Felician Call. Desktop Aumr729
Felician Call. Desktop Aumr729
Felician Call. Desktop Aumr729
• The Felician call embraces the Charism of
Sophia Camille Truszkowska, our foundress.
• It is a call to walk in the Franciscan tradition so
loved by her:
– To live the Gospel in justice and in truth,
– To radiate joy as we live in poverty and simplicity,
– To become transformed into Christ through
contemplation and personal conversion,
– To persevere in penance as we journey in faith and
to share our diverse gifts with each other in
community and with our sisters and brothers.
• The Felician call challenges us:
– To live the evangelical counsels in the spirit
of the beatitudes,[Evangelical]
– To love the church and her mission,
– To treasure the Eucharist,[Eucharistic]
– To deepen our love for mary ,our model of
faith. [Marian]
This are the four aspects of our religious
We strive to balance prayer and service in our
lives. [contemplation and action ]
Group formation, directed towards a common
goal and imbued with a common ideal, cannot
be stereotyped nor should it lead rigid in
uniformity. Respect for the dignity and
uniqueness of each person demand the
formation make use of the principle of
individuality. Each sister must be perceived as a
competent individual with physical ,
psychological and spiritual capabilities
. This principle of individuality must be taken
into consideration when presenting request
and giving assignments to the sisters. Such
concern for the person of each sister was
shown by Mother Foundress as is evident in
her letters to the sisters. (cf. sw. vol.1
Formation encompasses all the aspects of
religious life of every sister as well as a sensible
satisfaction of needs so necessary for the
development of the whole person. Proper
attention must be given to physical health,
strengthening the will, cultivating aesthetic
sensibilities and moral development. It is
important to lead the sister gradually to the
mysteries of spiritual life
teach respect for every person and acquaint
her with the requisites and demands of
common life with consideration for the rights
of each individual sister.
Such a complete and integral approach to
religious up bringing protect the sister from
distorted psychological development and
The principle of cooperation flows not only
from the social aspect of human nature but
more so from the very nature of formation and
has wide application which lead to the
common good. In the formative task
cooperation between the sisters and those
who direct her is necessary condition and a
deciding factor in the end results. Cooperation
can only exists in a setting of mutual trust and
so both parties must strive for it through
sincere and effective dialogue. Such an
atmosphere is helpful in decision making, in
promoting healthy initiative for the
organization of common life which contribute
to the common good and depends the sense of
responsibility for the community and its
Development and Growth
Religious formation necessitates progressive
sequences for gradual development and
continuous growth. Unless the person called
satisfies the requirements of one state she
cannot take full advantage for the next.
Persons responsible for formation should place
the sister ever higher goals, encourage her to
greater efforts and affirm her in her
achievement. In the measure of maturity
greater demands should be placed on self -
discipline through intelligent planning and
Emphasis on responsibility and accountability
challenges each sister to expend optimal
efforts to attain a desired goal. This experience
will convince that the awakening and
actualization of latent capabilities is to be
achieved solely through conscious and
persevering endeavors
Proper Environment
It is the duty of formation personnel to create
a suitable environment and atmosphere of
harmony and unity with influences which are
consistent and uniform. The entire personnel,
that is those engaged directly of indirectly in
formation as well as the recipient play a part in
this task. This necessitates cooperation with all
and a frequent exchange of views among those
entrusted with formation. Together they
formulates plans, establish methods and
procedures, discern needs and search for
solutions to problems.
Awareness of the signs of the Times
Present day conditions requires that religious
be aware of and adequately be prepared to
live in and cope with the challenges of
contemporary world. This includes new trends
in education, advancement in technology, new
findings in psychology and sociology and
changes in value systems.