g2 Inner Peace
g2 Inner Peace
g2 Inner Peace
Topics to discuss:
Stress Management and Emotional
Developing Good Habits
Value Clarification
Understanding Self-care
Inner Peace
Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of
being mentally and spiritually at peace, with
enough knowledge and understanding to keep
oneself strong in the face of discord or stress.
Inner Peace
Being ‘at peace’ is considered by many to
be healthy and the opposite of being
stressed or anxious.
Inner Peace
Inner peace means, among other things,
that there is no overthinking and too much
analyzing of every situations.
Inner Peace
It means no running from one thought to
another, constantly ruminating about some
past incident, no constant dwelling on hurts
and what people said or did.
Shelley Duval and Robert Wicklund
( 1972)
Two Types of Self-awareness
•Internal Self-awareness
•External Self-awareness
Internal Self- External Self-
awareness awareness
is something clearly you is the ability to clearly see
see your values, passion, how other people view you.
and aspirations and how People who know how other
well those standards fit see them are typically more
with your environment empathetic.
and your action.
1. Improve skills by recognizing what you do well and what you need to
2. Raise happiness levels by aligning your ideals with your action.
3. Become a better leader by understanding how other perceive your
4. Strengthen work and personal relationship by managing emotion.
5. Increased work and motivation by seeking out your true passion
6. Decrease stress by identifying emotion and lessening task you don't
Stress Management
Effective stress management helps us to break the hold
stress has on our life, so we can be happier, healthier
and more productive. The ultimate goal is to have a
balanced life, with time for work, relationships,
relaxation and fun - and the resilience to hold up under
pressure and meet challenges head on.
Tips on how to manage stress
1. Identify the sources of stress in your life. 4. Connect to others
2. Practice the 4 A's of stress management. 5. Make time for fun and
*avoid unnecessary stress relaxation
6. Manage your time better
*alter the situation
7. Maintain balance with a
*adapt to the stressor healthy lifestyle
*accept the things you can't change 8. Learn to relieve stress in
3. Get moving the moment
What is Emotional Intelligence?
-Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or
EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions
in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize
with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict.