Business Proposal To Setup A Fruit Juice Bar

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G l o b a l J o u r n a l o f Management a n d Business Research: A

A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d Management
Volume 19 Issue 2 Version 1.0 Year 2019
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals
Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853

Business Proposal to Setup the Fruit Juice Bar in

By Olaifa
Executive Summary- Contemporary Business ideas should rely on the development of the
innovative concept to guarantee long term relationships with the customers and providing them
value and satisfaction to retain them. This study has been conducted with an aim of examining
the feasibility to set up a fruit juice bar concept in Abuja, Nigeria. It uses survey method and
regression analysis for the purpose of testing and a sample size of almost 100 people in Abuja
was taken and according to the results, while discussing on previews work in order to have a
clear understanding on other author’s opinions.
GJMBR-A Classification: JEL Code: M19

Strictly as per the compliance and regulations


© 2019. Olaifa Olumide Francis. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Business Proposal to Setup the Fruit Juice
Bar in Abuja
Olaifa Olumide Francis

Executive Summary- Contemporary Business ideas should rely entrants in the beverages sector seeking to capture a
on the development of the innovative concept to guarantee significant share of the juice market are focusing on
long term relationships with the customers and providing them varied tastes, flavors, and preferences specific to a
value and satisfaction to retain them. This study has been
region (Euromonitor, 2017).
conducted with an aim of examining the feasibility to set up a

fruit juice bar concept in Abuja, Nigeria. It uses survey method The advent of products claiming to be diet

and regression analysis for the purpose of testing and a juices and no-sweetener juices are promising

sample size of almost 100 people in Abuja was taken and developments in the market. Over the past several years,
according to the results, while discussing on previews work in the fruit juice market has shown strong growth
order to have a clear understanding on other author’s due to shifting trends among health-conscious 49
opinions. consumers from carbonated drinks towards natural
beverages free from sugars, flavors and preservatives

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

I. (Farrell, 2015). Several other factors such as increasing

his chapter introduces a brief background of the disposable incomes, value addition, product innovation
juice sector which analyses both the global and and growth in emerging markets have further helped to
local market platforms. This part lines a specific set sustain the growth of this market. According to IMARC,
of questions that focus on the new business activity in the global market for fruit juice and nectars has grown at
Abuja while defining different objectives of the research a CAGR of around 1.6% during 2009-2016 reaching a
which leads measure the rationality and significance of volume of 43.6 billion Litters in 2016 (Team, 2014).
this business proposal. The benefit of this study is to ii. Nigerian Fruit Juice Market
determine the feasibility of setting up a fruit bar juice in According to the president of the Manufacturers’
Abuja, Nigeria. Therefore, a well-defined framework is Association of Nigeria (MAN), Nigeria spends N165
included in this chapter in order to focus on each and billion annually to import fruit juice. Therefore, Juice is

every element of the research objectives. expected to see an off-trade volume CAGR of 7% over

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

the forecast period. The growth in population and
a) Industry Background
consumer desire for new and more exotic tastes is
Fruit juice is a liquid that is naturally contained in
expected to drive growth for the category. Also, with
fruits. It is extracted by mechanically squeezing or
growing urbanization comes a drop in the availability
macerating the fruits. It is produced and consumed for
and sale of natural fruits, thus leading to the desire for
its refreshing character, nutritional benefits and as a
convenient fruit juice. During the forecast period,
good source of instant energy. The juice market is
companies are expected to bring a wide diversity of
growing at a healthy clip across various developing and
flavors and types of juice and also employ strong
developed countries. The mounting focus of consumers
marketing activities to drive sales (Euromonitor
toward a healthier consumption of fruits and recent
International, 2017).
changes in their dietary habits are the key factors driving
The growth of the child population is, in
the evolution of the juice market (Transparency, 2017).
particular, quite important, with juice products being an
i. Global Fruit Juice Market important product many now take to schools. However,
Changes in lifestyles and awareness regarding
as the category is nearing maturity having seen quite
the consumption of a healthy and balanced diet have
strong growth over the review period, total volume
steered the growth of the global fruit juice market. As a
growth over the forecast period is expected to be slower
result of the growing consumption of fruit juice, the
than it was over the review period (Foramfera,
global market for juice is likely to witness strong growth
2016).Fruit juices are served at occasions such as a
over the forthcoming years. However, the growth of the
wedding, burial, house warming, seminars, workshops,
global juice market is entirely dependent on the
and so on. The national demand for fruit juices is
geographical distribution and availability of fruits. In the
estimated at 550million litters, while current supply is
beverage industry, juices constitute the most competitive
less than 25% of the demand. The recommended
segment. Emerging players and new
minimum daily requirement of fruit juice has been
estimated at 75mg and the present intake in Nigeria is
Author: e-mail: still below this daily requirement (Premiumtimes, 2016).

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B u s i n es s P r o p o s a l t o Set u p t h e F r u i t J u i ce B a r i n Abuja

b) Business Opportunity and Concept a researcher will attempt to answer while analyzing both
The business concept juice bar emphasizes on secondary and primary data.
selling a variety of mixed and instantly prepared 100%  What is the influence of marketing on setting-up a
natural fruit juices which can be consumed in the bar juice bar in Abuja, Nigeria?
with the pleasant and comfortable environment or can
 How does an effective business development
be taken away in the hygienic and stylish container. The process will enhance the growth of the juice bar
global juice market is likely to be driven by the mounting business in Abuja, Nigeria?
consumer inclination towards juice. The demand for
 What is the impact of the market on the new juice
healthy food products from diet and fitness conscious
bar business in Abuja, Nigeria?
consumers is one of the leading drivers of the local juice
 How do the operations can affect the development
market. To meet the requirements of consumers, the
of the new bar juice business in Abuja, Nigeria?
juice products must focus on introducing different
varieties and flavors of juices along with the innovative  What is the influence of management on setting-up

concept, and product development (Kanika, 2017). a new bar juice business in Abuja, Nigeria?

At present, the demand for orange juice is ii. Research Objectives


significantly high owing to its easy availability and health The research proposal objectives of this paper
benefits of the fruit. However, single and mixed juice of which are sated below, focus to gain a better
vegetables and fruits such as grapefruit, tomato, understanding of viral factors that have a direct impact
pineapple, grape, and apple are likely to gain popularity on the new business activity.
over the next couple of years. Juices that contain  To analyze the influence of marketing on setting-up a
Volume XIX Issue II Version I

antioxidants made from fruits such as acai berries are juice bar in Abuja, Nigeria.
also expected to gain prominence by 2021 (Omeh,  To understand the role of an effective business
2016). The advent of diet juice and no-sweetener juice is development process to enhance the growth of the
anticipated to provide business with lucrative growth juice bar business in Abuja, Nigeria.
opportunities. There is a high demand for fruit juice in  To examine the impact of the market on the new
Nigeria. With a population of over 165 million people and juice bar business in Abuja, Nigeria.
an estimated national population growth rate of 5.7% per  To explore how the operations can affect the
annum, an average economic growth rate of 3.5% per development of the new bar juice business in Abuja,
annum in the past five years, Nigeria has a large market Nigeria.
for fruit juice (fresh plaza, 2016).  To determine the influence of management on
c) Rationale and Significance setting-up a new bar juice business in Abuja,

Academically the first concerned go to the ability Nigeria.

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

to organize a research topic around the feasibility study iii. Research Framework
of the natural juice market and different factors that This study looks to comprehend the connection
affectits growth in Nigeria. Thus, it is a based skill for this between the dependent variables and dependents
research, as all research the protocol of a theoretical variables on studying the feasibility of setting up a new
approach is as much as important as the practical juice bar business in Abuja, Nigeria while utilizing the
feasibility of the activity. Moreover, it is important to marketing, business development, market, operations
underline the importance of explaining and justifying the and management as the direct factors having an
research topic into the literature review importantly influence on the new business activity.
describing and supporting an academically point of view
and journal reviews or books of the previous writer on
the same topic.
Finally, the world food security, overpopulation
faster growing, and human self-consciousness have a
serious impact on society, this research comes as a
problem-solving in one aspect to tackle these issues.
Through the research methods getting the feedback
from an external point of view which will give a real
feeling impression on the topic and will help to
understand better the meeting point between the theory
and the practice of this research proposal.
d) Terms of Reference
i. Research Questions
The rationale and significance of this study
directly related to a number of below questions which as

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Volume XIX Issue II Version I

