Chapter 8 FT

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- The success of fermentation depends upon the existence of defined environmental conditions for biomass & product formation. - Thus the temperature, pH, degree of agitation, oxygen concentration in the medium & other factor may have to be kept constant during the process. - The provision of such conditions requires careful monitoring of the fermentation so that any deviation from the specific optimum might be corrected by a control system.

A control loop consists of 3 basic components:

1. A measuring element (senses a process property such as flow, pressure, temperature, etc. and generates a corresponding output signal) 2. A controller (measurement signal with a predetermined desired value set point and produce an output signal to counteract any differences between the two)
3. A final control element (received the control signal and adjusts the process by changing a valve opening or pump speed and causing the controlled process property to return to these points)

Manual control A simple example of control is manual control a steam valve to regulate the temperature of water flowing through a pipe. Temperature change from the set point on the thermometer, the operative will take appropriate action and adjusts the steam valve to correct the temperature deviation. Further action may be necessary if the temperature not return to set point. Much depend on the skill of individual operatives in knowing when and how much adjustment to make. This approach with manual control may be very costly in labour. Automatic control When an automatic control loop is used, certain modifications are necessary. The measuring element must generate an output signal which can be monitored by an instrument. In the case of temperature control, thermometer is replaced by a thermocouple, which is connected to a controller which in turn will produce a signal which will operate the steam valve

Automatic control system can be classified into four main types:

1. Two-position controllers (On/Off) 2. Proportional controllers 3. Integral controllers 4. Derivative controller Two-position controllers (On/Off) Simplest automatic controller, has a final control unit (valve, switch, etc), which is either fully open (On) or fully closed (Off). The response pattern to such a change will be oscillatory.

Proportional controllers
The change in output of controller is proportional to the input signal produced by the environment change (commonly referred to as error) which has been detected by a sensor. Expressed in following equation: M=M0 + Kc Where, M = output signal M0 = controller output signal when there is no error Kc = controller gain or sensitivity = the error signal Hence the greater the error (environmental change) the larger is the initial corrective action which will be applied.

I Controller O Change in input change in output Then I = KcO Kc may contain conversion units if there is an electrical input and pressure output or vive versa. If the input to the controller gains of 1, the output will be 1 unit If the input to the controller gains of 2, the output will be 2 units

Integral controller Output signal of an integral controller is determined by integral of error input over time of operation. M = Mo + 1/Ti dt

Where, Ti = integral time It is important to remember that the controller output signal changes relatively slowly at first as time is required for the controller action to integrate the error.

Derivative controller Controller sense of rate of change of the error signal and contributes a component of the output signal that is proportional to a derivative of the error signal. M = Mo + Td d / dt

Where, Td = time rate constant It is important to remember that if the error is constant there is no corrective action with derivative control. In practice, derivative control is never used on its own.

Combination of methods of control Proportional plus integral control The output response to an error gives rise to a slightly higher initial deviation in the output signal compared with one which would be obtained with the proportional control on its own. This is due to contribution in the signal from integral control. However, the oscillations are soon reduced and there is finally no offset. This mode of control finds wide applications since the proportional component is ideal in a process where there are moderate changes, whereas the integral component will allow for large load changes and eliminate the offset that would have occurred.

Proportional plus derivative control

The output response to an error will lead to reduced deviation, faster stabilization and reduced offset compared with proportional control alone. Because the derivative component has rapid stabilizing influence, the controller can cope with rapid load changes.

Proportional plus integral plus derivative control

Provide the best control possibilities. The advantages of each system are retained. The maximum deviation and settling time are similar to that for a proportional plus derivative controller whilst the integral action ensures that there is no offset. This is method of control finds the widest application because of its ability to cope with wide variations of pattern of changes which might be encountered in different processes.

Temperature The temperature in a vessel or pipe is the most important parameter to monitor and control in any process. It may be measured by mercury-in-glass thermometers, bimetallic thermometer, pressure bulb thermometers, thermocouples, metal-resistance thermometer or thermistors. Mercury-in-glass thermometers May be used directly in small bench fermenter, but its fragility restricts its use. In larger fermenter it would be necessary to insert in into a thermometer pocket in the vessel, which introduces a time lag in registering the vessel temperature. It can be used solely for indication, not for automatic control or recording.

Bimetallic thermometer It consists of a bimetallic helical coil surrounded by a protecting tube or well. The coil winds or unwinds with changes in temperature and causes movement of a fixed pointer. A pen can be fitted to the pointer so that temperature changes can be monitored on chart. They are less subject to breakage than glass thermometers but cost slightly more and are less accurate and once limited to local indication.

