Types of Marriage
Types of Marriage
Types of Marriage
Meaning and Types of
Marriage is one of the universal
social institutions established and
nourished by human society. It is
closely connected to the
institution of family. According to
Gillin and Gillin, "Marriage is a
socially approved way of
establishing a family of
procreation." Westermarck says
that marriage is rooted in the
family rather than the family in
the marriage.
Marriage is an institution of
society with diff erent purpose,
functions and forms in
diff erent societies but is
present everywhere as an
institution. According to
Malinowski, " marriage is a
contract for the production
and maintenance of
children." According to Robert
H Lowie," Marriage is a
relatively permanent bond
between permissible mates."
The main
types of
Polygyny is a form of marriage
in which one man married more
than one woman at a given time.
Polygyny is more popular than
polyandry but not as universal as
monogamy. It was a common
practice in ancient civilizations.
At present it may be present in
primitive tribes like Crow Indians,
Baigas and Gonds of India.
Polygyny is
of two
Sororal polygyny
It is a type of marriage in which the wives
are invariably the sisters. It is often called
sororate. The Latin word Soror stands for
sister. When several sisters are
simultaneously or potentially the spouses of
the same man the practice is called sororate.
It is usually observed in those tribes that pay
a high bride price.
Non-sororal polygyny
It is a type of marriage in which the wives
are not related as the sisters.
Polyandry is the marriage
of one woman with several
men. It is practiced among the
Marquesan Islanders of
Polynesia, The Bahama of
Africa and tribes of Samoa. In
India among tribes of Tiyan,
Toda, Kota, Khasa and Ladakhi
Bota it is still prevalent .
Polyandry is
of two.
Fraternal polyandry
When several brothers share
the same wife, the practice
can be called fraternal
polyandry. This practice of
being mate, actual or
potential to one's husband's
brothers is called levirate. It
is prevalent among the Todas
in India.
Non - fraternal polyandry
Straight monogamy:
In straight monogamy the
remarriage of the individuals is not
Group Marriage
Group marriage means the
marriage of two or more
women with two or more
men. Here the husbands are
common husbands and wives
are common wives. Children
are regarded as the children
of the entire group as a