Figure 1.3: Research Framework
II. company's profitability, it combining certain elements in
Business Review respect with the nature of the business, competitor, cost
and supply (Smith T., 2012).
a) Marketing
Is the organization expression to consumers, it Place as physical structures identify the place
expressed the company commercial activities in the way where the product will expose, is the consideration of the
where company transmits its plans from the scratch to facade plan where to sell and why to sell there.
the end product while ensuring a positive image to the Nowadays the place in marketing mix has gone digital,
public simply is a research of a best-selling proposition. and talk about the company website (Mohr, 2013).
In this case the understanding of marketing plan and Promotion is applied on the company ability to promote
strategy is very important. (Blick, 2011) earning new attention, space, from new audience

i. Marketing Plan market or existing market, focusing on specific target

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

through the means of advertisement, personal selling,
Marketing mix as a mix of elements as defined
public relation or referrals (Gelder, 2011).
by Borden, in 1964, later on, the low of supply and
demand was the base of Smith in 1965 describing ii. Marketing Strategy
differentiation and segmentation strategy. Skimming and Brian Tracy (2014) claims that a good marketing
penetration by Dean where he explains the strategy strategy needs to be built around four areas, these are
behind the product pricing at the introduction, to the life the specialization, differentiation, segmentation, and
cycle Forrester explain the importance of analyzing concentration. He also mentions that many businesses
opportunities behind the product life cycle (W. Chan fail because they can really understand this approach
Kim, 2015). A good marketing plan after William M. and implement it in their business (O. C. Ferrell, 2013).
Luther, most content an understanding of marketing a. Specialisation
environment, based on the study of the organization's Specialization answers the question of the focus
market, the business environment, trends, economic of the new company what is the firm going to specialize
situation, and the social and political, moreover an on talking about product and services, it was important
understanding of marketing activity based on the seven to underline the specialization can be the product the
pcs or marketing mix. customer or the specific market. While looking at the
Understanding of the Implication of the Four P’s specialization in the juice sector today the focus is to
create an availability of a natural and healthy product at
Is a combination of activities behind the product,
the market so the customers here will be those with the
price, place, promotion, Product, people, physical
health and natural tendency (Venkatesh Shankar, 2012).
evidence, process, packaging. A product is a piece of
physical evidence, it defines anything produce to solve a b. Differentiation
need or a want, in retails product represent Differentiation is an ability to think and do
merchandise, they can also be called material when different than the competitor, is the real assent of
purchasing as raw materials. Price, it is the value of a business meaning all business strategy is differentiation
finished product, is one of the strategies behind a strategy, it answers to the question of how it is that you

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are better than your competitor. Brian Tracy justify this iii. Critical Analysis Marketing Risk
point by saying that customer is always wondering why The problem in marketing is the understanding
should they buy from you. Differentiation is that of activities of buying and selling a product or service,
competitive advantage, the unique selling proposition, incorporating advertising in connection with your
the excellence superiority (Fifield, 2012). customers focus, best-delivering practice, however, a
specification must be done and adapted on the green
c. Segmentation
business, product in from agriculture usually doesn't
Is the action of organizing the potential from the need any much effort on advertising and they are object
one with the high credibility to buy your product to the of a high demand, the problem is farmers forgot to apply
one with the low credibility? Segmentation zoom into the basic rule of selling proposition Although fruit is the
three different aspects the demographic is the raw material business it still have to control and
identification of the customer's profile based on their advertise it value added on the process (Smith M. C.,
age, gender income, education, occupation, location 2011). In Africa for instance, more and more people are

family status (Isobel Doole, 2008). Psychographic part is active on producing fruits which will get to a point of

even more important because it zooms into the overproduction, the need of marketing will be then highly

customer's goal and ambition, Brian Tracy said people considered for those with an effort today will be having
feel motivated to buy because your product is allowing no issue to sell their product.
52 them to realize their dreams and goal or how to eliminate b) Business Development
their fear doubt and worries, and how is the firm going to New businesses can pursue various business
describe our perfect customer. Because the opportunity development directions; from consolidating their current
Volume XIX Issue II Version I

is there today in the green sector and the increase in the activities through expansion by market penetration,
world population development of science, green market or product development, or integration, to
products have a good future ahead (technology- diversification into different markets and products. For
quarterly, 2017). any of the discussed directions, there are different
d. Concentration methods companies can use to execute their
Once you have very well defined your market development strategies (Kennedy, 2015). These range
segmentation and you know very well what your from internal development, when the organization builds
customer want and need then you can know to up its own resources and competences itself, through
concentrate on then, it is also a close look on how to joint developments, when the organization shares the
focus on your customers, especially where to put your resources, activities, and risks with other firms, to
time, money and resources. Also to look into the best acquisitions, by which organizations gain further

ways to connect with our customers and on top of that resources and competencies by taking over another
Global Journal of Management and Business Research

the means of communication (Mintz, 2013). company (Duncan MacPherson, 2010).

Figure 2.1: Business Development Model

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i. Internal Development in comparison to internal development costs which are

The first possible method how to pursue more spread. When considering the risks and control
expansion or diversification strategies is to build up over the activities gained by acquisitions or mergers, the
further resources, and activities internally. This method is highest risks with such methods arise with post-
called internal or organic development. In terms of acquisition or merger management (Guy Lincoln, 2012).
speed, developing and building further competencies iii. Joint Developments
and resources on its own is slow and therefore such This method is a joint development where two or
method is not appropriate for developments in a rapidly more organizations share resources and activities
changing and competitive environments in which all together to pursue common goals and strategy. Indeed,
steps need to be taken fast (Christopher Preece, 2007). in the complex environment, firms cannot always secure
On the other hand, developing all activities internally the necessary skills, ideas, technology or market
means having all activities under control. Costs of such knowledge themselves, and cooperation with another
developments are high as the company needs to invest company can help them significantly. There are a

for instance into product development, new facilities,

number of reasons why new companies should
management and so are the risks involved as R&D cooperate with other firms (Levitsky, 2000). Firstly, they

expenditures and new geographical areas do not always can focus on the activities they are good at and leave
bring the money back to the company (Butler, 2012). some of the other activities on the other firm if the
Even though developing new business activities other
internally is slow, expensive and risky, high level of 53 firm has better skills, resources or knowledge to undertake
control brings many advantages. For new market them. By joint development, companies can

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

development, direct involvement means getting the full also get access not only to complementary
understanding of the market which could be a resources and competencies but also to complementary
competitive advantage over organizations without direct products or services, which can improve the sales of
involvement in that market. Also, for product both firms' products and decrease the costs
developments of especially highly technical products in (Scheessele, 2009).
design or manufacturing, internal development enables By working closely in a relationship with other
to acquire the necessary competencies to compete organizations, new companies can learn very quickly
successfully. When considering the high costs of internal
from their partners and exploit that knowledge
development activities, these are however spread to a
later in their internal development activities. This is very
longer time period and therefore represent more realistic
important as many of the joint developments result in an
expenditures (Russ, 2009).
acquisition or merger activities which bring the company

ii. Acquisitions and Mergers more control over all activities (Carlo Pietrobelli, 2002).

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

In contrast to expansion or diversification Joint developments can be also used to avoid or
internally, external development of resources, and counter competition moves of other organizations. In
activities which could be achieved by acquisitions or markets with slow market cycles, joint developments are
mergers provide faster development possibilities. Both mostly used by firms to gain access to steady or
acquisitions, i.e. takeovers of other companies, and restricted markets, to overcome trade barriers,
mergers, i.e. voluntary fusions of companies, may by
provide to firms access to resources, products, cooperation with local partners. On the other
services, competencies, and knowledge that were not hand, in markets with a fast market cycle, joint
available internally. Because developing such developments are mostly used to speed up a new
competencies or products internally would require product or market entry or to share and reduce costs
additional time and costs, acquisitions and mergers are and risks (Ishikawa, 2008).
useful mainly in very competitive, globalized, or within a specific industry. It refers to a part of the industry
c) analysis
Market thus, in turn of the
technologically changing industries and they tend to go
A marketanalysis
global strategy emphasizes
through thethe attractiveness
analysis of
in ways (Newton, 2012).
and dynamics
strengths, of a particular
weaknesses, market
opportunities, and threats
There has been a wide discussion whether
(SWOT) that an organization can be identified
acquiring or merging with a firm is cheaper or not than
(Shiller, 2002). Therefore, the help of SWOT analysis
developing all activities internally. When a new company
enables the business strategies of an organization to be
chooses to acquire or merge with another firm, it needs
defined. and the market analysis is also known as a
to pay the price for the development activities of the
documented investigation of a market which is utilized to
other firm too, but on top of that, it also pays a premium
guide a company's planning programs, particularly on
for the risks involved (Annacchino, 2011). The risks need
decisions related to inventory, purchases of capital
to be also considered for internal development option,
equipment, promotional activities, work force expansion
and the two sums might be then compared. What is
certain is that acquisitions require high initial expenses and contraction, facility expansion and several other
aspects of an organization (Baverstock, How to Market

