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Keeping Peace

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Keeping the Peace:

Mixing Agile and Waterfall

Dr. Matthew Ganis, IBM Senior Technical Staff Member

Tom Hawkins, Program Manager, ibm.com
Westchester Project Management Institute
March 13, 2008

Slides available at: http://webpage.pace.edu/mganis

Agenda – Keeping the Peace
 Overview of Agile Methods
 What are some of the components/practices
 Issues we’ve run into (solutions we use)
What is Agile
 Agile Software methodologies and
practices emphasize:

 Empirical process control

 Quick delivery of valuable functionality
 Simple designs
 Constant Communication
Definition of Agile1

Agile is an iterative and incremental (evolutionary)

approach to software development which is
performed in a highly collaborative manner with "just
enough" ceremony that produces high quality
software which meets the changing needs of its

Plan-driven methods
 Assumes requirements are understood up front
and are relatively stable
 Assumes software can be “manufactured”
 Emphasizes Big-Design Up Front (BDUF)
 Step-by-step execution
 De-couple architecture and design from coding
and testing


 Different teams for Architecture

different aspects




Where did Agile come from?
The Agile manifesto specifies:

Continuous delivery of Working software is the

valuable software. primary measure of progress.

Welcome changing requirements Agile processes promote

(even late in development) sustainable development.
Deliver working software
frequently Simplicity (maximize the amount
of work not done)
Business people and developers
must work together daily Form self-organizing teams.

Build projects around motivated At regular intervals, reflect on

individuals. Trust them how to become more effective,
then tune and adjust
face-to-face conversation.
Key Agile Terms
Term Definition
A project conducted under an Agile Method is broken up into
Stories a set of very small deliverables called stories.
Velocity is a method for measuring the rate at which teams
Velocity consistently deliver business value in a software system (at
what rate can they deliver stories)
Software developed during one unit of time is referred to as
an iteration, which may last from one to four weeks. Each
Iteration iteration is an entire software project: including planning,
requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, and
documentation. Stories are implemented within iterations
The stakeholder that is responsible (i.e., has money) and
Customer “owns” the requirement
Exploring - not Big Up-Front Planning

 Agile is a methodology where we come up

with a solution to a problem not by
planning or analysis, but by exploratory
 This leads us to Iterative development…
Iterative development
(getting closer to the target)

Further iterations

e nts
ll the
m ing
Iteration 1 suIteration 3
Iteration 2
A Time (measured in iterations)
The “promise” of Agile

Iteration n
Iteration 1 Iteration 2

Within an iteration, stories Releases are composed of

At some point, there exists
are created a number of iterations, as
a deliverable, that delivers
the iterations progress,
In a planning game, stories enough value that the
stories are completed, and
are selected by the customer says “stop” since
new ones are introduced
customer based on value the remaining stories don’t
contribute sufficient value

Agile allows for faster deliverables at a lower cost (assuming the customer
decides, based on what they see, that a set of stories aren’t needed)
What is Extreme Programming
 XP is extreme in the sense that it takes 12 well-
known software development "best practices" to
their logical extremes

XP helps define HOW

to go about the project

It’s not rocket science!

XP Practices
 Planning Game  Pair Programming
 Small Releases  Collective code
 Simple Design ownership
 Continuous Testing  Continuous
 Refactoring
 On-Site customer
 40-hour work week
 Coding standards
Scrum (project management)
Typical Agile Flow
Plan New Velocity
or Unfinished
Velocity Iteration Latest
Planning Development Version
Customer Fixes
Bugs Iteration
Plan Refactoring

1-2 days 1 day 2 weeks Last day of

(meeting) (typical) Iteration
How do we marry the two ?






Waterfall Deploy



Start • Arch • Arch

• Arch
•User Design •User Design •User Design
•Development •Development •Development
•Customer •Customer •Customer
•Deploy •Deploy •Deploy

Why mix Agile and Waterfall
 Existing projects process and tools
 Externally dependant groups using
 Executives still need to plan for annual
project funding and resource allocation
We provide the corporate portal but
have several “stakeholders” that
represent various IBM Brands

The IBM.COM Organization

drives or provides:
• To Ensure that sites
IBM.COM are uniform
portal • Dynamic capabilities
• Masthead
Support • Footer
• Personalization
• Page tools
What is “Whole Team”?

A team working in isolation (i.e., without the

supporting functions integrated into the team)
will tend to not fully realize the advantages of
Agile techniques

The team is only as Agile as it’s weakest link

Do these opposites attract?
 Following a strict Plan  Plan as we go
 Formal Checkpoints  No Checkpoints
 Big upfront design  Agile modeling
 “Big Bang” delivery  Many small releases
What happens when we
mix the two?
But we need documentation…….
•Create user stories within the
•Try to understand,we don’t know it
all (yet)
•Try to use what we do have
Try to combine the two methods

Pre-planning game Set Iteration Goals

planning game planning game
Create Supporting

Agile Team 1 Execution

Agile Team
(or other team)

Feature Integrated
Pre-planning game
 Helps in organizational communication
 Allows dependencies to surface
 Get’s each “side” used to how the “other”
half lives
What if my feature doesn’t “make it”

Agile Projects are better with Feature and Function Usage. The traditional “requirements document” is a guess.

A “bedrock” Agile principle states:

“Satisfy the customer through early and
continuous delivery of valuable

[1] Customers often don't

know exactly what they
want at the beginning of a

Lesson: Agile helps you build the right functions

and the best product

“Agile practices focus on intelligent and responsive reaction to

change.” The Laws of Software Process Philip G. Armour- 2004
Managing requirements
 Managing requirements in this hybrid
model is difficult
 Non-Agile teams need answers that aren’t
 Agile teams don’t view things as
requirements, thus something being 80%
done is “foreign” to them.
 It’s either done or not done

 Agile is predicated on fast answers and

clarifications to questions and issues
(sometimes the answers are wrong or

 However, Doing something wrong – is vastly

better than doing nothing (for an iteration)
Managing Agile and Plan-driven Requirements

Convert Applicable
Requirements RSC Reqts into Agile

Common RSC
Repository of RSC Agile
Requirements Requirement
Database Customer
used by IBM

Non-Agile Agile
Development Team
Functional Requirements and
 We’ve modified the concept of a
Functional Specification to become a
Functional Description
 Rather that document to the smallest
detail what we are going to do, we
document at a higher level, introducing
capabilities over requirements.
Capabilities decompose into stories
(Dealing with the marketing problem)

Capability 1 Capability 2 Capability 3 Capability n

Stories Story for capability 1

•Marketing talks in Story for capability 3
terms of Capabilities Story for capability 3

Story for capability 2

•Development talks in
Story for capability 2
terms of Stories Story for capability 2

Story for capability 4

Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3

Stumbling blocks
 Executive team needs end to end plans
with project milestones and deploy dates
 Business owners want
committed/dedicated resources for
 Limited development resources
 Have we been successful?
Sort of:

 Agile projects complete and “ship” on time

 We need to get better at incremental delivery
 Strictly waterfall teams understand us better,
but still don’t always react fast enough
Questions ?

Thank you……
Matt Ganis
Tom Hawkins


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