Advance Stress Analysis
Advance Stress Analysis
Advance Stress Analysis
Dr. Massab Junaid
• One of the frustrations of an experimental stress analyst is the lack of
a universal experimental procedure that solves all problems. A.S.
• Stress Analysis
• For structures that don’t exist (FE simulations)
• For Structures and prototypes in operating conditions
• Closed loop analysis. ESA
• One of the frustrations of an experimental stress analyst is the lack of
a universal experimental procedure that solves all problems. A.S.
• Stress Analysis
• For structures that don’t exist (FE simulations)
• For Structures and prototypes in operating conditions
• Closed loop analysis. ESA
Mohr's Circle in 2D
• Thus, any equation of form:
r 2 y b 2 x a 2
may well be a circle.
• Remember from plane stress:
• Summation of moments
Vector Product
• Vector Dot Product:
▫ The dot product of two vectors u and v is defined
u v u v cos
x ?
y ?
z ?
Stresses on arbitrary planes with normal along x, y and z direction
x ?
y ?
z ?
Stresses on Arbitrary Oblique Plane
• Lets cut the cubic element from corner to corner to
form a tetrahedron.
• Where, l, m and n are direction cosines of unit normal
vector N
Stresses on Arbitrary Oblique Plane
• Let denote σP to be the resultant of stresses acting on
the oblique plane with normal N. So
0 BC 0 AC 0 BA
P x y z
0 BC 0 AC 0 BA
l ,m ,n
Stresses on Arbitrary Oblique Plane
• Or we could write them in terms
of the projections of P
• By expanding we get:
• As in figure,
• The normal and shear components associated with such planes are
called octahedral normal and shear stress.
• There exist eight such planes.
Octahedral Stress
Octahedral stress
• We have:
• Also,
• And,
• Thus we have,
Mean and Deviator stress
• By Experiments we know that, the yielding and
plastic deformation is independent of a normal stress
called the MEAN STRESS
• The mean stress equals the octahedral stress.
• We can write the overall stress tensor T as:
Mean and Deviator Stress
• Tm is the Mean Stress tensor and Td is the deviatoric
• It is called Deviatoric stress tensor because it represents
the change from the hydrostatic state of stress.
• If we consider only Td and find the stress invariants we
get that:
Mean and Deviator stresses
• Note that J1 is equal to zero.
• J1 stress invariant represents pure normal stress.
• Thus we conclude that the deviatoric stress represents
the state of PURE SHEAR.
• The diagonal terms of the deviatoric tensor sum up to
be 0.
Plane stress
• A stress tensor that is independent of z.
• In other words the direction cosines with respect to z
are zero.
• Thus the complete state of stress is defined by three
components of stress.
• Note yet again that the terms related to z direction are set to be zero.
• Means that the stress DOES NOT VARY ALONG Z DIRECTION.
Principal Values and Directions
• As in figure,
• The normal and shear components associated with such planes are
called octahedral normal and shear stress.
• There exist eight such planes.
Octahedral Stress
Octahedral stress
• We have:
• Also,
• And,
• Thus we have,
Octahedral stress
• As we have,
• Note yet again that the terms related to z direction are set to be zero.
• Means that the stress DOES NOT VARY ALONG Z DIRECTION.
Plane Stress
Equation of Circle
• we get:
• Also:
Mohr's Circle in 2D
• The principal stresses and the maximum shear
stresses are thus, given by the relations:
Mohr's Circle in 2D
Mohr's Circle in 3D
• Failure of load-carrying members is associated with
maximum shear and maximum normal stresses.
• Maximum value of normal stress is the largest
principal value.
1 2 3
• We had two principal stresses and we drew plane
stress Mohr’s circle (in 2D), where we assumed that
the stresses along z do not influence the state of stress
i.e. the principal stress normal to z was equal to ZERO.
Mohr's Circle in 3D
• So, Three circles can be drawn (one the largest that
holds the other two):-
Mohr's Circle in 3D
• The maximum value of
shear stress is equal to the
radius of the largest
circle. Or:
• Where, is the
maximum value of stress
along the axis.
• For a general case where
σ2 is NOT ZERO:
Mohr's Circle in 3D
• Let l, m, n be the direction cosines corresponding to the
principal axes then the normal stress is given as:
• The corresponding shear value is:
• Also,
• Solving simultaneous equations,
Mohr's Circle in 3D
• We can also write as:
• Or,