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Books: The Essential Guide to Maximizing Profit and perform adequate research and analysis of the market
Exploiting All Channels to Market, 2008). so that they can know what products will match with
i. Market segmentation customers' requirements. The elements that allow
Market segmentation is the base to differentiate strategizing on a market include the size of the market,
a particular market thus differentiation is important and market trends, distribution channels, business
one of the reasons is the saturation of consumption that strategies, market demand, and business environment
exists due to the increase of rivalry in offered products. and growth rate of the market (Schutz, 2011).
Nowadays, people are asking for more individual d) Operations
products or services and they are well informed about Adam Smith (2006) has defined the operations'
the range of products or services than before they concept as the pin factor of any organization.
purchase (Baverstock, How to Market Books, 2015). As Nowadays, business process has not changed from the
result, market segmentation is necessary because it initial but, it can be looked at a collection of stages
includes several market types of research, since it

through which the elaboration of attributes while in a


requires a lot of market knowledge in order to segment particular company's process is the ways to realize its
it. Market strategy is mainly about structuring and

goals (Weske, 2007). In the process of progress,

processing information which must be done to define Frederick Winslow (2007) has criticized a definition with
54 the specific market. The knowledge of the relevant market respect to standardization through training program
for the specific product is an integral part of the whole thus, the definition of employer and employees roles
market where the organization focuses its activities according to Peter Ducker (2006), a business process is
(Buchanan, 1995).
Volume XIX Issue II Version I

a consequential set of activity with the objective of

Market segmentation is a smart way to gain simplifying and decentralizing daily business
competitive advantage while differentiating in the market, requirement which falls into outsourcing as an option for
the company will able to concentrate on market power some of the organization especially for start-ups. The
and energy to gain and sustain its competitive business operations with regard to this study's objective
advantage. In market strategy, the knowledge of the are to understand the necessity of business operations
market is highly required to analyze the structure and in setting up a new organic grocery retail business (Rai,
process of that particular market since it needs a lot of 2015).
market research where several pieces of information can
be extracted from it. Market segmentation identifies i. Management and Supporting Process
From the idea creation to the business process
customer needs and requirements in which an
including specification of elements, it is mainly the
organization should develop products based their

question of managing the initial ideas where managing is

satisfaction while identifying different products for
Global Journal of Management and Business Research

related to activity in which knowledge and ability

different groups of people and better match which suits
involved. The roles of management are more focus on
consumers' wants coming from product benefits,
controlling and organizing the entire business activity
resulting on the maximization the product use, allowing
process while involving high communication, analysis of
the company to focus on marketing expenditures and
different business problems, opportunities and decision
competitive advantages (Aspers, 2011).
making (Burlton, 2001). For Instance, managing the
ii. Dimensions of Market operational process of a juice bar business, there is a
As it said earlier, market strategies strive to physical need for space delimitation and resource
identify the attractiveness of a particular market in a sensitivity including the plan to organize employees for
short and long term basis. New companies can evaluate different roles (Aquasol, 2016).
the long term attractiveness of a specific market by Organizations as employers still play an
analyzing opportunities and threats while relating to their important role in the entire business process while
own strengths and weaknesses them, they use these ensuring the control and coordination from logistics to
findings to guide the investment decisions which are the end delivery (Montani, 2013). The operational
made in order to advance their success. Those findings process in organic grocery retail business becomes
may motivate a firm to revise several aspects of its successful when it entirely based on a very specific
business investment strategy including inventory levels, process which concerns activities behind the expertise
facility expansion, purchases of capital equipment, of its operations (Dummies, 2016). Supporting the
workforce expansion or contraction and promotional operational process with today's technology has no limit
activities (Przeworski, 1991). and the more technology is close to the retail sector, the
iii.Element of Market more profit it generates thus communication did not fail
As markets constantly keep changing, since, the organic industry has translated and
companies must analyze several market factors in order understood scientific information (Elhendy, 2010).
to be able to modify their marketing strategies allowing
them to sustain their business also, new firms must

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ii. Developing Business Process and Value-Added been essential to ensure the coordination of individual
The retailing sector as other businesses today efforts. As society continuously relied on group effort,
processes its part on an organizational process where and as many organized groups have become large, the
the completion involves the progress that follows the task of managers has been increasing in importance
creative benefit in this sector which goes from idea and complexity (Joan Magretta, 2002). Henceforth, the
development to change it into the business while taking managerial theory has become crucial in the way
advantages of these opportunities. The fruit juice sector managers manage complex organizations. Management
has grown tremendously during the last decade. Vincent is the art, or science, of achieving goals
Amanor (2006) has come up with a process based on through people. Since managers also supervise,
an idea that makes all the difference, which will them management can be interpreted to mean literally looking
create a value addition in the entire business process over (Thomas, 2003).
(Vincent, 2009). For instance, making sure people do what they
Generally speaking, businesses require a are supposed to do and managers are, therefore,

specific attention which mainly depends on their sector

expected to ensure greater productivity or, using the
of activity however; the development of a business

current jargon, continuous improvement.
process in juice bar retail is mainly related to a creation Thus, management refers to the development of
of value addition while generating revenue all around a that derives its importance from the need for strategic
bureaucracy 55
chosen activity, developing Co-owned juice bar planning, coordination, directing and controlling the large
business, finding opportunities into new market and a and complex decision-making process. Essentially,
durable business relationship with suppliers. The management entails the acquisition of

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

business operations process plays an important role in managerial competence, and effectiveness in the
generating income opportunities as well as following key areas; problem-solving, administration,
understanding the product development including human resource management, and organizational
marketing. Value Chain in retail business while leadership (Daft, Management, 2013).
developing a business process in retailing needs to be
i. Forces behind Management
considered in value chain which creates more value by
The concept of management is not new and
building alliance or networks of collaboration, it gives a
has emerged as a result of a complex evolutionary
better understanding of a well-managed distribution.
process. Management has been practiced for many
e) Management years right from the time of The Sumerians, Babylonians,
Managing is one of the most important human and Romans. However, it gained importance during the

activities. From the time human beings began forming industrial revolution era and was backed by many

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

social organizations to accomplish aims and objectives forces. Figure 2.2 shows the three main forces of
they could not accomplish as individuals, managing has management:

Source: (Burlton, 2001)

Figure 2.2: Force behind Management

Political forces, such as government pressure has a major impact on organizations'

regulations, political institutions, and trade policies affect management as the rights of customers, suppliers,
in the areas of environmental analysis, organizational labor, creditors, owners, and other segments keep
design and structure, and employee rights. Political changing with respect to changes in the political

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environment of a country. Social forces can be in the Staffs are one of the more valuable, if not the most
form of social norms arising from the values and beliefs valuable resource in any successful organization. For
of people in a society (Daft, 2008). this reason, good planning of personnel policies, as a
These forces help in the formation of social function of management, and the corresponding
contracts, wherein no particular sets are mutually execution of that selection of high-quality people is
understood. People interact with each other on the basis becoming increasingly important. The task of this
of these norms. Similarly, social contracts are also management function is to set rules related to
formed between organizations and their labor, creditors, employment and personnel policies. Staffing basically
investors, and customers. Economic forces are involves matching jobs and individuals (Michael
responsible for the formation of a base market economy Armstrong, 2005).
and other concepts, such as private ownership of
d. Directing
property, economic freedom, and competitive markets.
Directing is an important managerial function
These forces also play an important role in determining

through which management initiates actions in the

the distribution of goods and services in a society

organization. It is a function of management which is

(Hunsaker, 2004).

related to instructing, guiding and inspiring human factor

ii. Management Process in the organization to achieve organizational objectives. It
56 There are five core functions that constitute is a function to be performed at every level of
Scope of Management functions or the process of management. The direction is a continuous process and
management. They are Planning, Organizing, Staffing, it continues throughout the life of the organization it
Directing and Controlling (Patrick J. Montana, 2008).
Volume XIX Issue II Version I

initiates at the top level in the organization and follows to

a. Planning the bottom through the hierarchy (Best, 2006). It
Planning is the first management function in the emphasizes that a subordinate is to be directed by his
scope of management functions that managers must own superior only. The direction has dual objectives. On
perform. Within this function, a plan is created to the one hand, it aims in getting things done by
accomplish the mission and vision of the business entity. subordinates and, on the other, to provide superiors
Under the mission is considered the reason for the opportunities for some more important work which their
establishment, while under the vision is considered subordinates cannot do.
where the business entity is aiming. The plan must e. Controlling
define the time component and to plan the necessary Controlling is any process that guides activity
resources to fulfill the plan. Accordingly, plan of towards some pre-determined goals. It can be applied in
organization is developed together with required

any field such as price control, distribution control;

personnel; method of leading people is defined and
Global Journal of Management and Business Research

pollution control. It is an element of the management

controlling instruments for monitoring the realization of process and is defined as the process of analyzing
plans (Griffin, 2010). whether actions are being taken as planned and taking
b. Organizing corrective actions to make these to conform to planning
Organizing is the second function manager, (Alexander, 2002). Control process tries to find out
where he had previously prepared plan, establish an deviations between planned performance and actual
appropriate organizational structure in a business performance and to suggest corrective actions wherever
organization. In part, it determines the ranges of these are needed. Controlling is a forward-looking
management, type of organizational structure, authority function as one can control the future happenings and
in the organization, types and ways of delegating and not the past. Every manager has to perform the control
developing lines of communication (Williams, 2010). The function in the organization. It is a continuous process
organization and its subsystems are placed under the and control system is a co-ordinate integrated system
plan, which was created as part of functions. Organizing (Kreitner, 2010).
basically involves analysis of activities to be performed
for achieving organizational objectives, grouping them III. Research Design
into various departments and sections so that these can
This chapter describes the research
be assigned to various individuals and delegating them
methodology which we used throughout the study with
appropriate authority so that they can carry their work
regards to the feasibility of setting up the fruit juice bar in
Abuja, Nigeria.
c. Staffing
Staffing, as the next function of management, a) Research Methods
consists of a selection of appropriate staff for the Research Methods are the instruments and
organization to reach goals easier and more efficient.
methods to conduct research thus, research is a term
According to today‘s experience is well known that it is
liberally used for many types of investigation that is
difficult to financially evaluate, quality and efficient staff.
intended to discover interesting or new facts. As with all

