7 Transport in Plants 2
7 Transport in Plants 2
7 Transport in Plants 2
draw plan diagrams describe the draw and label relate the structure
of transverse distribution of xylem vessel of xylem vessel
sections of stems, xylem and phloem elements, phloem elements, phloem
roots and leaves of in transverse sieve tube elements sieve tube elements
herbaceous sections of stems, and companion and companion
dicotyledonous roots and leaves of cells from cells to their
plants from herbaceous microscope slides, functions
microscope slides dicotyledonous photomicrographs
and plants and electron
photomicrographs micrographs
Why does transport need to
Materials need to be transported between
the root system and the shoot system
• To move substances from where they are absorbed to
where they are needed.
80 x 2.5 = 200 µm
7.1.2 Xylem & Phloem
• Structural support
• Food storage
• Xylem tissue is found, along with phloem tissue and other tissues, in vascular bundles
• The location of the vascular bundles is dependent on which organ they are in as the different organs are under different stresses:
• In the roots the vascular bundle is found in the centre and the centre core of this is xylem tissue. This helps the roots withstand the pulling
strains they are subjected to as the plant transports water upwards and grows
• In the stems the vascular bundles are located around the outside and the xylem tissue is found on the inside (closest to the centre of the stem)
to help support the plant
• In the leaves the vascular bundles form the midrib and veins and therefore spread from the centre of the leaf in a parallel line. The xylem
tissue is found on the upper side of the bundles (closest to the upper epidermis)
7.1.2 Xylem & Phloem
Phloem Sieve Tube Elements & Companion Cells: Structure & Function
Companion cells
• Each sieve tube element has a
companion cell associated with it as
companion cells control the
metabolism of their associated sieve
tube member
• They also play a role in loading and
unloading of sugars into the phloem
7.1.4 Phloem Sieve Tube
state that some mineral ions and describe the transport of water explain that transpiration involves
organic compounds can be from the soil to the xylem through the evaporation of water from the
transported within plants dissolved the: internal surfaces of leaves
in water • apoplast pathway, including followed by diffusion of water
reference to lignin and cellulose vapour to the atmosphere
• symplast pathway, including
reference to the endodermis,
Casparian strip and suberin
explain how hydrogen bonding of make annotated drawings of state that assimilates dissolved in
water molecules is involved with transverse sections of leaves from water, such as sucrose and amino
movement of water in the xylem xerophytic plants to explain how acids, move from sources to sinks
by cohesion-tension in they are adapted to reduce water in phloem sieve tubes
transpiration pull and by adhesion loss by transpiration
non-woody plants
7.2.2 Transpiration in Plants
7.2.2 Transpiration in Plants
Factors Affecting Transpiration
Wind Speed
Humidity &
• Most water travels via the apoplastic pathway (when transpiration • This band is called the Casparian strip and
rates are high), which is the series of spaces running through forms an impassable barrier for the water
the cellulose cell walls, dead cells, and the hollow tubes of the
• When the water and dissolved minerals reach the
Casparian strip they must take the symplastic
• The water moves by diffusion (as it is not crossing a partially pathway. The presence of this strip is not fully
permeable membrane) understood but it is thought that this may help
the plant control which mineral ions reach the
• The water can move from cell wall to cell wall directly or through xylem and generate root pressure
the intercellular spaces
• As the plant ages the Casparian strip thickens (as
• The movement of water through the apoplastic pathway occurs more suberin is deposited) except in cells called
more rapidly than the symplastic pathway the passage cells, allowing for further control of
• When the water reaches the endodermis the presence of a thick, the mineral ions
waterproof, waxy band of suberin within the cell wall blocks the
apoplastic pathway
7.2.4 Water & Mineral Ion Transport in
Symplast Pathway
the pressure differences being created from the mass flow (all the water leaves. This mechanism is called
molecules and any dissolved solutes move together) of water upwards the cohesion-tension theory
7.2.5 Water & the Transpiration Pull
• The pathway of the water from the soil through the roots up the xylem tissue to the leaves is
the transpiration stream
• Plants aid the movement of water upwards by raising the water pressure in the roots (root pressure)
• This is raised by actively secreting solutes (eg. mineral ions) into the xylem vessels in the root
which lowers the water potential within the xylem
• This results in water from the surrounding cells being drawn into the xylem (by osmosis) thus
increasing the water pressure (root pressure)
• Root pressure helps move water into the xylem vessels in the roots however the volume moved does
not contribute greatly to the mass flow of water to the leaves in the transpiration stream
7.2.5 Water & the Transpiration Pull
The transpiration stream – the mass flow of water from the roots to the leaves. This is possible due to the cohesion-tension theory
7.3 Transport in The Phloem of Plants
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7.3 Transport in The Phloem of Plants
How Translocation Occurs in Sieve Tubes
7.3 Transport in The Phloem of Plants
other dissolved substances such as amino • Any part of the plant where the assimilates are being
stored (eg. developing seeds, fruits or storage organs)
acids, hormones and minerals (Table 7.3)
7.3 Transport in The Phloem of Plants
7.3 Transport in The Phloem of Plants
1. Sucrose produced by photosynthesis is actively pumped into
the phloem vessels by the companion cells.
Mass flow
2. This decreases the water potential in the leaf phloem, so water
diffuses from the neighbouring xylem vessels by osmosis.
3. This is increases the hydrostatic pressure in the phloem, so
water and dissolved solutes are forced downwards to relieve
the pressure. This is mass flow: the flow of water together with
its dissolved solutes due to a force.
4. In the roots the solutes are removed from the phloem by active
transport into the cells of the root.
5. At the same time, ions are being pumped into the xylem from
the soil by active transport, reducing the water potential in the
6. The xylem now has a lower water potential than the phloem, so
water diffuses by osmosis from the phloem to the xylem.
7. Water and its dissolved ions are pulled up the xylem by tension
from the leaves. This is also mass flow.
7.3 Transport in The Phloem of Plants
Loading of Assimilates (eg. sucrose)
7.3 Transport in The Phloem of Plants
Loading of Assimilates (eg. sucrose)
• The pathway that sucrose molecules use to travel to the sieve tubes • The hydrogen ions move through a cotransporter
is not fully understood yet. The molecules may move by the: protein. While transporting the hydrogen ions this
protein also carries sucrose molecules into the
• symplastic pathway (through the cytoplasm and companion cell against the concentration gradient
plasmodesmata) which is a passive process as the sucrose for sucrose
molecules move by diffusion
• The sucrose molecules then move into the sieve
• apoplastic pathway (through the cell walls) which is an active tubes via the plasmodesmata from the companion
process cells
• If the sucrose molecules are taking the apoplastic pathway then • Companion cells have infoldings in their cell surface
modified companion cells (called transfer cells) pump hydrogen membrane to increase the available surface area for
ions out of the cytoplasm via a proton pump and into their cell the active transport of solutes and many
walls. This is an active process and therefore requires ATP as an mitochondria to provide the energy for the proton
energy source pump
• The large concentration of hydrogen ions in the cell wall of the • This mechanism permits some plants to build up the
companion cell results in the hydrogen ions moving down the sucrose in the phloem to up to three times the
concentration gradient back to the cytoplasm of the companion cell concentration of that in the mesophyll
7.2.7 The Sucrose Loading Mechanism