Programming Fundamentals: Lecturer XXX
Programming Fundamentals: Lecturer XXX
Programming Fundamentals: Lecturer XXX
Lecturer xxx
What will I be
doing? Weighting (% of total marks
Type of Assessment When assessed for the unit)
Week 6
Assessment 1: midterm exam 15%
Week 3
Assessment 2: Quizzes Week 8 5%
Week 10
Assessment 3: Individual programming assignment 20%
The first thing you should do is download and install our custom guide
to setting up a virtual machine and write your first Python program.
We will be using an Ubuntu virtual machine in this course. All
instructions and examples will target this environment – this will make
your life much easier.
Do not put this off until your first assignment is due!
Getting Started
• Choose and install an editor.
• For Linux, I prefer SublimeText.
• Windows users will likely use Idle by default.
• Options include vim, emacs, Notepad++, PyCharm, Eclipse, etc.
#!/usr/bin/env python
print "Hello, World!"
$ ./
Hello, World!
Interpreter: Interactive mode
$ python
>>> print "Hello, World!"
• Let’s accomplish the Hello, World!
>>> hellostring = "Hello,
same task (and more) in World!"
interactive mode. >>> hellostring
'Hello, World!'
>>> 2*5
• Some options: >>>
-c : executes single string
command. 'Hello,
-O: use basic World!
optimizations. World!'
-d: debugging info. >>> for
i in
More can be range(0
found here. ,3):
Some fundamentals