Pressure bulb thermometer

It is basically pressure gauge connected by small-bore tubing, which may be up to 60m in length, to the detecting bulb (12x125mm). The whole system is gastight and filled with an appropriate gas or liquid under pressure (2800-8000kNm-2). The movement of the free end of the receiving element can be used to operate a pen on a chart recorder or an electrical or pneumatic control. Response times of 5 seconds have been claimed. A variety of systems are used in this thermometer for ambient temperature compensation in the pressure gauge.


Seebeck discovered that if a circuit consisting of wires of two dissimilar metals had the junction of the wires maintained at different temperatures, a current flowed through the circuit. The current produced can be measured on a calibrated instrument or recorder and is a measure of point temperature at a joint. Therefore holding the temperature at the all junctions, except one, within a given circuit it is possible to measure temperature as a function of the hot-junction temperature with reference to the cold-junction temperature.
They have not been used much for temperature measurement in fermenter because they are normally operated at ambient temperatures and unfortunately tend to be susceptible to coldjunction problems within 500 of this range.

Electrical resistance thermometer It changes with temperature variation. The bulb of the instrument contains the resistance element, a mica framework (for every accurate measurement) or a ceramic framework (robust but for less accurate measurement) around which the sensing element is wound. A platinum wire of 100 resistances is normally used. Leads emerging form the bulb are connected to the measuring element. The reading is normally obtained by the use of a Wheatstone bridge circuit and is a measure of the average temperature of the sensing element. It has greater accuracy (0.25) than some of the other measuring devices and is more sensitive to small temperature changes.

Thermistors It is semiconductor made from specific mixtures of pure oxides of iron, nickel and other metals. Their main characteristic is a large change in resistance with a small temperature change. The change in resistance is a function of absolute temperature. The temperature reading is obtained with a Wheatstone bridge or a simple or more 3 complex circuit depending on the application. Thermistor is relatively cheap and has proved to be very stable, give reproducible readings and can be sited remotely from the read-out point. Their main disadvantage is the marked nonlinear temperature versus resistance curve.

Temperature control

In many small system there is a heating element, 300-400W capacity is adequate for a 10dm3 fermenter, and cooling water supply which are on or off depending on the need for heating or cooling. The heating element should be as small as possible to reduce the size of the heat sink and resulting overshoot when heating is no longer required. In some cases it may be better to run the cooling water continuously at a steady rate and only have the heating element connected to control unit.

Flow measurement and control Both gases and liquids are important in process management. Gases - One of the simplest methods for measuring gas flow to a fermenter is by means of a variety area meter. The most commonly used example being a rotameter, which consist of a vertically mounted glass tube with an increasing bore and enclosing a freemoving float which can be a ball or a hollow thimble. The position of the float in the graduated glass tube is indicative of flow rate. Difference sizes can for a wide range of flow rates. - The accuracy depends on having the gas at a constant pressure, but error of up to 10% of full scale deflection is quoted. The errors are greatest at low flow rates. Ideally, rotameters, should not be sterilized and are therefore normally placed between a gas inlet and sterile filter.

There is no provision for on-line data logging with the simplest rotameter. Metal tubes can be used in situations where glass is not satisfactory. In these cases the float position is determined by magnetic or electrical techniques, but this provision has not been normally utilized for fermentation work. Rotameters can also be used to measure liquid flow rates, provided abrasive particles or fibrous matter is not present.

-The use of oxygen and carbon dioxide gas analyzers for effluent gas analysis requires the provision of very accurate gas-flow measurement if the analyzers are to be used efficiently. -For this reason thermal mass flowmeters have been utilized for the range 0 to 500dm3 min-1. These instruments have a 1% fullscale accuracy and work on the principle of measuring a temperature difference across a heating device laced in the path of the gas flow.
- Temperature probes such as thermistor are placed upstream and downstream of the heat source, which may be inside or outside the piping.

-The mass flowrate of the gas, Q can be calculated from the specific heat equation: H= QCp (T2T1) Where, H heat transferred, Q mass flow rate of the gas Cp specific heat of the gas T1 temperature of gas before heat is transferred to it. T2 temperature of gas after heat is transferred to it. - Control of gas flow is usually by needle valves. Often this method of control is not sufficient, and it is necessary to incorporate a self-acting flow control valves. At a small scale, such valves as the flowstat are available.

