Agricultural Conditions of Maharashtra and Sikkim
Agricultural Conditions of Maharashtra and Sikkim
Agricultural Conditions of Maharashtra and Sikkim
• Sikkim is part of the Eastern Himalayan region, which is characterized by rugged topography, thick
forest cover, and sub-humid climate. It is part of the 15 agro-climatic regions of India, which are
further divided into 72 sub-zones. The soil climatic zones can be classified based on rainfall,
temperature, and prevalent soil types in the region.
Farming culture of Maharashtra and Sikkim
• Maharashtra is a leading state in terms of milk production, with an annual output of 6.7 million tonnes. Dairy
farming is a traditional activity in rural areas of Maharashtra, with no uniformity in milk production in
different regions. Farmers or agriculturists with farm land in Maharashtra or some other state can obtain a
farmer certificate to buy agricultural land in Maharashtra. Mud-crab farming is becoming popular in coastal
areas of Maharashtra, and it is considered an important secondary crop in the prawn or fish culture
systems. Pearl farming comes under agriculture, and the NABARD office is the best point of contact for
current subsidies for pearl culture.
• Sikkim is a mountainous state in North-East India, with agriculture being the heart and backbone
of the state. Organic farming covers 16% of the state GDP and supports more than 65% of
the population. The Sikkim Organic Mission aims to shift the state's subsistence farming to
commercial farming, with farmers switching from food crop farming to large cardamon farming
for a higher profit margin. The Bhutias practiced economy or sedentary farming within the
territory of Sikkim, and agriculture started within the territory of Sikkim only by the infiltration of
Nepali immigrants. Sikkim is blessed with fertile land that largely supports agriculture.
Comparision of soil and crops grown in
Maharashtra and Sikkim
• Maharashtra is a leading state in agriculture, with principal crops including rice, bajra, jowar, wheat, tur,
urad, mung, gram, and other pulses. The state is the main producer of oilseeds, with sunflower, groundnut,
and soybeans being the major oilseed crops. Cash crops include sugarcane, cotton, turmeric, and vegetables. The
state is also a pioneer in onion production in the country.2 The soils in Maharashtra are shallow and deficient in
nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc, and sulphur.1 The net irrigated area totals 33,500 hectares, and more than 60% of the
people in the state are employed in agriculture and allied activities. 0 Ahmednagar district, located in the central
part of the state, cultivated Bajra, Rice, Pearl Millet, Red gram, Soya Bean, Cotton, Wheat, Jowar, Maize,
Vegetables, Pulses, Fodder Crops, Oilseeds, Sugarcane, and Fruits.
• Sikkim is a state with a unique climate and farming culture that favors organic farming to a large
extent. The state's marketing strategy focuses on specialty crops such as cardamom, ginger, oranges,
tea, kiwi fruit, passion fruit, and mountain vegetables.1 The government's initial focus in organic
farming was on five crops, namely large cardamom, ginger, buckwheat, turmeric, and orchid.2 Sikkim
is the first state in the world to be 100% organic, with all farmland certified organic. The policy
implemented a phase-out of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and achieved a total ban on sale and
use of chemical pesticides in the state, benefitting over 66,000 farming families.
Comparision with the chapter the letter to god
• The farmers in maharshtra face many problems like storms and it
leads to massive losses that they cant afford just like In the storyj
lanchos farming got destroyed due to the storm.
• There are many more problems like drought or any natural disaster
and that males them more dependent on others