Ch03 3
Ch03 3
Ch03 3
Graphical technique
At first, we could assume an incremental cost rate (λ) and find the
power outputs of each of the three units.
If we have assumed the value of incremental cost such that the total
power output is too low, we must increase the λ value.
With two solutions, we can extrapolate (or interpolate) the two solutions
to get closer to the desired value of total received power (see Figure 3.5).
We could store tables of data within the computer and interpolate between
the stored power points to find exact power output for a specified value of
incremental cost rate.
• Counting the number of times through the iterative loop and stopping
when a maximum number is exceeded.
Assume that one wishes to use cubic functions to represent the input-
output characteristics of generating plants as follows
For the three units, find the optimum schedule using the lambda-
iteration method.
320 MW ≦ P1 ≦ 800 MW
300 MW ≦ P2 ≦ 1200 MW
275 MW ≦ P3 ≦ 1100 MW
Two sample calculations are shown, both using the flowchart in Figure
Pload = 2500 MW
Pload = 2500 MW
1. Why if two vectors, ▽ f and ▽ ω, "line up" with each other, the
equation ▽f + λ▽ω = 0 can be set up?