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type activities, the strictness in which these activities are consideration where it is justified by the fact that the
carried out will reflect accordingly in the quality of the research is mainly for the academic purpose, therefore,
expected results. Research methods are a range of the limited to the number of words and time (Smith K.,
instruments that are used for various sorts of inquiries, 2011).
just as a diversity of instruments are applied for
conducting various practical tasks, for instance, the pick d) Survey Location
for breaking up the ground or the rake for clearing It is the location identification for research.
leaves. In all these cases, it is important to know what However, this research was conducted in Abuja, Nigeria
the correct instruments for doing particular jobs are and where participants showed their full support and
how to utilize them to best effect (Zikmund, 2003). cooperation for us to be able to conduct the research in
The descriptive concept involves the a comfortable manner (Drexl, 2015).
acceptance and collection of data on individual issues e) Collection Method
describing different characteristics of an individual It is quite difficult for us to meet all respondents

including organizations and it is helpful to the juice while conducting this study from all over the city.

sector to study how to come up with a sustainable and Therefore, the most logical thing was to select a simple

profitable business while contributing in environment and random sample and data collection method of this
social wellbeing in an effective manner thus, different research study was the survey questionnaire, done 57
elements such as marketing, business development, through online using both Google drive and face to face
market, management and operations which will be taken fill-up of questionnaires. The collection was done
into consideration. This research uses three designs automatically from the in Google drive and via scan

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

which will be explorative, descriptive and casual in where the data was collected and process for the
nature. The questionnaire used in this study will consists analysis. Combining these two techniques were
of two parts where the first part will indicate the profile of particularly helpful on the credit of the analysis although
our respondents and the second part be based on the research was conducted remotely from Malaysia, we
research questions which will clarify the importance of analyzed and understood the reel situation (Pascal,
business marketing strategies, business market, human 2005). The research used the liker scale to measure the
resources and business operations on the new organic respondents' opinions. Using the 5 points scale Strongly
retail stores activity (Sam, 2011). Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree and Strongly Agree
b) Sampling Method thus, the respondents were asked to tick or shade in
Since this study relies on the feasibility of setting either circle based on the given opinions to indicate their
up a juice bar in Abuja, its environmental benefits and responses to each statement. The responses from the

the impact of socioeconomic on shareholders will be respondents were then analyzed.

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

invoked. Thus, the survey is featured to a demographic f) Ethical Issues
segment because it utilizes a random sampling The concept of ethics in research refers to the
technique for choosing the subset of the population. It is
whole attitude set of researchers or the group of
adaptable to each research, and there are few types of
common principles that drive the mind of the attitude of
sampling method where the probability and convenience
researchers and rapport between them (Sodhi, 2011). In
sampling which is commonly used while
order to attest that the whole research has been
conducted in a reliable and ethical manner, the following
responding to certain constraints yet not using or issues related to morality have been taken into
following in any plan in this research. Therefore, we used consideration:
simple random sampling, basically because of its i. Confidentiality and Privacy
benefits in term of cost (Arizono, 2014). The research will be held in free and fair mind
c) Sample Size state and it will not be conducted in the willingness to
The sample size considers the number of harm any participants, therefore, it will be an assurance
observation or replicates to add to the statistics sample that all the participants' information will be protected and
although its importance is to make inferences of will be used for research purpose only. The information
individuals from the sample. A total number of 200 that will be taken from the participants will be secured by
respondents were selected randomly as samples with the data protection of Nigerian law in research and
3% more or less the questionnaire will be distributed in development act 2007 section 79B, indicating that any
Abuja, Nigeria. Statistics are needed for big numbers to publication of confidential information without the
be reliable and avoid mistake or errors (Che, 2005). permission of the concerned person is punishable for
Based on the Roscoe approach this research has twenty-four years and hundred thousand Naira as the
chosen a particular parcel of respondent where the total penalty.
population where estimated at 18 million and the
respondent at 100 respondents through random

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ii. Impartiality and Professionalism It also includes a certain number of interrelated

This concept has been pointed out in order to operations that are performed with the objective to
invoke the major benefit of accuracy and impartiality to summarize the collected data and organize them in such
accomplish cautions and faithful result for the expected a way that they will provide answers to the research
set of goals (Zikmund, 2003). Cardiff Metropolitan questions. However, many experts think that data
University has set guidelines and rules so that the analysis is different from data processing in the context
research can be conducted in a good manner. where the processing of data deals, recasts or
iii.Plagiarism concentrates more with data so that it makes them as
Forging practices demoralize the whole amendable as possible for the analysis and on the other
scholastic work and the unoriginality must be estimated side, data analysis looks at the data based on the
research questions, prevails theory and then it draws a
and declared in the entire literature activities from
standby document to the academic book. From that

perspective, the whole date in this proposal has been a) Primary Data Analysis

genuinely referenced and quoted in order to prevent The collection of primary data for this research

plagiarism. has been done through the questionnaires survey which

iv. Right To Refuse was distributed to participants with the help of the local
58 During the research, participants had an option team who actively participated in this research and the
which has allowed them to decide whether they wanted good point of using this method is that the collected
to participate or not in the research and also does not information was fast and easy but a bit expensive
Volume XIX Issue II Version I

respond to the question that they thought was too much Though, the questionnaire is attached in the appendices.
personal (Zikmund, 2003). It is divided into two sections where the first part of the
questionnaire survey is designed to gather different
IV. D a t a Analysis personal information of the participants and the second
part is tailored to specifically respond to the research
According to Zikmund (2013), data analysis is a
questions in order to have a proper finding to the study.
process that inspects, transform and model data in
order to discover useful information, suggest conclusion
or support the decision making in a particular situation.
i. Part 1: Personal Information
a. Gender
Global Journal of Management and Business Research


Figure 4.1: Gender

Table 4.1: Gender
MALE 49 49%
FEMALE 51 51%

The majority of respondents who participated in the male who constituted the second group based on
this study were female representing 51 percent although gender.
there is a slight difference compared to 49 percent of

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b. Age Group

17 - 28
29 - 38
39 - 48

49 and Above


Volume XIX Issue II Version I

Figure 4.2: Age Group
Table 4.2: Age Group
17 - 28 38 38%
29 - 38 43 43%
39 - 48 10 10%
49 AND ABOVE 9 9%

Referring to the age group, the majority of third group of the respondent is made of people who are

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

respondents are between 29 to 38 years old while aged between 39 to 48 percent representing 10 percent
representing 43 percent, then followed by 38 percent of and the minority of respondents who represent 9 percent
respondents who are aged from 17 to 28 years old. The are 49 years old and above
c. Occupation

2% 2%

53% self-

Figure 4.3: Occupation

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Table 4.3: Occupation

STUDENT 53 53%

While trying to understand the occupation of another 20 percent are employed. However, 2 percent of
respondents, 53 percent are students followed by 23 the total numbers of respondents are unemployed,
percent of respondents who are self-employed and followed by another 2 percent who are actually retired

d. What type of drink do you prefer?



2% 1%
Volume XIX Issue II Version I

Alcoholic Drinks
44% Non-Alcoholic Beers
Soft Drinks
10% Soda
14% Industrial Juices
Natural Juices

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

Figure 4.4: Presence of Drink

Table 4.4: Presence of Drink
SODA 10 10%
OTHER 1 1%

Based on the results of this survey, the majority respondents prefer natural fruit juices and one
of respondents representing 44 percent said that they respondent said that he likes water as his favorite type of
prefer alcoholic drinks while 26 percent like to drink drink.
industrial juices. The 14 percent of respondents said that
they prefer soft drinks and another group representing
10 percent like to drink soda followed by 3 percent who
prefer non-alcoholic beer, 2 percent of

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B usi n e ss P r o p o s a l t o Se tup t h e F r u i t Juice B a r i n Abuja

e. How often do you drink a natural fruit juice?

5% 15%

9% 4 times a week on AVG

71% Never

Figure 4.5: Frequency of Drinking Juice
Table 4.5: Frequency of Drinking Juice

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

NEVER 5 5%
OTHER 0 0%
The majority of respondents who represent 71 ii. Part 2: Research Questions
percent said that they drink a natural fruit juice
a. Section 1: Marketing
occasionally followed by 15 percent who said that they

This section analyses the influence of marketing
drink a natural fruit juice four times on average in a week.

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

9 percent of respondents drink natural juice every day strategies on setting-up a juice bar business in Abuja.
and another 5 percent said they never drink natural fruit Do you agree that the price of fruit juice should
juice. be as lower as possible to make it accessible to all?






