MCQs 08
MCQs 08
MCQs 08
a. is a progressive condition
b. is a disease of the fifth and six
c. is caused by increased intraocular
d. can be treated with soft contact lens
a. Taranta’s spots
b. mucous discharge
c. tarsal papillae
d. corneal ulceration
e. Bitot’s spots
a. prolonged exposure to UV
b. acute angle closure glaucoma
c. hyphaema
d. anterior segment necrosis
e. iris malignant melanoma
– Medial
– lateral
– superior
– inferior
Which one of the following rectus muscle
tendons inserts on the sclera farthest from the
corneal limbus?
n superior rectus
n inferior rectus
n medial rectus
n lateral rectus
The advantages of
phacoemulsification over
extracapsular cataract surgery
include all except:
a. faster recovery
b. less astigmatism
c. smaller incision
d. less corneal oedema
e. better for very dense cataract
Which of the following
statements is not correct about
vortex veins?
a. there are usually about 4 to 7 in each
b. they drain the venous system of the
c. they drain the venous system of the
choroid and anterior uvea
d. they are visible in posterior segment
a. posterior staphyloma
b. optic atrophy
c. peripheral retinal degeneration
a. papilloedema
b. macular exudates
c. glaucoma
d. optic nerve ischaemia
e. central retinal vein occlusion
Polychromatic Luster
is seen in
n Senile Cortical Cataract
n Nuclear Cataract
n Posterior Subcapsular Cataract
n Zonular Cataract
Uniocular polyopia is
seen in which stage
n Intumescent
n Hypermature
n Mature
n incipient
Rosette cataract is
seen due to
n Trauma
n Diabetes M
n Hyperparathyroidism
n Cu Foreign body
Snow Flack cataract is
seen due to
n Trauma
n Diabetes M
n Galactosaemia
n Rubella
The movement of one eye
by itself is called a:
A. version
B. duction
C. phoria
D. tropia
Which is a primary
action of the S.
oblique muscles?
A. intortion
B. elevation
C. depression
D. adduction
Which of the EOMs does not
originate in the Annulus of
A. inferior rectus
B. superior rectus
C. superior oblique
D. inferior oblique
Type of discharge in
spring catarrh is
a. intumescent cataract
b. Morgagnian cataract
c. Nuclear cataract,
d. Cortical cataract.
Rosette cataract is
most commonly seen
a. Cu-IOFB
b. Concussion injury,
c. Diabetes,
d. Hypertension.
Consecutive optic
atrophy occurs in All
n Chorioretinitis
n papilledema