Liquids On lab scale flow rates, may be measured manually using a sterile burette connected to the feed pipe and timing the exit of a measured volume. A more expensive is to use an electrical flow transducer which can cope with particular matter in suspension and measure range of flow rates from very low to high with an accurate of 1%. Another indirect method of measuring flow rates aseptically is to use a metering pump which pumps liquid continuously as a predetermined and accurate rate. Some of example metering pumps are commercially available including motorized syringes, peristaltic pumps, piston pumps and diaphragm pumps. Motorized syringes are only used when very small quantities of liquid have to be added slowly to a vessel. In a peristaltic pump, liquid is moved for wards gradually by squeezing tubing held in a semicircular housing.

- Piston pump contains an accurately machined ceramic or stainless-steel piston moving in a cylinder normally fitted with double ball inlet and outlet valves. -The piston is driven by a constant-speed motor. Flow rates can be varied within a defined range by changing the stroke rate, the length of the piston stroke and by using a different piston size. Sizes are available form cm-3h-1 to thousand of dm-3h-1 and all can be operated at relatively high working pressure. -Piston pumps are more expensive than comparable sized peristaltic pumps but do not suffer from tube failure. Unfortunately, it can not be used to pump fibrous or particular suspension

- Leakage can occur via the shaft housing of piston pump. The problem can be prevented by the use of a diaphragm pump. This pump use flexible diaphragm to pump fluid through housing with ball valves to control the direction of flow.

Pressure measurement One of the standard pressure measuring sensors is the Bourdon tube pressure gauge which is used as a direct indicating gauge. The partial coil has an elliptical crosssection (AA) which tend to become circular with increasing pressure, and because of the difference between the internal and external radii, gradually straightens out. The process pressure is connected to the fixed socket end of the tube, while the sealed tip of the other end connected by a geared sector and pinion movement which actuates an indicator pointer to show linear rotational response. When a vessel or pipe is to be operated under aseptic conditions, a diaphragm gauge can be used. Changes in pressure cause movements of the diaphragm capsule which are monitored by a mechanically levered pointer.

Pressure control

In normal operation a positive head pressure of 1.2 atmospheres (161kNm-2) absolute is maintained in a fermenter to assist in the maintenance of aseptic conditions. This pressure wills obviously be raised during a steam-sterilization cycle. The correct pressure in different components should be maintained by regulatory valves controlled by associated pressure gauges.
Safety valves Safety valves should be incorporated at various suitable places in all vessels and pipe layouts which are likely to be operated under pressure. The valves should be set to release the pressure as soon as it increases markedly above a specified working pressure.

Agitator shaft power - A variety of sensor can be used to measure the power consumption of a fermenter. On large scale, a watt meter attached to the agitator motor will give a fairly good indication of power uptake. This measuring technique becomes less accurate as there is a decrease in scale to pilot scale and finally to lab fermenter, the main contributing factor being friction in stuffing box. - Torsion dynamometer can be used in small-scale applications. Since the dynamometer has to be placed on the shaft outside the fermenter the measurement will once again include the friction in the bearings in the stuffing box. For this reason strain gauge mounted on the shaft within the fermenter are the most accurate method of measurement and over come friction problems

Rate of stirring In all fermenter it is important to monitor the rate of rotation (rpm) of the stirrer shaft. The tachometer used for this purpose may employ electromagnetic induction, voltage generation, light sensing or magnetic force as detection mechanisms. Obviously the final choice of tachometer will be determined by the type of signal which is required for recording and / or process control for regulating the motor speed and other ancillary equipment.

Foam sensing and control The formation of foam is a difficult in many types of microbial fermentation which can create serious problems if not controlled. It is common practice to add antifoam to a fermenter when the cultures start forming above certain predetermined level. The method used for foam sensing and antifoam additions will depend on process and economic considerations. The properties of antifoams have been discussed elsewhere as has their influence on dissolved oxygen concentration. A probe is inserted through the top plate of the fermenter. Normally, the probe is a stainless- steel rod, which is insulated except at the tip, and set as a defined level above the broth surface. When the foams raise and touches the probe tip, a current is passed through the circuit of the probe, with the foam acting as an electrolyte and the vessel acting as an earth. The current actuates a pump or valve and antifoam is released into the fermenter for a few seconds.

- Process timers are routinely included in the circuit to ensure that the antifoam has time to mix into the medium and break down the foam before the probe is programmed after a present time interval to sense the foam level again and possibly actuate the pump or valve. Alternatively antifoam may be added slowly at a predetermined rate by small pump so that foaming never occurs and there is therefore no need for a sensing system.

