King Saint Stephens's Life

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King Saint Stephens’s life

Made by:Alsiyadi Regina Nada 9.F

In general

 St.Stephen was born somewhere between 970 and 980 in Esztergom

 His original name was Vajk(pagan name)which got changed to

Stephen(christian name)after he was baptized

 He was the last Grand Prince of the Hungarians between 997 and

1000 or 1001, and the first King of Hungary from 1000 or 1001 until
his death in 1038

 Only son of Grand Prince Géza and his wife, Sarolt, who was descended from an
upscale family of gyulas

 Stephen married Gisela(a daughter of Duke Henry the Wrangler of Bavaria, who

was a nephew of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor)in 996
 two sons:Otto and Emeric and three girls were born
 Otto died as a child
 Emeric reached adulthood but died young during hunting
 Grand Prince of the Hungarians(997-
 Grand Prince Géza died in 997
 Koppány proposed to Géza's widow, Sarolt(levirate marriage) and
claimed the throne
 Stephen had to fight for the throne against his relative, Koppány-
 Koppány was killed on the battlefield
 His body was quartered and its parts were displayed at the gates of
the forts of Esztergom, Győr, Gyulafehérvár and Veszprém 
 He was crowned on 25 December 1000 or 1 January 1001->first
King of Hungary
The consolidation of christianity
 Stephen established two important archbishoprics in Hungary:the
Archbishopric of Esztergom and Kalocsa
 Two more Benedictine abbeys(not including Pannonhalma)were set up in
Zalavár and Pécsvárad
 Stephen granted huge plots of land to the archbishops,bishops and abbots-
>Hungary was divided into 10 dioceses

 Laws were introduced:

 Church tax=tithe/tenth=peasants had to turn in 1/10 of all the crops they
produced to the bishop
 Every 10th village had to build a church
 Sunday masses became compulsory
New administrative system

 Becoming a centralized feudal system Stephen created the county system

 About 40 counties were formed and each was administered by a count
 Count-responsible for collecting taxes,raising an army,judge
 Palatine-head of the county system and second most influental person in the
 The royal land inside the county had two main types:court land and castle land
 Outer regions of hungary,that were not counties, were kept as buffer zones
Foreign policy

 Stephen had a good relationship with the HRE because his wife was a relative of
the Ottonian dynasty

 New dynasty-the Salians and their first emperor Conrad II. wanted to extend his
power to the East
 He invaded Hungary in 1030
 Hungarians managed to revoke the invasion

 Wanting to leave the country to his son Emeric

 Emeric dies in 1031
 Stephens closest relative was Vazul his cousin but Gisella wanted his niece, Peter
Orseolo on the throne
 Vazul started to plot aginst the king->was imprisoned and then blinded
 Peter is the successor
 Stephen became a Saint on 20 August 1038-the Foundation of the Hungarian

 History 9 book
 https://
Thank you for your attention!

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