Figure 4.6: Pricing

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Table 4.6: Pricing

Do you agree that the price STRONGLY STRONGL
of fruit juice should be as DISAGREED NEUTRAL AGREED
lower as possible to make D AGREED
it accessible to all?
2% 8% 15% 55% 20%

The majority of respondents while representing respondents had no opinion, 8 percent disagreed and
55 percent agreed on the point that the price of fruit juice the minority of 2 percent strongly disagreed on the
should be as lower as possible to make the product statement.
accessible to all then, followed by 20 percent who have Do you agree that customers should have more variety of
strongly agreed. Although 15 percent of flavours?




Volume XIX Issue II Version I


1% 2%

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

Figure 4.7: Variety of Flavours

Table 4.7: Variety of Flavours

Do you agree that STRONGLY STRONGL

customers should have DISAGREE Y
more variety of D AGREED
flavors? - 1% 2% 31% 66%
The majority representing 66 percent of
respondents strongly agreed that as customers, they
should have more variety of juice flavors followed by 33
percent who also agreed then 2 percent who had no
opinion, only 1 percent disagreed and no respondent
has strongly disagreed.
Do you agree that fruit juice should be sold only
in social event?

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11% 10%

2% 63


Volume XIX Issue II Version I

Figure 4.8: Sales
Table 4.8: Sales
should be sold only in the DISAGREE Y
social event? D AGREED
11% 57% 20% 10% 2%
The majority of respondents who represent 57 10 percent of respondents have agreed and the minority
percent disagreed on the fact that fruit juice should be of 2 percent has strongly agreed.

sold only in a social event, 20 percent had no opinion, Do you agree that the fruit juice bar should be on the

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

and 11 percent of people who responded to our main place to facilitate the accessibility?
questionnaires strongly disagreed on that fact. However,




1% 2%


Figure 4.9: Accessibility

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Table 4.9: Accessibility

Do you agree that the fruit STRONGLY STRONGL
juice bar should be on DISAGREED NEUTRAL AGREED
the main place to D AGREED
facilitate the
1% 2% 9% 60% 28%
While understanding how important the b. Section 2: Business Development
accessibility to the bar is important to customers, the This section investigates on the need of
majority of respondents agreed that the fruit juice bar effective business development process to enhance a
should be on the main place to facilitate the accessibility set-up of new juice bar business in Abuja.
to all then, 28 percent have strongly agreed followed by
Do you agree that the juice bar should propose
9 percent who had no opinion than 2 percent disagreed
new product more often?
and only 1 percent has strongly disagreed on the



Volume XIX Issue II Version I




Global Journal of Management and Business Research



Figure 4.10: Development

Table 4.10: Development
Do you agree that the STRONGLY STRONGL
juice bar should DISAGREE Y
propose new product D AGREED
more often?
5% 10% 40% 44% 1%

The majority of respondents representing 44

percent agreed on the fact juice bar should propose
new product more often followed by 40 percent who had
no opinion on the statement. While 10 percent
disagreed, 5 percent have strongly disagreed and the
minority of 1 percent has strongly agreed.
Do you agree that the bar juice business should
be at all the main places in abuja?

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Volume XIX Issue II Version I

Figure 4.11: Location
Table 4.11: Location

Do you agree that the bar STRONGLY STRONGL

juice business should be at DISAGREE Y
all the main places in D AGREED
Abuja? 3% 15% 22% 49% 11%
A large number of respondents representing 49 respondents representing 3 percent have strongly
percent agreed that the bar juice business should be at disagreed on the statement.
all the main places in Abuja. Even though 22 percent of Do you agree that the new business should time to time
respondents were neutral, 15 percent disagreed, 11 award its loyal customers?

percent strongly agreed and the smallest group of

Global Journal of Management and Business Research





20% Y



Figure 4.12: Loyalty

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Table 4.12: Loyalty

Do you agree that the new STRONGLY STRONGL
business should time to time DISAGREE Y
award its loyal customers? D AGREED
- - 10% 23% 67%
The majority of people who participated to this neither disagreed nor strongly disagreed on the
survey while they represent 67 percent have strongly statement.
agreed that the new business should time to time award Do you agree that the juice bar should enhance its
its loyal customers followed by 23 percent who agreed business concept more often?
then, 10 percent who had no opinion and no respondent



Volume XIX Issue II Version I




Global Journal of Management and Business Research

Figure 4.13: Business Concept

Table 4.13: Business Concept

Do you agree that the juice bar STRONGLY STRONGL
should enhance its business DISAGREE Y
concept more often? D AGREED
1% 6% 50% 39% 4%
The majority of respondents representing 50
percent were neutral of the fact that juice bar should
enhance its business concept more often. On one side,
39 percent of respondents agreed and 4 percent have
strongly agreed. On the other side, 6 percent of
respondents disagreed and 1 percent has strongly
c. Section 3: Market
This section examines the impact of the market
on setting-up a new juice bar business in Abuja.
Do you agree that people should be aware of
the place of juice bar in abuja?

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Volume XIX Issue II Version I

Figure 4.14: Place
Table 4.14: Place
Do you agree that STRONGLY STRONGL
people should be aware DISAGREE Y
of the place of a juice D AGREED
bar in Abuja?
2% 1% 4% 82% 11%

Most of the respondents who represent 82 neutral, 2 percent have strongly disagreed and a
percent agreed that people should be aware that the minority of 1 percent has disagreed on this statement.
place of the juice bar in Abuja. 11 percent of Do you agree that they must be more number of juice

respondents have strongly agreed, 4 percent were bars in abuja?

Global Journal of Management and Business Research









Figure 4.15: Number of Juice Bars

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Table 4.15: Number of Juice Bars

Do you agree that they STRONGLY
must be a number of DISAGREE
juice bars in Abuja? D
3% 19% 51% 7% 20%
The majority of respondents while they represent percent of respondents disagreed and 3 percent have
51 percent, they had no opinion on the fact they should strongly disagreed.
be more of juice bars in Abuja. On one hand, 20 percent Do you agree that strong influence of your friends or
of respondents have strongly agreed and 7 percent children can push you to purchase our juices?
simply agreed. On the other hand, 19



Volume XIX Issue II Version I




Global Journal of Management and Business Research


Figure 4.16: Influence
Table 4.16: Influence
Do you agree that the STRONGLY STRONGL
strong influence of your DISAGREE Y
friends or children can push D AGREED
you to purchase our
juices? 1% 10% 1% 35% 53%

The majority of respondents who represent 53

percent have strongly agreed that the strong influence of
friends, children or family members can push them to
purchase the fruit juice products. Although 35 percent of
respondents agreed, 10 percent disagreed while 1
percent had no opinion and another 1 percent has
strongly disagreed.
Do you agree that buying the natural fruit juice
means that you care more about your health?

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OND 69

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

STR Figure 4.17: Healthy Product
GL Table 4.17: Healthy Product
Do youDIS
agree that buying STRONGLY
means that you care more D
about your health?
D - - 2% 10% 88%

The majority
DIS of respondents who represent 88 d. Section 4: Operations
percent have strongly
AG agreed on the fact that buying the This section explores the influence of operations
natural fruit juiceREE
means that you care more about your on setting-up a new juice bar business in Abuja.

health. 10 percent D of respondents agreed and 2 percent
Do you agree that the juice bar should be

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

were neutral therefore neither respondent disagreed nor
strongly disagreed NEon the statement. comfortable to serve customer in a better way?
80% L

70% AG
60% D
50% ON
40% Y
30% REE




Figure 4.18: Confort

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Table 4.18: Confort

Do you agree that the STRONGLY
juice bar should be DISAGREE
comfortable to serve the D
customer in a better way?
1% 4% 20% 69% 6%

The majority of people who participate in this percent of the total number of respondents has strongly
research while they represent 69 percent have agreed disagreed.
that the fruit juice bar should be comfortable in order to Do you agree that the juice bar concept should be
serve customers in the most comfortable way. Although unique and accessible?
20 percent were neutral, 6 percent of the respondents
have strongly agreed, 4 percent disagreed and only 1


Volume XIX Issue II Version I








Global Journal of Management and Business Research


Figure 4.19: Unique Concept

Table 4.19: Unique Concept
Do you agree that the STRONGLY STRONGL
juice bar concept DISAGREE Y
should be unique and D AGREED
1% 25% 42% 17% 15%
The majority of respondents who represent 42
percent did not have an opinion on the fact that the juice
bar concept should be unique and accessible. On one
side, 25 percent of respondents disagreed and 1
percent strongly disagreed. On the other side, 17
percent of respondents agreed while 15 percent strongly
Do you agree that fruits should remain fresh to
deliver a good quality of juices?

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Figure 4.20: Quality 71

Table 4.20: Quality

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

Do you agree that fruits STRONGLY STRONGL
should remain fresh to deliver DISAGREE Y
a good quality of juices? D AGREED
- 2% 10% 64% 24%
The majority of respondents who represent 64 percent were neutral, the minority of 2 percent disagreed
percent agreed that fruits should remain fresh in order to and no one has disagreed.
deliver a good quality of juices. While 24 percent of Do you agree that the hygienic condition of the bar is
respondents strongly agree on the statement, 10 critical for the business reputation?


