#51 Sampayan, Juliana P. 12 HUMSS A: Week 1 Continuing Activities
#51 Sampayan, Juliana P. 12 HUMSS A: Week 1 Continuing Activities
#51 Sampayan, Juliana P. 12 HUMSS A: Week 1 Continuing Activities
V. Assessment Tool
Week 1 Continuing Activities
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B
Day 1: 7. International Relations 8. B 9. There are no given choices.
I. Independent Practice
Day 2:
1. Social Sciences because it helps us develop our behavior such as self discipline and etc.
I. Independent Practice
2. Formal Science because it can help us people to strengthen our minds and makes us
1. Bullying, when the child being bullied goes through counseling, he/she will stay away
ready for every situational and logical aspects in life.
from depression and/or suicidal thought.
3. Natural Science because it helps us to discover and learn more about ourselves and
2. Depression, when the child being depressed goes through counseling, he/she will stay
our environment.
away from suicidal thoughts, will be able to express her thoughts and feelings and will be
II. Closure Activity able to receive advices on how to conquer it.
1. No, because it is a great exercise for a students’ mind and it helps students and others
to understand and know what is happening in the society. 3. Abuse, when the child being abused goes through counseling, he/she will be given a
2. It is important to study the Social Sciences because a knowledge of this can help us protection by the law, she can share and express her feelings in able for the counselor to
improve our society. We are becoming better informed about how societies should be understand and to be able to help her.
put together. And it is important so that we can get the sorts of information that can
help us create better societies. II. Closure Activity
1. No, without social science nothing will be applied.
III. Enrichment Activity 2. No, applied social science do need the help from the social science, because
1. Political Science- the systematic study of governance by the application of analysis social science
2. Economics - a kind of social science that seeks to analyze and describe the III. Enrichment Activity
production and consumption of wealth the wealth is produced and divided, and 1. Political Science- The study of the nature and function of the state and of
applied principles needs of the society. government
3. Psychology- the behavior of animals and humans’. 2. Economics- The study of the ways in which natural resources are used and how
4. Jurisprudence- philosophy of law. the wealth is produced and divided, and applied principles needs of the society.
5. Linguistics– the study of language 3. Psychology- It is the study of mind and behavior of an individual
4. Jurisprudence- The science of study of law
IV. Explore Activity 5. Linguistics- The study of language, historical, comparative or from descriptive
structural point of view.
As humans, we constantly try to identify simple patterns and classify knowledge
into straight forward and discrete categories. Therefore, simplicity is favored in many IV. Explore Activity WALAPANI
areas of knowledge as it allows knowledge to be expressed on the easiest and the most 1. Addiction and abuse of alcohol and other drugs
understandable manner. However, in certain areas of knowledge having a simple 2. Adjustment issues, including adjustment to college life
illustration may be done at the expense of having an accurate outcome. 3. Anger management
4. Anxiety
5. Communication
6. Depression
7. Eating disorders III. Explore Activity
8. Gender identity and sexual orientation
9. Grief 1. Determination- To give full pledge of oneself in doing a specific task
10. Relationship difficulties, including roommates, significant others, and professors 2. Finding growth within- to be able to excel more and more
11. Relationship violence and physical abuse 3. Hard work- for one to be able to see one’s achievement
12. Sexual assault
13. Stress management
14. Thoughts of suicide or preoccupation with death Week 2 Continuing Activities
15. Trauma
Day 1. Independent Practice.
V. Assessment Tool
A. SOCIAL SCIENCE B. APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCE 1. I shall ensure my client’s success. 1. I will not help my clients.
_E_1. _F_1. 2. I will provide confidentiality on my 2. I will tell everybody my client’s problem.
_C_2. _H_2. client’s statements.
_J_3. _I_ 3. 3. I will let my clients feel at ease when 3. I will make my clients worry when they
_K_4. _L_ 4. they are with me. are with me.
_D_5. _M_5. 4. I will commit to the highest standards of 4. I will not do my best at counseling.
excellence when doing my duty.
Day 3: 5. We strive to make our offices to be 5. I will not care if our office is not clean.
I. Independent Practice warm and inviting.
I. Enrichment Activity A doctor, a nurse and a teacher because the three of them are going to be busy with
their jobs, they won’t have time to entertain their clients.
1. Poverty
2. Abortion II. Explore Activity
3. Divorce
Rights- something that a person is or should be morally or legally allowed to have, get, or
4. Depression
5. Suicide
Responsibilities- is a duty or task that you are required or expected to do because it is
II. Explore Activity
morally right, legally required, etc.
After when I finish my education I will be working as a teacher in a school because I do
Accountabilities- is an obligation or willingness to accept responsibilities.
not know what I really wanted as a job and a teacher is something is beyond my reach.
Day 3.
I. Enrichment Activity
I would not choose that profession to be my job for life because I’m still thinking about it
as of today.
Army Mental-
Health Specialists- P
Community counselors
Love is the most powerful magic in this world. This feeling can make you produce
different kind of emotions and even create a new one, it can even let you mix 2 or more
feeling you got. If someone will ask me, ”what do you need me to do, to be for you?”, my
answer would be, “just be yourself, don’t be someone else because I don’t want to love
someone that is not him/her. I will love you the way you are, the way you act, the way to
you believe, the way that you think and the way that you love me because I just need
someone to love me originally, not a Class A or B.”. Every day, feelings, thoughts and
stuffs changes but if love changed you for something, everything remains and never
There are many different meanings in this word but I will define this as something like
suggestions. We ar
This is a big word for friendship, dreams, future, and especially to love. This is a promise
to or for someone that you trust or that you cherish the most.