Power For All - Myth or Reality

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Managerial Economics CA1 (ECOM531)


Name Registration No.
Akshat Tiwari
Ashutosh Kumar Bhakta 12204439
Vineet Kumar
India with 797.35 kWh of Power consumption
as of 2014 data, with 8 states achieving 100%
in household electrification, is a great
consumer of Power.

•Power – critical infrastructure for economic growth.
•Government of India has promised “Power to All” by 2012.
• They are using different strategies to achieve this mission,
that is power generation, transmission, distribution, regulation,
conservation and communication
Causes of Increase in demand
Industrial sector
growing faster
Quality of Increasing
life Population
Causes of Increase in demand
Plans to connect
villages to
electricity grid
Increased foreign
1 2
India’s electricity sector
consumes about 80% of

the coal produced in
country A large part of Indian coal
reserve is of low calorific

Why Shortage
value & high ash content
Lack of initiative to
develop large coal &
natural gas resources
present in India.
Unskilled manpower
facing problem in
operating latest
technology plants
Pattern of Electricity
Consumption (Utilities)
Year Domestic Commercial Industry Traction Agriculture Others

1950-51 12.6 7.5 62.6 7.4 3.9 4.0

2000-01 23.9 7.1 34 2.6 26.8 5.6

2004-05 24.8 8.1 35.6 2.5 22.9 6.1

Uttar Pradesh(India), has a became
largest software exporting states in the
country and has led India's BPO boom in
the last few years.

Over-view: The Case of Uttar Pradesh

The power situation in the State is that deficit,
i.e., demand exceeds the supply and
generation power.

To meet up the gap,
Government launched "Power
for All" , under which 100000
Supply L;LM
MW of new installed
4000MW generating capacity is to be
added by 2012, under
Electricity Act 2003.
1 3

Achieving Goals with Clean Energy

Hydro-Electric Projects Wind Energy

2 Solar Energy
Current Situation
Total Power Plants Total Generation

269 1719 TWh

Current Scenario
Power Did India achieved "Power for All"?
Power Surplus Partially Yes
by 4 lakh MW
Overall, we can see India had achieved the target of "Power for all" but partially.
Yes, about 8 states in India have been electrified 100% on papers, but ground
reality is something else. If we ignore these numbers and states we can say there's
a long way to go.

We can see that India is a Power surplus country in terms of generation but the
main problems lies in the transmission of power to the respective places on time.
Thank you

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