Global Journal of Management and Business Research







Figure 4.21: Reputation
Table 4.21: Reputation
Do you agree that the STRONGLY STRONGL
hygienic condition of DISAGREE Y
the bar is critical for the D AGREED
business reputation?
- - 1% 45% 54%

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A large number of respondents representing 54 e. Section 5: Management

percent strongly agreed that the hygienic condition of This part investigates on the
the bar is critical for that brand reputation which was role of management in setting-up a juice bar
supported by 45 percent of respondents who agreed business in Abuja.
Do you agree that people who work in the juice bar
and only 1 percent was neutral. Therefore, none of the should be more helpful to customers?
respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed.

90% 81%


20% 13%
10% 2% 4%
Volume XIX Issue II Version I



Do you agree that people Figure 4.22: Assistance

who work in the juice bar DISAGREE
Table 4.22: Assistance Y
should be more helpful D AGREED

to customers?
- 2% 13% 81% 4%
Global Journal of Management and Business Research

A large number of respondents representing 81 agreed, 2 percent disagreed and no respondent has
percent agreed that the employees of the juice bar strongly agreed.
should be more helpful to customers. Even though 13 Do you agree that the management should always pay
percent of respondents were neutral, 4 percent strongly attention to customers’ requirement?



20% 15%




Figure 4.23: Customer Management

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Table 4.23: Customer Management

Do you agree that the STRONGLY
pay attention to customers’ D
3% 1% 15% 53% 28%

The majority of respondents who represent 53 percent have strongly disagreed and only 1 percent of
percent agreed on the fact that management should the respondents disagreed.
always pay attention to customers' requirements. Do you agree that they must be a good relationship
Followed by 28 percent who strongly agreed, 15 percent between the management and customers?
of respondents had no opinion that the statement, 3

45% 42%


35% 73

Volume XIX Issue II Version I


20% 18%



Global Journal of Management and Business Research
Figure 4.24: Customer Relationship
Table 4.24: Customer Relationship
Do you agree that they must STRONGLY STRONGL
be a good relationship DISAGREE Y
between the management D AGREED
and customers?
- 10% 42% 18% 30%

Although the majority of respondents who

represent 42 percent were neutral on the fact that they
must be a good relationship between the management
and customers, 30 percent of respondents strongly
agreed followed by 18 percent who agreed 10 percent
who disagreed and there were no respondents who
strongly disagreed on the above statement.
Do you agree that management should
exchange more often with customers’ experience?

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B u s i n es s P r o p o s a l t o Set u p t h e F r u i t J u i ce B a r i n Abuja

70% 66%





20% 15% 15%


Volume XIX Issue II Version I


Figure 4.25: Customers’ Experience

Table 4.25: Customers’ Experience
Do you agree that STRONGLY STRONGL
management should DISAGREE Y
exchange more often with D AGREED
customers’ experience?
1% 3% 15% 66% 15%

The majority part of respondents while they Therefore, it does not mean that the start-up will

represent 66 percent agreed on the fact that the not consider, however; it will try to combine multiple
Global Journal of Management and Business Research

management of fruit bar should exchange more often marketing channels in order to have effective visibility
with its customers' reviews. 15 percent of respondents and successful promotional campaigns. The customer
strongly agreed on that fact and another 15 percent target strategy will focus more on people within the age
were neutral, therefore, 3 percent of respondents segment from 17 to 40 years old referring to the survey
disagreed and another 1 percent has strongly result. In addition, some other factors such as to
disagreed. establish more bars in the city will be taken into
consideration as the start-up forecast to implement the
b) Business Implications
franchise strategy for the rapid growth and expansion.
The questionnaire survey has provided a lot of
Based on the survey result, a good relationship with
useful information to this research and after analyzing all
future customers will be the management
those data from the respondents, A considerable
number of facts were taken into consideration, therefore, V. Business M o d e l
a cross-checked different feedback of the respondents
implied different strategies in order to create an effective The business model denotes the set of
business strategy which will be sustainable in the long strategies that this new business will focus on so that it
term and generate profit to the new juice bar business. maximizes the profit and build a strong value perception
The marketing of the fruit juice bar should be strongly toward consumers, therefore, a good relationship
advertised as the majority of respondent has supported between the new startup with the public in order to
the fact that people should know the existence of such determine how much the new business is willing to
product however due to the high cost of traditional capture the customers' attention toward the new brand.
marketing approaches, the social media will be the main a) Business Model Canvas
channels to promote the brand because it is cheap and Table 5.1 denotes the business model canvas
very effective strategy matching with the business for a new fruit juice bar business in Abuja, Nigeria.

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Table 5.1: Business Model Canvas

CUSTOMER PROPOSITIONS -Word of Mouth -Raw Fruits BASED -Expand the
S -Natural Product -Social Media -Natural Fruit RESOURCES business
-Children -Healthier Product -Flyers and Website
Juice -ERP concept all
-Youth -Affordable Price -Sponsorships -Cocktail -Fruit Suppliers over Africa
-Adults -Partnerships Juice -Web services through
-Seniors -Brand franchise


E STRATEGY -Promotions -Fruit Farmers
-New concept with - -Gifts

-Local fruit
contemporary design -Memberships supplier
-Affordable pricing -Events -
-Healthier Product

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

-Operational Cost FLOW
-Logistic Cost -Raw fruits
-Utility Cost -Fruit Juice
-Depreciation Cost -Franchises
b) Business Model Elements -Brand
visibility ofaccessories
the new brand. The business will utilize the
i. Priority Customers powerful tool of the web through the bar website as
As the main activity of this business concept another main channel to facilitate the online ordering or
relies on making and selling fresh fruit juice products to booking while boosting the search engine optimization
customers while office these products in contemporary from Google to bring more traffic on our website.
and comfortable space. However, the priority market will Partnerships and sponsorship will be part of the
focus on B2C platform meaning that the start-up is going marketing channels where flyers and another marketing

to sell the fresh juice and all derivative products approach will be held.

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

principally to children, youngsters, adults and even to iv. Key Activities
seniors. The business will emphasize the low middle Same as in the traditional business activities, the
class and above who can more often afford the various main activity of the juice bar business will be to sell from
range of products even though the business will raw fruits to the natural fruit juice directly to end
implement the penetration pricing strategy. consumers while more often the business will invent
ii. Superior Value Proposition different cocktail with the mixture of various fruits in order
In this start-up business concept, the superior to differentiate the products. Thus, the bar will sell all
value propositions will emphasize on the fact the derivative products from fruits as well as different
business offers a very cool environment where people accessories of a brand such as T-Shirt, Cap and another
can discuss while consuming something natural and gadget in order to increase the business revenue.
healthier in less price. Compare to other sales v. Competitive Strategy
arguments like pesticide free, healthier food, high-quality In Nigeria especially in Abuja, there is opened
food, etc… which are good but none of them are really up these last years including the traditional grocery
accompanying customers to filling comfortable while shops. Although few have come up with new ways of
consuming the product. That why juice bar will come up selling organic products, none of them is trying a new
with the different approach of value proposition which strategy of attracting people into their store instead; they
shows to the customers who visit the bars the different are still driving the business as in a traditional activity. We
way to chill with their friend or family. have understood the trend of organic diet as a tendency,
iii. Channels people around the world especially Europeans lifestyle
Due to the limited amount of resources, the have a huge impact Asia especially in Bangladesh.
marketing channels will be based on low-cost promotion Therefore, we will introduce this new concept of not
activities. Therefore, Social Media such as Instagram, inviting people to buy organic products but also to learn
Snap Chat, Whatsapp, Facebook, YouTube, and various new recipes which they can replicate
Blogs will be used in order to increase the notoriety and

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B u s i n es s P r o p o s a l t o Set u p t h e F r u i t J u i ce B a r i n Abuja

them at home based on our store products, it is more products perished and the underperformances of other
like a community grocery store. machines.
vi. Relationships x. Revenue Streams and Cash Flow
The core strategy of this business activity will be The revenue streams and cash flow of this new
based on customer relationship management while business activity will mainly rely on the retail activity of
retaining customers which will be the first priority as the selling fruit derivative products and other brand
business can propose the home delivery services for all accessories then, as business grows, the management
customers within 5 miles. However, to maintain a good develop alternatives revenue streams and cash flow
relationship with the future existing customer, different through franchise with new investor and also it will look
strategies such as membership card which will allow forward to develop other products which can be
customers to earn points on every purchase and then in integrated to the initial concept.
a form of money they can use it to buy our products. xi. Identity
Gifts and discounts system will be implemented from

Till now in Nigeria, only a few people can afford


time to time based on the festival period. to have fruit juice every day and this is also due to the

vii.Key Partners lack of customer awareness on the benefits of fruit juice

This business model relies on a small part to products which is still low. Therefore, this new start-up
76 different partners. Therefore, the main partners will be wants to be the one who will democratize the
fruit farmers and different fruit suppliers who will commit accessibility and availability of fruit juice products to the
to deliver a good quality of fruits. However, the serious general public while becoming the leader of the organic
Volume XIX Issue II Version I

investigation will be conducted before working with any market in Nigeria and then in whole Africa.
partners in the context of farmers and suppliers as the
bar would like to guaranty and preserve the image that it VI. Business P l a n
sells to its consumers. In addition, the start-up will be 3 Years Forecasted Plan
always in touch its investors while sharing time to
time the financial growth progress of the a) Vision and Mission
business. In i. Vision
addition, customers and stakeholders will be The vision of this new business activity is to
among the business partners of the activity. become the leader of a fruit juice bar concept in Nigeria
viii. Value Chain Resource and overseas while providing to customers comfortable
The entire business activity will be run by an places to chill or spend time with their lovers.

