Lesson 2 Practical Research
Lesson 2 Practical Research
Lesson 2 Practical Research
Qualitative techniques (from the root word quality) collect data in the forms
of words or statements.
Researches that use the quantitative teaching uses are broadly classified as
quantitative researches while researches that use the qualitative techniques
are classified as qualitative researches
Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative researches
QUALITATIVE Quantitative
Subjective Objective
Research questions answer what Research questions answer how
and why many or strength of relationship
or difference
Literature review may be done Literature review is usually
as the study progress done before the study
Develops theory Tests theory
Interpretive Measurable
Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative researches
QUALITATIVE Quantitative
Quantitative Qualitative
Preference for precisely Preference for narrative/literary
describing procedure descriptions of procedures
1.Determine the kind of data that can be used for qualitative
and quantitative research
2.Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative research.
ACTIVITY: Data Choices and Sources
1. For each of the topics below, determine the appropriate type of
research by writing on the right column whether the topics are
quantitative or qualitative in nature.
2. On the second column, determine the data needed for the topic.
3. On the third column, identify the possible sources of data to be
GROUP ACTIVITY: Data Choices and Sources
1. Cup of coffee
2. Mobile Phone
3. Painting
4. Food
5. Ethnic Group
ASSIGNMENT: Online search