IKL201 01 Instalasi Anaconda Python

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Pertemuan ke-1
Rencana Perkuliahan
• Penjelasan RPS
• Penjelasan aturan perkuliahan
• Penjelasan Silabus mata kuliah Algoritma dan Pemrograman
• Pendahuluan: Algoritma, Psodocode, Flowchart, interpreter vs compiler, python
• Online Classes
• LMS Trisakti
• Google Classroom Trisakti
• Co-requisite dengan Computational Thinking IUC6201
• Kehadiran
• BPP 1 SKS = . . .
• Kalikan 3 SKS (IKL6309)
• Bagi 16
What the following code do?
print("Hallo, selamat datang")
What the following code do?
temp = int( input("Masukkan suhu: ") )

converted = (9/5 * temp) + 32

print(f"{temp} Celsius equals {converted:2} Fahrenheit")

print("Terima kasih")
• Buat program Python yang mencetak nama sebanyak 5 kali
About Python
• Development started in the 1980’s by Guido van Rossum.
• Only became popular in the last decade or so.
• Python 2.x currently dominates, but Python 3.x is the future of Python.
• Interpreted, very-high-level programming language.
• Supports a multitude of programming paradigms.
• OOP, functional, procedural, logic, structured, etc.
• General purpose.
• Very comprehensive standard library includes numeric modules, crypto services, OS
interfaces, networking modules, GUI support, development tools, etc.
Notable Features
• Easy to learn.
• Supports quick development.
• Cross-platform.
• Open Source.
• Extensible.
• Embeddable.
• Large standard library and active community.
• Useful for a wide variety of applications.
Getting Started
• Choose and install an editor.
• For Linux, I prefer SublimeText.
• Windows users will likely use Idle by default.
• Options include vim, emacs, Notepad++, PyCharm, Eclipse, etc.

Throughout this course, I will be using SublimeText in an Ubuntu environment for all
of the demos.
Modul 1: Pengenalan Anaconda Python
Interpreter dan Compiler
• Interpreter menerjemahkan Bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi (source code in
high level language) ke dalam Bahasa mesin yang dipahami oleh CPU, baris per
• Setiap kali program dijalankan, source code harus dibaca kembali dari awal oleh
• Compiler menerjemahkan Bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi untuk seluruh
source code dari baris pertama hingga baris terakhir.
• Hasil kompilasi dapat dijalankan tanpa tergantung pada keberadaan source code
Interpreter Python
• Program Python dapat ditulis dalam sebuah IDE (Integrated Development
• Anaconda Python menyediakan IDE bawaan Spyder
• Source code ditulis dalam Spyder, dan langsung dieksekusi (shortcut F5)
• Program Python juga dapat dijalankan melalui Anaconda Prompt
Interpreter Python
• The standard implementation of Python is interpreted.
• You can find info on various implementations here.
• The interpreter translates Python code into bytecode, and this bytecode is
executed by the Python VM (similar to Java).
• Two modes: normal and interactive.
• Normal mode: entire .py files are provided to the interpreter.
• Interactive mode: read-eval-print loop (REPL) executes statements piecewise.
Interpreter: Normal mode
• Let’s write our first Python program!
• In our favorite editor, let’s create helloworld.py with the following contents:

print "Hello, World!" Note: In Python 2.x, print is a statement. In

Python 3.x, it is a function. If you want to get
• into the 3.x habit, include at the beginning:
From the terminal: from __future__ import print_function

Now, you can write

$ python helloworld.py print(“Hello, World!”)
Hello, World!
Interpreter: Interactive mode Anaconda
$ python
>>> print "Hello, World!"
• Let’s accomplish the same Hello, World!
task (and more) in interactive >>> hellostring = "Hello, World!"
mode. >>> hellostring
'Hello, World!'
>>> 2*5
• Some options: >>> 2*hellostring
'Hello, World!Hello, World!'
-c : executes single >>> for i in range(0,3):
command. ... print "Hello, World!"
-O: use basic optimizations. ...
-d: debugging info. Hello, World!
Hello, World!
More can be found here. Hello, World!
>>> exit()
Dasar-dasar Pemrograman Python
• Komentar program diawali dengan tanda sharp "#"
# Praktikum 1
# Rabu, 20190904
# James Bond (a.k.a Gemes Dong)

• Komentar multi-baris ditulis di antara pasangan tiga-tanda-kutip

""" Ini adalah
komentar beberapa
baris """