Enterprise Resources Management Software which will ii. Mission

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

manage all the counters transactions including sales, Our mission will focus on democratizing fruit
inventory and human resources also it will link all stores juice products to the general public, make them more
activity together in order to have a daily performance accessible and available also, boosting the needs to
and monitor the whole business performance. However, consume fruit juice products by giving customers new
finding the suitable place to open up stores will be varieties of juice cocktail and taste.
important while focusing on place where there is a lot of
attraction such as shopping malls and main roads but b) Objectives
The main objective for the upcoming three years
on top of all these, the main preoccupation will be to find
is to generalize the juice bar concept in Nigeria and
the closest suppliers to each bar in order to have a
Abuja, in particular, to attract more people to buy fruit
smooth and rapid supply for all bars.
juice products while taking good care of their health
ix. Cost And Cost Budget conditions and also to achieve the highest performance
In the retail business activities, the main cost is in fruit juice business through progressive objectives
related to the infrastructure as the start-up has to such as:
customize the décor, designs, and furniture of each and
every bar with a modern look adding a different point to  To provide to customers, products will be above
the business concept which will create more attracting their expectations.
and enhance the quality of services and provide to the  To create a community network where customers
customers a feeling of uniqueness. Then, the utility cost will exchange and share their experiences.
which includes a daily basis business requirements, the  To help our partners to produce the best quality of
operational cost mainly includes cost from the fruit products.
acquisition of the raw products adding the logistic. The  To become the market leader of the fruit juice bar
majority of the machines and fruits are perishable and and establish a strong brand as a good reference in
they perish so fast that their value and price depreciate Nigeria.
incredibly fast also. Therefore, depreciation cost related
to the lost that the company should bear in the case the

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B u s i n es s P r o p o s a l t o Set u p t h e F r u i t J u i ce B a r i n Abuja

c) Marketing Plan concerned customers, then it comes the part of our

In order to achieve an effective marketing plan, company's marketing communication strategies where
the new business should have the first comprehensive the business activity will be known to the public and
elaboration of the blueprint which will explicitly illustrate which must also attract more and more customers. The
the future marketing and promotional activities. The use of the four P's marketing mix strategies should be
description of the fruit juice bar activities should solve clearly understood on what it should do and not do
different issues of the marketing objective within a certain based on the products, price, promotion, and place to
time frame and be able to understand the marketing plan be able to grow this business activity with minimal cost.
for the organic grocery retail activity thus, it is crucial to The core marketing strategy will basically rely on growth
deeply analyze the business concept before hacking marketing concept which will be repeatedly
incorporating or translating any kind of exchange designed and implemented accordingly to the market
between the customers and the products. It is important situation.
to give the major information on the products that the a. Product

start-up will provide, therefore; a good understanding of

As a normal retail store, the business activity will
the elements that are discussed below will provide better commercialize a wide range of fruit products which will include

knowledge to be capable to manage efficiently the fruit raw fruits, juice and other derivative products based on the
juice bar business in Abuja, Nigeria. brand. However, All the products will be 77 labeled
i. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning with in-house brand name because the company looks
a. Segmentation forward to establishing the brand label
as a franchise for all investors and partners who

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

To be able to grow the new business activity,
they should be a well understand whether the proposed would like to be part of this journey.
products will suit the demand and needs. The business b. Price
will operate in both B2C market platforms for the simple Since the business activity will target a wide
reason that the new company is willing to democratize market, it will use the penetration pricing strategy. The
fruit juice products to all. Therefore, in the upcoming impact of this pricing strategy on this new business
three years the business will be the focus in the city of activity will consist to encourage customers to reach on
Abuja while focusing on the areas which have a lot of their emotional levels rather than logical for instance it
traction, for instance, certain shopping malls that have will sell based on the value and the image that
more 100,000 visitors per day. customers get while consuming the products. The
b. Targeting objective behind this strategy is to increase demand
while creating an illusion of enhancing value for the

Both segmentation and targeting strategies will
consumer; thus, on the other hand, this pricing strategy

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

be implemented simultaneously while targeting
implementing processes, the business will require to will consist to sell multiple sorts of products for a lower
price than customers would bear if they bought each
specifically designate the end customers to the item separately. The start-up will come up with this
products. As the main business activity consists of strategy due to the fragility of fruit products as raw
retailing fruit juice products which are directly related to material which are easily perishable and also to enhance
the lifestyle activity, the main targeted customers will the value perception of the brand in the eyes of
include from children to senior living in Abuja and whose customers.
age range are from 17 to 40 years old.
c. Promotion
c. Positioning With regard to the promotion, this activity is very
For the first three years, the company would like important for the awareness of the brand name and
to position itself as a community business activity where business activity. Therefore, it will rely on the majority of
every individual, both passionate and those who want to the promotional campaign as said earlier for the simple
spend time in a comfortable place while enjoying reason that they are more effective in acquiring new
healthier products but, also to learn an share the new customers and lower cost rather than the traditional
experiences with other. The start-up is willing to position channels. The new company website will represent the
its brand as accessible and available as that even the bar online where most of discount and coupon will come
middle lower class that have a minimum household from and also it will include many promotional videos on
income can come to the bar and experience the different products which will be available in the bars. The
concept. Finally, this business activity will position itself web platform will be backed by SEO powered by Google
over the next three years as the market leader of juice in order to put the brand on the top fifth list while people
bar concept in Nigeria. try to search for fruit juice in Abuja using Google search
ii. Marketing Mix (Four P’s) engine.
Once it fully finalizes with the segmentation,
targeting and positioning of the new products to the

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B u s i n es s P r o p o s a l t o Set u p t h e F r u i t J u i ce B a r i n Abuja

d. Place will provide a framework to enable to develop strategies

During the market research which was for the sustainability of the business for the long-term
conducted through survey research questionnaires, it growth. From the perspective of the internal business
was understood that most of the targeted customers are model, fruit juice products have a direct impact on the
not willing to travel for long distance to buy the juice profitability and growth so, this will focus on both new
products. It has been mentioned also that the potentiality and existing market analysis on the market penetration,
of shopping mall since the market research via product development, and market development while
questionnaires were distributed in shopping malls, considering the diversification strategy.
therefore; it will start setting up few bars in malls where
there is an average of minimum 10,000 visitors per day.
iii. Strategic Growth (Ansoff Matrix)
It has been preferred to use Ansoff Matrix to
design an effective strategic planning instrument which

Volume XIX Issue II Version I
Global Journal of Management and Business Research

Figure 6.1: Ansoff Matrix

On the market penetration strategy, the main products and processing a strong economy of scale.
goal will be to maximize the market share over a short With regard to the product development strategy, the
period of time and the strategy is simple as it has to start company will continuously invest on research and
with a good pricing strategy. The activity is principally development in order to develop new cocktail and
based on a wide market but as the objective is to flavour, where the company will assign more resources
democratize the consummation of fruit juice in Nigeria, in R&D department to come up with efficient way of
the strategy for the market penetration will be the bundle reducing rapid depreciation of most products while
pricing strategy which will allow our customers to buy a remaining fresh to invent in new derivative and
bunch of the products at lesser price rather than processed products which will meet new demand for
purchasing them separately. On the other hand, this either new market or existing ones. Finally, the
strategy will attract more customers and increase the diversification strategy will be crucial for the growth of
market share. While pointing out the market this business activity, therefore.
development strategy, it will depend on the success of
d) Organizational and Operational Plan
the first move into the first location in Abuja.
Based on the notoriety of products, the i. Organizational Structure
company will plan to expand more bars across the The organizational structure of the business will
capital city while providing derivative and packet fruit define each and every task allocation which will be well

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B u s i n es s P r o p o s a l t o Set u p t h e F r u i t J u i ce B a r i n Abuja

coordinated and supervised so that it will be able to many of the requirements in term of self-realization and
achieve the organizational goal. The flat organization autonomy thus the idea behind this strategy is that a fully
known as the horizontal organizational structure will be qualified employee is more productive when he is more
used as the main organizational strategy due to the fact associated in the process of decision making rather than
that few or even no layers of middle management when he is managed by many levels of management.
between executives and staffs. This strategy will satisfy

Figure 6.2: Organizational Structure

ii. Human Capital Plan which will flow from the finish line of the production to
Employees will constitute the engine of this the end consumers. The marketing and sales activity of
business activity in the sense that they will contribute a this business will be based on selling fruit products
lot to the growth of our organization. Therefore, the including the processes that involve the
human resources team will be fully supported in term of communications, deliveries, and exchanges which will

