Lecture 30 Histology of Cns

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Classification of neurons
• Based on size and shape of their processes:
(a) Multipolar neurons- more than 2 cell processes. One
process is the axon and the others are the dendrites.

(b) Bipolar neurons- one dendrite and one axon. Found

in the cochlea, retina ,olfactory mucosa, vestibular

(c) Pseudounipolar - a single process that is close to

the perikaryon and divides into 2 branches
Classification of neurons
• Neurons can also be classified according to their functions
as either:
(a) Motor (efferent) neurons – controlling effector organs
such as muscle fibers, exocrine and endocrine glands.

(b) Sensory (afferent) neurons- receive sensory stimuli

from the environment and from within the body.

(c) Interneurons- establish relationships among other

neurons, forming complex functional networks or circuits
as in the retina.
• The neuroglia are the supporting cells in the
CNS.There are four types of glial cells:
• a) Oligodendrocytes: are small cells active in the
formation & maintenance of myelin in CNS
• b) Astrocytes: provide physical & metabolic
support for the neurons of CNS. They are of two

• Protoplasmic astrocytes- are more prevalent in gray
mater. They have numerous,short,branching
cytoplasmic processes.

• Fibrous astrocytes- are more common in white

mater. They have fewer processes and are relatively

• c) Microglia- have small elongated nuclei,they
posses phagocytic properties.

• d) Ependymal cells- are columnar cells that

line the ventricles of the brain & central canal
of spinal cord.

Fibrous Astrocyte

Protoplasmic astrocyte


Glial cells of the brain

Blood brain barrier

white matter in temporal lobe
The Cerebrum
Bulk of cerebrum is white matter composed of
 bundles of myelinated nerve fibers and neuroglia
 Cerebral cortex or the outer portion of cerebrum is composed of gray matter.
gray matter
covers the outer surface of the brain.
about 1/8 inch thick, contains billions of neurons
80% of total brain volume
Cell bodies of neurons/neuroglia

bundles of neuron cell bodies.
Cerebral cortex
• Cortical neurons are of four types
– Pyramidal cells
– Stellate cells
– Cells of Martinotti
– Horizontal cells of Cajal

cerebral cortex
Gray matter of cerebral cortex consists of numerous cell types
• I. molecular layer – deep to pia mater, predominantly
neuroglial cells, horizontal cells of Cajal
• II. external granular layer – neuroglial cells and small pyramidal
cells, granule (stellate) cells
• III. external pyramidal layer- medium-sized pyramidal cells,
• IV. internal granular layer – small granule cells, pyramidal cells
and neuroglial cells
• V. internal pyramidal layer – numerous neuroglial cells , large
pyramidal cells (Betz)
• VI. multiform layer – adjacent to white matter, cells of varying
size and shape, fusiform cells, Stellate cells, cells of Martinotti
Cerebral cortex- Cajal’s method)
Nerve Cell Body- H&E

Cell bodies of large multipolar neurons are visible

The cytoplasm of neuroglial cells are unstained, only the nuclei are
Nerve Cell Body- Cajal’s method

Large pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex

silver stain shows the presence of numerous neurofibrils
apical dendrites are prominent
axons at the base of the cells
Cerebellar cortex
• Has three layers
– Molecular layer (most superficial)- synaptic
layer, few nerve cells
– Purkinje cell layer -single row of flask shaped
– Granular layer – small neurons

Cerebellar cortex
• Five types of neurons
– Purkinje cells
– Outer (external) stellate
– Basket cells
– Granule cells
– Golgi cells

Cerebellar cortex
• Molecular layer contains mainly Stellate cells and
basket cells
– Stellate cells are confined to the molecular layer.
Their dendrites synapse with fibres of granule cells
and axons synapse with dendrites of Purkinje cells
– Basket cells lie in deeper part of molecular layer.
Their axons form networks (baskets) around cell
bodies of Purkinje cells. Their dendrites ramify in
the molecular layer.
– unmyelinated axons from the granular layer
Cerebellar cortex
• Purkinje cell layer – composed of cell bodies of
Purkinje neurons arranged in a single stratum.
Their dendrites extend into the molecular layer
and axons synapse with deep Cerebellar nuclei
within the white matter.
only cell of the cerebellar cortex that sends
information (always inhibitory) to the outside

Cerebellar cortex
• Inner granular layer consists of:
- small granule cells; small, numerous spherical neurons
– Golgi type II cells
– glomeruli; synaptic regions between axons entering the cerebellum
and the granule cells.
• Axons of the granule cells extend to the molecular layer and synapse
with the dendrites of Purkinje cells and basket cells (parallel fibers).
• Parallel fibers extend parallel to the longitudinal axis of the folium in
the molecular layer.

Golgi cells
• Large neurons in the superficial part of the
granular layer
• Dendrites branch into the molecular layer and
the granular layer
Cerebellar Cortex- Cajal ‘s method

Purkinje cells form a single row between the molecular cell layer and the granular
Purkinje cells with flask shaped bodies and thick dendrites which branch extensively
through the molecular layer
Purkinje cells (cerebellum)
Spinal cord
• Cross section shows inner grey matter (H shaped, fluted
column) and outer white matter
• Grey matter presents a pair of anterior horns, pair of posterior
horns and an intermediate region
• In the thoracic and upper lumbar regions shows a lateral horn
• Anterior horn shows numerous large multipolar motor neurons
• Mediun-sized neurons occupy the middle and base of the
posterior horn and the intermediate gray matter

Spinal cord T.S

Cervical segments C5/C6

Cervical segments C1-C3

Spinal Cord T.S

Lumbar segment- L3 Sacral segment

Spinal Ganglion
• spinal or the dorsal root ganglion contain
pseudounipolar sensory neuron cell bodies
• Situated on the posterior roots of the spinal
• Nerve cell bodies arranged in groups
separated by fibre bundles
• Each cell body is surrounded by a single layer
of satellite cells

Spinal Ganglion

Posterior root ganglion

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