• Setiap baris merupakan pernyataan

Dasar-dasar Pemrograman Python
• Variabel digunakan langsung
• Fungsi print() mencetak argumen di dalam tanda kurung
• Fungsi input() mencetak argumen di dalam tanda kurung, dan menunggu user
memasukkan data melalui keyboard
• Tipe data yang dikembalikan oleh input() adalah string
• Fungsi int(), float() digunakan untuk mengkonversi tipe data dari tipe string ke tipe
integer / float
• Fungsi str() mengkonversi tipe data ke tipe string
Tugas Praktikum 1 nomor 1
• Buat sebuah program Python yang mencetak label alamat surat seperti contoh
• Gunakan nama sendiri, nama orang tua, atau nama orang lain
• Gunakan alamat rumahmu atau alamat kampus
Bapak Imamudin
Sekretariat Jurusan Teknik Informatika
Gedung E lantai 8
Fakultas Teknologi Industri
Universitas Trisakti
Jalan Kyai Tapa no 1 Grogol
Jakarta 11440
Tugas Praktikum 1 nomor 2
• Tulis sebuah program yang meminta user memasukkan Panjang dan lebar dari
sebuah ruangan. Satuan yang digunakan juga diminta dari user, apakah dalam
satuan meter atau inci. Program menampilkan luas ruangan.
Some fundamentals
• Whitespace is significant in Python. Where other languages may use {} or (),
Python uses indentation to denote code blocks.

# here’s a comment
• Comments for i in range(0,3):
print i
• Single-line comments denoted by #.
def myfunc():
• Multi-line comments begin and end with three “s. """here’s a comment about
the myfunc function"""
• Typically, multi-line comments are meant for documentation.
print "I'm in a function!"
• Comments should express information that cannot be expressed
in code – do not restate code.
Python typing
• Python is a strongly, dynamically typed language.
• Strong Typing
• Obviously, Python isn’t performing static type checking, but it does prevent mixing
operations between mismatched types.
• Explicit conversions are required in order to mix types.
• Example: 2 + “four”  not going to fly
• Dynamic Typing
• All type checking is done at runtime.
• No need to declare a variable or give it a type before use.

Let’s start by looking at Python’s built-in data types.

Numeric Types
• The subtypes are int, long, float and complex.
• Their respective constructors are int(), long(), float(), and complex().
• All numeric types, except complex, support the typical numeric operations you’d
expect to find (a list is available here).
• Mixed arithmetic is supported, with the “narrower” type widened to that of the
other. The same rule is used for mixed comparisons.
Numeric Types
$ python
>>> 3 + 2
• Numeric 5
• int: equivalent to C’s long int in 2.x but >>> 18 % 5
unlimited in 3.x. 3
• float: equivalent to C’s doubles. >>> abs(-7)
• long: unlimited in 2.x and unavailable in 3.x. 7
>>> float(9)
• complex: complex numbers.
>>> int(5.3)
• Supported operations include constructors (i.e. 5
int(3)), arithmetic, negation, modulus, >>> complex(1,2)
absolute value, exponentiation, etc. (1+2j)
>>> 2 ** 8
Sequence data types
• There are seven sequence subtypes: strings, Unicode strings, lists, tuples,
bytearrays, buffers, and xrange objects.
• All data types support arrays of objects but with varying limitations.
• The most commonly used sequence data types are strings, lists, and tuples. The
xrange data type finds common use in the construction of enumeration-controlled
loops. The others are used less commonly.
Sequence types: Strings
• Created by simply enclosing characters in either single- or double-quotes.
• It’s enough to simply assign the string to a variable.
• Strings are immutable.
• There are a tremendous amount of built-in string methods (listed here).

mystring = "Hi, I'm a string!"

Sequence types: Strings
• Python supports a number of escape sequences such as ‘\t’, ‘\n’, etc.
• Placing ‘r’ before a string will yield its raw value.
• There is a string formatting operator ‘%’ similar to C. A list of string formatting
symbols is available here.
• Two string literals beside one another are automatically concatenated together.

