Trends and Issues in Geria

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Geriatric Nursing:

Trends and Issues

Aging: Myths

 Older people are all alike.

 Older people are sick and dependent.
 Older people are depressed.
 Older people have poor memories.
Aging: Facts

 The older generation is very diverse.

 Most older adults live independently.
 If there is some cognitive deficit, this
does not result in problems in daily
 Older adults in the community have
lower rates of depression.

 There were 703 million persons aged

65 years or over in the world in 2019.
 The number of older persons is
projected to double to 1.5 billion in

 There are more older women than men.

 43% of older women are widows
compared with 14% of men.
 The older population tends to be better
educated than previous generations.
Living Arrangements

 More than two-thirds of older adults live

independently in a family setting.
 1% of people aged 65-74, 4.7% aged
75-84, and 18.2% 85 and older live in
Types of Housing for Older
 Independent centers
 Assisted living centers
 Group housing
– Two or more unrelated people share a
 Skilled nursing facility
Financing Health Care for Older
 Almost 33 1/3% of health care costs are
attributed to individuals older than 65
who comprise only 12% of the
 PhilHealth provides health care funding
for older adults and individuals with
Impact of the Older Adult on
 80% of older adults receive help from
their families.
 The “sandwich generation” is trying to
care for their children and elderly
– 73% of caregivers are women.
The Importance of Advance
 Advance directives provide a guide for
decisions about type and amount of
health care for someone who can no
longer make those critical decisions.
 Two types: Durable medical power of
attorney and living will
Elder Abuse and Neglect

 Self-neglect is “the failure to provide for

the self because of a lack of ability or
lack of awareness” (Wold, p.17).
 Self-neglect often occurs with
individuals suffering from dementia or
mental illness.
Elder Abuse and Neglect

 Types of abuse:
– Physical
– Emotional
– Financial
Elder Abuse and Neglect:
 Respite programs for the elderly person
or the caregiver
 Education for the caregiver
 Adult day care
 Support groups for the caregiver
 Additional community support services
Elder Abuse in Institutions

 Abuse of older residents is related to

care providers’ sense that they are not
valued, supported, or acknowledged.
 Abuse by care providers can take many
 An abusing caregiver needs to be
reported immediately.

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