Measurement and control of dissolve oxygen - In small fermenter (1dm3), the commonest are galvanic and have a lead anode, silver cathode and employ potassium hydroxide, chloride, bicarbonate or acetate as an electrolyte. - The sensing tip of the electrode is a telfon, polyethylene or polystyrene membrane which allows passage of the gas phase so that equilibrium is established between the gas phases inside and outside the electrode.

- Because of the relatively slow movement of oxygen across the membrane, this type of electrode has slow respone of the order of 60 seconds to achieve a 90% reading of true value. -These electrodes are suitable for monitoring very slow changes in oxygen concentration and are normally chosen because of the compact size and relatively low cost. - Unfortunately, this type of electrode is very sensitive to temperature fluctuations, and should be compensated for temperature using a thermistor circuit. The electrodes also have a limited life because of corrosion of the anode.

-Poloragraphic electrodes, which are bulkier than galvanic electrodes, are more commonly used in pilot and production fermenter, needing instrument ports of 19 or 25mm diameter. They have silver anodes which are negatively polarized with respect to reference cathodes of platinum or gold, using aqueous potassium chloride as the electrolyte. - Response times of 0.05 to 15 seconds to achieve a 35% reading have been reported. The electrodes which can be very precise may be both pressure and temperature compensated. Although a poloragraphice electrode may initially cost 600% more than a galvanic equivalent, the maintenance costs are considerably lower as only the membrane should b need replacing.

-Dissolved oxygen concentration may also be determined by a tubing method. The probe consists of a coil or permeable telfon or polypylene tubing within the fermenter through which is passed a stream of helium or nitrogen.

-The oxygen which diffuses form the fermentation medium through the tubing wall into the inert gas stream is then determined using a paramagnetic gas analyzer.

- Times of 2-10 minutes are required before making reading. The tubing will withstand repeated sterilization and has been used continuously for up to 1000hours as pilot scale.

By observing the concentration of CO2 and O2 in the entry and exits gases in the fermenter and knowing the gas flow rate it is possible to determined the oxygen uptake of the system, the carbon dioxide evolution rate and the respiration rate of microbial culture. The O2 can be determined by a i) Paramagnetic gas analyzer ii) Deflection analyzer iii) Thermal analyzer.

- CO2 is commonly monitored by infrared analysis using a positive filtering method. The unit consists of a source of infrared energy, a chopper to ensure that energy passes through each side of the optical system, a sample cell, a comparison cell, and an infrared detector sensitized at a wavelength at which the gas of interest absorbs infrared energy.

- In case the detector will be filled with carbon dioxide. This optical system senses the reduced radiation energy of the measuring beam reaching the detector, which is due the absorption in the carbon dioxide in the sample cell.

pH measurement and control

pH measurement is now routinely carried out using a combined glass reference electrode that will withstand repeated sterilization at temperature of 121oC and pressures of 138kN-m2. The electrode may be silver/ silver chloride with potassium chloride as an electrolyte. Occasionally calomel / mercury electrodes are used. The electrode is connected via leads to pH meter / controller. Normally, pH electrodes are autoclaveable. Control unit may be simple On/Off or more complex. In the case of the On/Off controller, the controller is set to a predetermined pH value. When a single actuates a relay, a pinch valve is opened or pump started, and acid or alkali is pumped into fermenter for short time which is governed by a process timer (0-5 seconds). The addition cycle is followed by a mixing cycle which is governed by another process timer (0-60seconds) during which time no further acid or alkali can be added.

At the end of the mixing cycle another pH reading will indicate whether or not there has been adequate correction of the pH drift. In the small volumes the likelihood of overshoot is minimal.

Carbon dioxide electrode The measurement of dissolved CO2 is possible with electrode, since a pH or voltage change can be detected as the gas goes into solution.

ONLINE ANALYSIS OF OTHER CHEMICAL FACTORS i Ion-specific sensors ii Enzyme electrodes iii Microbial electrodes iv Mass spectrometers v Fluorimeters

COMPUTER APPLICATION IN FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY Three distinct areas of computer function were recognized by Nyiri (1972b) 1. Logging of process data Data logging is performed by the data acquisition system which has both hardware & software components. There is an interface between the sensor and the computer. The software should include the computer program for sequential scanning of the sensor signals and the procedure of data storage. 2. Data analysis (Reduction of logged data) 3. Process control

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