Objective and Aim
QA at Programme Level 5
Learning Outcome, Objective and Aim
QA at Programme Level 6
Learning Outcome, Objective and Aim
QA at Programme Level 7
Learning Outcomes : working definition
QA at Programme Level 8
Learning Outcomes : structure
QA at Programme Level 9
Learning Outcomes : example
Aim/Goal: to introduce students to modes of satiric writing in
the eighteenth century.
QA at Programme Level 10
Learning Outcomes : example
QA at Programme Level 11
The student understands proper
dental hygiene
The student is able to :
QA at Programme Level 12
The student understands why there are seasons.
Student is able to :
QA at Programme Level 13
Students will be familiar with the major theories of
the discipline
QA at Programme Level 14
Students will be familiar with withdrawal, smoothing, forcing,
compromising, and problem solving in conflict-resolution
QA at Programme Level 15
Tips on writing learning outcomes (form)
QA at Programme Level 16
Tips on writing learning outcomes (substance)
QA at Programme Level 17
Levels of Learning Outcomes
•Programme-level learning outcomes that relate to
the entire programme – and are therefore phrased
in more general terms
QA at Programme Level 18
Levels of Learning Outcomes
QA at Programme Level 19
Categories of Learning Outcomes
QA at Programme Level 20
Generic Learning Outcomes
communication skills, problem-solving skills, IT skills,
lifelong learning skills, team-work skills, leadership,
entrepreneurial skills …
QA at Programme Level 21
Learning Outcomes
QA at Programme Level 22
Learning Outcomes
QA at Programme Level 23
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Original vs Revised)
QA at Programme Level 24
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
o Terminology Changes
o Structural Changes
o Changes in Emphasis
QA at Programme Level 25
“Learning is not attained by chance.”
Learning Outcomes
Instructional Activities
and Materials
QA at Programme Level 26
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
REMEMBER : Describe where Goldilocks lived.
Summarize what the Goldilocks story
was about..
QA at Programme Level 27
Community Engagement
Draw the informal organizational structure
of the local community
Describe how decisions in the community
are arrived at, and by whom.
APPLY : Simulate a major community undertaking
Considering the past mistakes, analyze why
a given project succeeded
QA at Programme Level 28
Original Taxonomy
1.0 Knowledge
1.10 Knowledge of specifics
1.11 Knowledge of terminology
1.12 Knowledge of specific facts
1.20 Knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specifics
1.21 Knowledge of conventions
1.22 Knowledge of trends and sequences
1.23 Knowledge of classifications and categories
1.24 Knowledge of criteria
1.25 Knowledge of methodology
1.30 Knowledge of universals and abstractions in a field
1.31 Knowledge of principles and generalizations
1.32 Knowledge of theories and structures
QA at Programme Level 29
Structural Changes
2.0 Comprehension 5.0 Synthesis
2.1 Translation 5.1 Production of a unique communication
2.2 Interpretation 5.2 Production of a plan, or proposed set of
2.3 Extrapolation operations
1.20 Knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specifics
6.0 Evaluation
4.0 Analysis 6.1 Evaluation in terms of internal evidence
4.1 Analysis of elements 6.2 Judgments in terms of external criteria
QA at Programme Level 30
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Original)
QA at Programme Level 31
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)
QA at Programme Level 32
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)
QA at Programme Level 33
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)
QA at Programme Level 34
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)
QA at Programme Level 35
Bloom’s Taxonomy (Revised)
QA at Programme Level 36
4 Clusters of Learning Outcomes
Engineering Education CDIO Initiative :
Technical disciplinary knowledge
Personal learning outcomes : individual students’ cognitive and
affective development, which include engineering reasoning and problem
solving, experimentation and knowledge discovery, system thinking, creative
thinking, critical thinking, and professional ethics.
QA at Programme Level 37
Aligning Learning Outcomes to Stakeholders’ Needs
QA at Programme Level 38
Aligning Programme Learning Outcomes to
Graduate Profile
Graduate Profile/Competences LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7
1. A strong fundamental chemical
engineering knowledge and the ability
to apply and integrate knowledge to X X X
identify, formulate and solve problems
of chemical engineering fields
2. The professional skills necessary to be
effective and succeed in the modern
workforce including work well in multi-
disciplinary teams, the ability to design X X X X X
and solve problems, and the ability to
communicate effectively, and to uphold
standards of ethics and professionalism
3. The ability to engage in life-long
learning by acquiring new skills and to
remain relevant in today’s fast changing
Source: Chemical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
QA at Programme Level 39
Aligning Course LO to Programme LO
QA at Programme Level 41