CH 4 Gene Linkage Recombination Analysis
CH 4 Gene Linkage Recombination Analysis
CH 4 Gene Linkage Recombination Analysis
If two genes are on
different chromosomes…
If two genes are on
different chromosomes…
Gene Mapping
• Gene mapping determines the order of genes and the relative
distances between them in map units
Mapping the distance between two genes
Starting with pure breeding lines,
Cross Parent 1(AA BB) with Parent 2(aa bb)
AB ab 583 <parental
ab ab 597 <parental
Ab ab 134 <recombinant
aB ab 134 <recombinant
total= 1448
So you know the Parental chromosomes in the F1 have to be ABD and abc
Fig. 4.18 17
• Differences in DNA sequence generate different recognition
sequences and DNA cleavage sites for specific restriction enzymes
• Two different genes will produce different fragment patterns when cut
with the same restriction enzyme due to differences in DNA sequence
Fig. 4.19
• Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are abundant in
the human genome
• Rare mutants of virtually every nucleotide can probably be
found, but rare variants are not generally useful for family
studies of heritable variation in susceptibility to disease
• For this reason, in order for a difference in nucleotide
sequence to be considered as an SNP, the less-frequent
base must have a frequency of greater than about 5% in
the human population.
• By this definition, the density of SNPs in the human
genome averages about one per 1300 bp
• A third type of DNA polymorphism results from differences
in the number of copies of a short DNA sequence that
may be repeated many times in tandem at a particular site
in a chromosome
Mapping Genes in Human Pedigrees
A rare recessive disease that affects people late in life
is 90% linked to the RFLP marker on the gel below.
What’s the probability that the grandchildren (row III) are carriers?
dd DD
90% 10% 90%10% 10% 90% 90%
A rare recessive disease that affects people late in life
is 90% linked to the RFLP marker on the gel below.
What’s the probability that the grandchildren (row III) are carriers?
dd DD
10% 90% 10% 90% 90% 10% 10%
Tetrad Analysis
• In some species of fungi, each meiotic tetrad is
contained in a sac-like structure, called an
Tetrad Analysis
• In tetrads when two pairs B
Gene Conversion
• Most asci from heterozygous Aa diploids demonstrate normal Mendelian
segregation and contain ratios of
2A : 2a in four-spored asci, or 4A : 4a in eight-spored asci
• Gene conversion results from a normal DNA repair process in the cell known as
mismatch repair
•One of two ways to resolve the resulting structure, known
as a Holliday junction, leads to recombination, the other
does not