print "\tHello,\n" $ python ex.py

print r"\tWorld!\n" Hello,
print "Python is " "so cool."
Python is so cool.
Sequence Types: Unicode Strings
myunicodestr1 = u"Hi Class!"
• Unicode strings can be used to store and myunicodestr2 = u"Hi\u0020Class!"
manipulate Unicode data. print myunicodestr1, myunicodestr2
• As simple as creating a normal string (just newunicode = u'\xe4\xf6\xfc'
put a ‘u’ on it!). print newunicode
newstr = newunicode.encode('utf-8')
• Use Unicode-Escape encoding for special print newstr
characters. print unicode(newstr, 'utf-8')
• Also has a raw mode, use ‘ur’ as a prefix.
• To translate to a regular string, use Hi Class! Hi Class!
the .encode() method. äöü
• äöü
To translate from a regular string to
Unicode, use the unicode() function.
Sequence Types: Lists
mylist = [42, 'apple', u'unicode apple', 5234656]
• Lists are an incredibly useful print mylist
compound data type. mylist[2] = 'banana'
print mylist
• Lists can be initialized by the mylist[3] = [['item1', 'item2'], ['item3', 'item4']]
constructor, or with a bracket print mylist
structure containing 0 or more
print mylist
Lists are mutable – it is print mylist.pop()
possible to change their mynewlist = [x*2 for x in range(0,5)]
contents. They contain the print mynewlist
additional mutable operations.
[42, 'apple', u'unicode apple', 5234656]
[42, 'apple', 'banana', 5234656]
Lists are nestable. Feel free to
[42, 'apple', 'banana', [['item1', 'item2'], ['item3', 'item4']]]
create lists of lists of lists…
[42, [['item1', 'item2'], ['item3', 'item4']], 'apple', 'banana']
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
Sequence data types
$ python
• Sequence >>> mylist = ["spam", "eggs", "toast"] # List of strings!
• str: string, represented as a >>> "eggs" in mylist
sequence of 8-bit characters in True
Python 2.x. >>> len(mylist)
• unicode: stores an abstract >>> mynewlist = ["coffee", "tea"]
sequence of code points. >>> mylist + mynewlist
• list: a compound, mutable ['spam', 'eggs', 'toast', 'coffee', 'tea']
data type that can hold items >>> mytuple = tuple(mynewlist)
of varying types. >>> mytuple
('coffee', 'tea')
• tuple: a compound,
>>> mytuple.index("tea")
immutable data type that can
hold items of varying types. >>> mylonglist = ['spam', 'eggs', 'toast', 'coffee', 'tea']
Comma separated items >>> mylonglist[2:4]
surrounded by parentheses. ['toast', 'coffee']
• a few more – we’ll cover them
Common sequence operations
Operation Result
x in s True if an item of s is equal to x, else False.
• All sequence data
x not in s False if an item of s is equal to x, else True.
types support the
s + t The concatenation of s and t.
operations. s * n, n * s n shallow copies of s concatenated.
s[i] ith item of s, origin 0.
s[i:j] Slice of s from i to j.
s[i:j:k] Slice of s from i to j with step k.
len(s) Length of s.
min(s) Smallest item of s.
max(s) Largest item of s.
s.index(x) Index of the first occurrence of x in s.
s.count(x) Total number of occurrences of x in s.
Common sequence operations
• Mutable sequence types further
support the following

Operation Result
s[i] = x Item i of s is replaced by x.
s[i:j] = t Slice of s from i to j is replaced by the contents of t.
del s[i:j] Same as s[i:j] = [].
s[i:j:k] = t The elements of s[i:j:k] are replaced by those of t.
del s[i:j:k] Removes the elements of s[i:j:k] from the list.
s.append(x) Add x to the end of s.
Common sequence operations

Mutable sequence types further

support the following operations.

s.extend(x) Appends the contents of x to s.

s.count(x) Return number of i’s for which s[i] == x.
s.index(x[, i[, j]]) Return smallest k such that s[k] == x and i <= k < j.
s.insert(i, x) Insert x at position i.
s.pop([i]) Same as x = s[i]; del s[i]; return x.
s.remove(x) Same as del s[s.index(x)].
s.reverse() Reverses the items of s in place.
s.sort([cmp[, key[, reverse]]]) Sort the items of s in place.
Basic built-in data types
>>> basket = ['apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'orange']
• Set >>> fruit = set(basket)
• set: an unordered >>> fruit
collection of unique set(['orange', 'pear', 'apple'])
>>> 'orange' in fruit
objects. True
• frozenset: an immutable >>> 'crabgrass' in fruit
version of set. False
>>> a = set('abracadabra')
>>> b = set('alacazam')
>>> a
set(['a', 'r', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
>>> a - b
set(['r', 'd', 'b'])
>>> a | b
set(['a', 'c', 'r', 'd', 'b', 'm', 'z', 'l'])
Basic built-in data types
>>> gradebook = dict() • Mapping
>>> gradebook['Susan Student'] = 87.0
>>> gradebook • dict: hash tables,
{'Susan Student': 87.0} maps a set of keys
>>> gradebook['Peter Pupil'] = 94.0 to arbitrary objects.
>>> gradebook.keys()
['Peter Pupil', 'Susan Student']
>>> gradebook.values()
[94.0, 87.0]
>>> gradebook.has_key('Tina Tenderfoot')
>>> gradebook['Tina Tenderfoot'] = 99.9
>>> gradebook
{'Peter Pupil': 94.0, 'Susan Student': 87.0, 'Tina Tenderfoot': 99.9}
>>> gradebook['Tina Tenderfoot'] = [99.9, 95.7]
>>> gradebook
{'Peter Pupil': 94.0, 'Susan Student': 87.0, 'Tina Tenderfoot': [99.9, 95.7]}
Python Data Types
• So now we’ve seen some interesting Python data types.
• Notably, we’re very familiar with numeric types, strings, and lists.

That’s not enough to create a useful program, so let’s get some control flow tools
under our belt.

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