Internship Report: Ossama Ali Intern SP & PL PNSC
Internship Report: Ossama Ali Intern SP & PL PNSC
Internship Report: Ossama Ali Intern SP & PL PNSC
Ossama Ali
IMO Standards
The shipping industry must comply with international standards to curb emissions
and achieve higher energy efficiencies due to the adverse effects of climate
change on marine habitat and the environment. This involves modifying marine
vessel engines and adopting emission control technologies to reduce GHG, SOx,
and NOx emissions. This presentation discusses global pollution prevention
standards, emission control technologies, and modifications for ship energy
efficiency, including reducing fuel consumption and increasing power system
efficiency. A comparison of technologies based on fuel savings and investment
costs is also provided.
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
IMO Standards and Targets
1) For Ship Emission Reduction
Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention regulates the emission of CO2, SOx, and
NOx from ships.
IMO’s Target is to achieve 50% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 from 2008
The table below summarizes all major ship emissions and their causes, effects and
limits for each pollutant emission as set by IMO MARPOL 73/78
No. Pollutant Cause Effect IMO Regulations
1 SOx (SO2 main contaminant) Sulfur is inherently Ozone Depletion MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI
present in marine fuels.
Burning of fuel produces
SO2. Acid Rain For SECA Areas: sulfur content
in fuel < 0.1% wt.%
Respiratory distress
in humans For non- SECA Areas: sulfur
content in fuel < 0.5% wt.%
2 NOx (includes N2O, NO2, and HNO3) Cylinder temperatures Acid Rain MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI
above 1500 C result in
chemical reaction of
Nitrogen and Oxygen Green House Gases Applicable to engines having
gases present in (GHGs) participating power output >130 kW.
combustion air. in depletion of ozone Emission limiting value
layer. calculated as per NOx
Technical Code 2008 that
enlists tiers dependent on
engine rpm.
3 CO2 and CO Burning of fuel produces Both CO2 and CO are Long-term 50% (2050)
Carbon dioxide and its GHGs and harmful
incomplete combustion for the ozone layer Mid-term 30% (2025)
produces CO. and are a source of
Short-term 20% (2020)
Global Warming.
IMO Standards and Targets
2) For Increasing Ship Energy Efficiency
The IMO has set standards for ship energy efficiency, including measures to
reduce ship resistance and improve power system efficiency.
The standards encourage the use of technology such as air lubrication systems
and propeller efficiency devices to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
They also require ship-owners to conduct regular energy efficiency audits and
develop ship-specific energy efficiency plans.
IMO Standards and Targets
2) For Increasing Ship Energy Efficiency
Both EEDI and EEXI are part of the IMO's efforts to reduce emissions from the
shipping industry and combat climate change.
IMO Standards and Targets
2) For Increasing Ship Energy Efficiency:
• EEDI is the Energy Efficiency Design Index of the reference new ship.
• c1 is a coefficient that depends on the ship's size, engine power, and propulsion system.
• Technical modifications to engines and equipment are required for the use of biofuels in
• Post-combustion CCS systems are bulky and heavy, making them challenging to install on
• Capturing CO2 from ship exhaust requires significant energy, which can reduce the ship's
efficiency and increase operating costs.
• Limited space on ships makes it difficult to install post-combustion CCS systems, which can
be large and require additional infrastructure.
• Post-combustion CCS systems require careful maintenance and operation to ensure that they
operate effectively and safely.
• The storage and disposal of captured CO2 can be challenging, particularly on ships, which
have limited space for storage and may be subject to strict regulations.
Ship Emission Reduction (SOx)
1) Using Low Sulfur fuels produced by fuel pre-treatment:
Scrubbers remove SOx from marine vessel exhaust by spraying an alkaline solution (such as
seawater or a specialized chemical) onto the exhaust gases, which reacts with the SOx to form
salts that can be separated from the scrubber system.