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

resources in order to effectively implement the human create value for customers and partners.
capital planning strategy thus, all employees will benefit b. Support Activities
an equal opportunity which the HR planning strategy will The infrastructure will principally consist of
include compensation skim where our employees will be activities like strategic management, quality assurance,
well remunerated on the extra hour of working and also public relation, audit, finance and legal thus all these
the company will provide to the different type of incentive activities will enable our business to sustain and grow.
and allowance. Human capital planning strategy involves The technological development in this business activity
six different departments as teams where the bar will rely on the expertise of different products and the
management team will be constituted with one whose operating system which monitor all moves and manage
role will be to run the entire business activity and taking the entire business. The human resources management
major decision for the daily run of the business activity. will mainly consist of various activities involving the

iii.Business Process and Value Chain recruitment, training and development, compensation

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

The business process of the new business and laying off of employees if necessary. The
activity is based on different tasks and phases that allow procurement will involve the acquisition of organic
delivering a good product quality to customers. The products from different suppliers including the
process is illustrated in a flowchart for both shareholders acquisition of equipment.
and customers to be able to visualize the whole activity
e) Financial Plan
that is processed. The activity will utilize the business
This three years forecast financial pan will
process re-engineering in which will start from a blank
provide to our business project a comprehensive
slate and gradually recreate major business processes
evaluation of the future financial situation with the usage
while integrating the information and technology to boost
the business performance. The business value chain will of the current variables and assumptions which are
consist of the set of our operational activities which will known in order to predict our long term asset values,
allow us to deliver the products that will be above withdrawal plans and income of the business activity.
customers' expectations.
a. Primary Activities
The inbound logistics of this business activity
will consist of all inbound movement of fruit product from
suppliers to the warehouse. The operations will concern
the whole management process of conditioning certain
products including washing, sorting, packing and
labeling into the shelves in the bar. The outbound
logistics of this business activity will consist of process
related to the storage of the goods to the final
movement to the bar including all kind of information

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B u s i n e s s P r o p o s a l t o S e t u p t h e F r u i t J u i c e B a r i n Abuja

i. Three Years Forecast Income Statement

Table 6.1: Actual Income Statement

2018 2019

REVENUE 10,000,000 11,000,000

COST OF SALES 2,300,000 6,750,000
UTILITIES 200,000 220,000
RETAIL COST 200,000 220,000
DISTRIBUTION COST 1,000,000 1,100,000

MAINTENANCE COST 100,000 110,000


OTHER EXPENSES 500,000 500,000


GROSS PROFIT 7,700,000 8,470,000

INTEREST RATE 420,000 420,000
TAXATION 50,000 55,000
PROFIT AFTER TAXES 7,230,000 7,953,000
Table 6.2: Actual Income Statement
Volume XIX Issue II Version I

2018 2019 2020

REVENUE 10,000,000 11,000,000 12,100,000

COST OF SALES 2,300,000 6,750,000 7,575,000
OF 10%
ADMINISTRATION COST 500,000 550,000 605,000
RETAIL COST 200,000 220,000 242,000 FOR THE
DISTRIBUTION COST 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 The YEAR 2019
MAINTENANCE COST 100,000 110,000 121,000
OTHER EXPENSES 500,000 500,000 550,000

GROSS PROFIT 7,700,000 8,470,000 9,317,000

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

INTEREST RATE 420,000 420,000 420,000

TAXATION 50,000 55,000 60,500
PROFIT AFTER TAXES 7,230,000 7,995,000 8,836,500
ii. Three Years Forecast Balance Sheet
Table 6.3: Forecast Balance Sheet
2018 2019 2020
BUILDING 3,500,000 3,850,000 4,235,000
STORE 2,500,000 2,750,000 3,025,000 AN OVERALL ESTIMATION OF
EQUIPMEN 600,000 546,000 4,91,4 00 10%
TOTAL CURRENT ASSET 6,600,000 7,260,000 7,986,000 MORE OR LESS GROWTH
LOAN 3,000,000 3,420,000 3,420,000
SALAR 3,600,000 3,840,000 4,566,000
Assumptions AND EQUITY
Explanation and6,600,000
Justification depreciation
7,260,000 cost due to the nature of products that we
The juice bar business as other traditional will be selling. The revenue of the first year will be
business, the complexity to set up a new plant is not that estimated at 10,000,000 Naira coming mainly stores
much high although the success of the business majorly based the products and their derivative products. The
depends on the efficiency and professionalism of cost of sales will mainly depend on the ability and
different suppliers. Therefore, the main cost that has a capacity to handle the logistics and distribution of our
huge impact on the retail business activity will be the organic products in a very effective manner.

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B u s i n es s P r o p o s a l t o Set u p t h e F r u i t J u i ce B a r i n Abuja

However, when it comes to bar business there build a positive brand image, people should trust us
will the need of equipment that will be made locally in while on another side, it should also make sure that all
order to save cost and also marketing campaign which the products that will be exposed in our stores should be
will require a minimum of resources to be able to push hundred per healthier and that follow all the required
our products from day one of the openings. Since the process to be called as organic products. After gaining
business activity does not emphasize one or two the positive brand image, it can utilize this competitive
product it will be difficult to enumerate all the pricing for advantage in order to furthermore make the brand as a
each and every organic product that it is going to sell. national organic label in Nigeria.
f) Implementation Schedule – Gantt Chart d. Promotional Activities
The promotional activities will be the only means
i. Critical Success Factors that both business concept and business activity will be
Defining the critical success factors of the new known to the public. Since the business will begin as a
retailing business will provide us with the necessary start-up with limited promotional resources; it should be

abilities and resources which will guaranty the

able to utilize channels that will be more effective in the
sustainability and future growth of our new business term of customers target as well as the customer

while unlocking the competitive advantages. These acquisition cost. Therefore, one of the main
factors will be aligned with our business objectives in objectives will be to identify such channels
which we believe to drive us to the success and growth,
and also
therefore, these critical success factors include the
operational activities, human resources, brand value,

Volume XIX Issue II Version I

and promotional activities.
develop the new channels which will allow the
a. Operational Activities company to expand its brand awareness, attract more
Good business operations come from the g) Risks customers
targeted Mitigation and
all these withPlan
the minimum cost
assets processed by a particular business. In the case i. Policy
as possible. Change and Regulatory Risks
of the business, the operational activities are like the  The degree of risk is medium.
furniture of the whole business process including  The change of policy and regulation represent a
supporting acts such as inbound and outbound potential risk in almost all the business sector of
logistics, procurement and customer service. Therefore, activity especially in the beverage industry which is
the strategic approaches of the new business activity will currently booming. However, the contrast of most of
basically be aligned accordingly to the requirement of the most recent industry is that the government does
operational activities although there will be many not have a proper regulation which will regulate all

parameters to analyze while implementing other complex the parameters of the business activity in an

Global Journal of Management and Business Research

strategies with regard to either performance or growth of effective manner which is the case with the Nigeria
our business, the operations will always be the main government.
concern since the performance of the entire business
ii. Lack of Internal Talents
model depend totally on it.
 The degree of risk is low
b. Human Resources  The risk related to the lack of internal talents in our
Human resources represent the driving force of sector of activity is very low for the simple reason
any organization in general especially for in the retailing that in Nigeria, there is plenty of qualified talents who
activity like in this business. The most important will be able to fully perform with the minimum
elements that are strictly monitored on this business training and only on top of that there is a
activity will be the employees' performance and considerable level of competition among them which
motivation thus the company believes that the level of enable us to minimize the cost in term of salary.
performance of the staffs will majorly depend on the
level of their motivation. Therefore, in order to boost our iii. Privacy and Security Risks
employees' motivations, this will directly lead to the good  The degree of risk is medium
performance, there will various kind of compensation  A considerable part of the business activity will rely
and allowance plans allowing the staffs to fully benefit on corporate information as well as the customer
and enjoy the time that they spend working with us. data. Therefore, the level of risks that those data
could be corrupted or stolen are medium but, in
c. Brand Image order to avoid such inconveniences, the business
As a new business, the concept is based on the will acquire an exclusive server which will only store
community experiences which require a considerable the business activity data including our customers'
amount of credit from the community resulting in the information and no other party will have access to
trust of the brand. Most the customers will not have the that.
ability of differential a juice product to other. In order to

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B u s i n es s P r o p o s a l t o Set u p t h e F r u i t J u i ce B a r i n Abuja

iv. Cost Control

 The degree of risk is high
 In this business, due to the lack of chemical
products to boost the development of the plants, the
risks related to the cost control can be high because
of the rarity of certain fruit products in the market
and also due to the fact that most of the local
farmers and suppliers do not have enough
knowledge on how to regulate their process. It will
try to diminish these risks by investing in high tech
storage equipment allowing us to make enough
stock of different products while preserving their
quality and freshness.

Volume XIX Issue II Version I
Global Journal of Management and Business Research

© 2019 Global Journals

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