Mumbai Metro Rail Project

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Present Transport Scenario in Mumbai

11 million people travel daily by Public Transport (share of PT more than 90%) Many areas in city and suburbs are not served by rail system Suburban rail traffic increased by 6 times while the capacity increased by only 2.3 times 4500 passengers travel per train against the carrying capacity of 1750 resulting in unbearable overcrowding

Project Description
Consists of three phases Phase I, II, III Phase I Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar line with dedicated elevated corridor and of length 11.07 km with 12 stations Rail to have maximum speed of 80kmph with average speed of 33kmph Project will provide East-West rail based connectivity to Central and Western suburbs Total time for journey from Versova to Ghatkopar would be approximately 21 minutes as against 90 minutes by other modes of transport

Bidding Selection
Detailed feasibility study carried out under the Indo-German technical co-operation to the group of TEWET, DE-Consult and TCS during 97-00 Study recommended mass transit corridor from Andheri to Ghatkopar as potentially bankable and economically viable Government decided to go on PPP basis Management of transaction process Consortium of Louis Berger as technical consultants, PwC, Masons and Economic Laws and Practices was appointed to assist MMRDA Bids invited in August 2004 and 150 bidders responded to Economic Opportunity Institute Bid process: Technical and financial stage

Bidding selection contd..

Technical bids invited in May 05, 2006 -HCC and RITES -Reliance Energy Limited, Veolia Transport, Connex-France -Shaktikumar Sacheti Limited and Lingakaran Metro -Siemens, L&T, Gammon, BEML -IL&FS, ITD Thailand and Unity Infraprojects -Financial bids invited from qualified bidders in January 06

Bid Won by consortia of Reliance Energy Limited, Veolia Transport, Hong Kong MRT & Connex France

Bidding selection contd..

Expected IRR of 26% by REL-led consortium but government negotiated and the consortium agreed to an equity IRR of 15% Project faced delay in obtaining approval for VGF as its concession agreement was based on MCA of NHAI and only tentative guidelines were in place for PPP agreements Government gave special grant of 20% and GoM approved grant of 7.5% of project cost SPV incorporated in December 2006 by the name Mumbai Metro One Private Limited

Financial Model
Project Cost Viability Gap Funding Debt: Equity Total Equity MMRDA Equity (26%) Reliance Energy (69%) Connex - France (5%) Debt INR 2356 Crores INR 650 Crores 70:30 INR 513 Crores INR 134 Crores INR 353 Crores INR 26 Crores INR 1194 Crores

PPP Structure Of Project

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