• The complexity of the installation process can lead to delays and unexpected costs.
• Compatibility issues between the scrubber system and existing ship equipment can pose
significant challenges.
• Securing necessary permits and approvals can add additional time and complexity to the
installation process
Sr Type Working SOx Reduction Cost Energy Installation
No Efficiency % Consumption Space
These scrubbers
use seawater to
remove sulfur
1 dioxide (SO2)
Open Loop Scrubbers 50-70% Low Low Moderate
from the exhaust
gas, which is then
discharged back
into the sea.
These scrubbers
use a closed-loop
system, which
2 means that the
Closed Loop Scrubbers washwater used 90-95% High High High
to remove SO2
from the exhaust
gas is treated and
These scrubbers
can operate in
90-95% (closed
either closed loop
loop mode), 50-
3 Hybrid Scrubbers or open loop Moderate to High Moderate to High Moderate
70% (open loop
mode, depending
Ship Emission Reduction (NOx)
1) Using Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR):
The SCR system in marine vessels reduces harmful nitrogen oxide emissions by injecting urea
solution into the exhaust stream and converting it into nitrogen and water through a catalytic
Direct water injection in marine vessel combustion chambers reduces engine exhaust
temperatures and lowers harmful nitrogen oxide emissions by injecting water into the combustion
chamber, which vaporizes and absorbs heat, thus reducing peak combustion temperatures.
Ship Emission Reduction (NOx)
1 Up to 95% Up to 60% Up to 70%
efficiency %
2 Cost High Medium Low
3 Installation
Large Small Small
4 Energy Moderate to
consumptio Low to moderate Low
5 Ease in
Difficult Easy Easy
6 Fuel savings Up to 5% Up to 2% Up to 3%
7 Urea handling Backpressure on Corrosion and
and storage the engine engine damage
Comparison of Ship Emission
Reduction Methods
Sr Alternative Target Pollutant Cost of Fuel Savings
Fuel/Modification/Technology Pollutants Reduction Ownership/ compared to
(%) Installation ($US HSFO
5 VLSFO (Very Low Sulfur Fuel Oil) SOx, NOx Up to 80-90% None 2-8%
The frictional drag makes up for over 80% of overall drag that a tanker ship
1) Air Lubrication Method: Reduces frictional resistance by injecting air bubbles beneath
the ship's hull, creating a layer of air that reduces contact with water.
2) Bulbous Bow Retrofitting: Increases the effective waterline length, which reduces wave-
making resistance and increases speed.
3) Polymer Solutions: Coats the hull with a thin layer of polymer to reduce frictional
resistance and prevent bio-fouling.
4) Surfactant Solutions: Reduces the drag resistance of water by reducing surface tension
and creating a boundary layer that reduces friction.
• Oil-free compressors
• Micro-bubble drag reduction ALS • Automation system
1 Air Lubrication System • Air layer drag reduction ALS • Piping
• Air cavity drag reduction ALS • Power cables
• Air Release Units (ARUs)
• self-smoothing-copper-silyl-acrylate
• Copper-based coatings
• self-polishing silyl methacrylate
• Self-polishing coatings
• blend of silyl methacrylate copolymer and
5 Anti-fouling Coatings • Hybrid coatings
• Silicone-based coatings
• silicone-hydrogel biocide
• Non-toxic coatings
• polyethylene glycol
Comparison of Cost, Fuel Savings and Payback Period of Ship Resistance Reduction Methods
The working principle is simple and effective: the power is split in a forward and aft
propeller which through the different direction of rotation cancel out the rotational
energy losses behind the propeller
Increasing Ship Energy Efficiency
Benefits of CRP
• CRP design enables ships to achieve higher speeds and better maneuverability.
• The use of contra-rotating propellers can reduce or eliminate cavitation, which reduces wear
and tear on the propellers and increases their lifespan.
Cost of CRP system and effect on emissions and fuel consumption:
2 CO2 emissions 5%