Commensal and Pathogen Microbe

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Commensal flora

 Commensal flora = Indigenous flora = normal flora

= usual flora
 Microorganisms that are commonly found on or in
body sites of healthy persons
 Plays an important role in both health and disease
 Commensalism : a relationship where the
organisms benefit, but there is no beneficial or
harmful effect to the host
 Ex : Normal flora on human hand
Origin of Microbial Flora
 Usual flora normal of the skin
 Usual flora normal of the mouth
 Usual flora normal of the respiratory tract
 Usual flora normal of the gastrointestinal tract
 Usual flora normal of the genitourinary tract
Usual flora normal of the skin
 The skin contains a wide variety of microorganisms
 Most are found on the most superficial layers of
cells and the upper part of hair follicles
Usual flora normal of the mouth
 The mouth contains large numbers of bacteria
 Bind to the buccal mucosa, tooth surface, tongue
Usual flora normal of the respiratory tract
 Upper : mouth, nasopharynx, oropharynx and
 colonized predominantly with streptococcus
Usual flora normal of
the respiratory tract……
 Lower : Trachea, bronchi and pulmonary
 normaly sterile as a result of the protective action
(ciliary cells,mucus movement)
Usual flora normal of the gastrointestinal tract
 Gastrointestinal tract : esophagus, stomach, small
intestine and colon
 Microorganisms usully are present in ingested materials as
transient flora
 The small intestine contains few microorganisms are
usually from the colon
 The large intestine contains facultative anaerobes, gram-
negative rod microbial flora
Normal flora as protection
Usual flora normal of the genitourinary tract
 The kidney, bladder and fallopian tubes are normally free of
 The urethra is colonized by those organisms found on the
 The microbial composition of the vaginal flora is consistent
with hormonal changes and age
Resident microbial flora
 Microorganisms that colonize an area of the body
for months or years

Transient flora
 Microorganisms that are present at area of the
host body for temporarily
Pathogen Microbes
 An organism that can cause infection in
individuals with normal host defences (healthy
 Ex : Microbacterium tuberculosa

process among host and infectious agents

acting on each other.
 Parasitism : a relationship where the microbe
get benefit from the host and causing harmful
effect to the host
 Ex : Helicobacter pylori
Opportunistic pathogen
• An organism that can cause infection in individuals with
abnormal host defences . (their habitat is damage,
disturbed,immune system is weakened or compromised)
• Commensals may be opportunistic pathogens.
The presence of bacteria on a subject surface (like on
the skin, mouth, intestines or airway) without causing
disease in the person.
Initial Colonization of the Newborn
The process whereby bacteria, animal parasites, fungi, and
viruses enter host cells or tissues and spread in the body.

Entry into the Host

Must access and adhere to host tissues, penetrate or evade host defenses,
and damage tissue to cause disease.
Portals of Entry
The three main portals of entry are:
 Mucous membranes
 Skin
 Parenteral
Mucus Membranes
 A. Respiratory Tract
microbes inhaled into mouth or nose in droplets of
moisture or dust particles

Easiest and most frequently traveled portal of entry

 B. Gastrointestinal Tract
microbes gain entrance thru contaminated food & water
or fingers & hands

most microbes that enter the G.I. Tract are destroyed by

HCL & enzymes of stomach or bile & enzymes of small
Unbroken skin is impenetrable by most microbes.

 Some microbes gain access through hair follicles

and sweat glands.
 Nectator americanus (hookworm) can bore through
intact skin.
 Certain fungi (dermatophytes) grow on skin and
produce enzymes that break down keratin.
Parenteral Route
Microbes are deposited directly into the
tissues beneath the skin or mucous
Examples: Injections, bites, cuts, wounds, surgery,
punctures, and splitting due to swelling or drying.

Preferred Portal of Entry

Many microbes have a preferred portal of entry which
is a prerequisite to cause disease.
 Example: Streptococcus pneumoniae that are inhaled can
cause pneumonia; if swallowed generally don’t cause disease.
 Some pathogenic microrganisms establish
themselves in a host without manifest symtoms
 Ex : Salmonella typhi, Hepatitis B

Pathogenesis is a multi-factorial process

which depends on the immune status of
the host, the nature of the species or
Strain (virulence factors) and the
number of organisms in the initial

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