Ragyi BCM
Ragyi BCM
Ragyi BCM
They are used for below ground level excavation. The
bucket acts downwards and drag towards the machine and
tilted upwards to hold the loads. They are used mainly as
trench or large scale open excavation, but sometimes they
are also used as loading machines.
A backhoe, also called a rear actor or back actor, is a piece
of excavating equipment or larger consisting of a digging
bucket on the end of a two-part articulated arm. They are
typically mounted on the back of a tractor or front loader.
A backactor wil be purchased for a cost of S109,750. After
a useful life of 5 years, it is assumed the equipment will be
sold for 535,000.
1. Digging action result from the drag or pull of bucket towards the machine.
2. The boom is set at desired angle
3. The hoist cable is pulled in and the drag cable is released thus moving the bucket to required
4. By pulling the cable the bucket is filled.
5. The bucket is lifted by raising the boom and then swinging to dumping position.
1. Suitable for digging below machine level.
2. Can be efficiently used to trim or dress the surface avoiding manual effort.
3. A backhoe is designed primarily for excavation below ground and it is especially employed for
trench excavation works.
4. It posses the positive digging action and accurate lateral control.
Backhoe/Loader/ Operator Safety Training Backhoe loaders have a very unique appearance -- they
have components sticking out every which way. It's obvious what a dump truck does just by looking
at it; but what are the different appendages of a backhoe used for? A backhoe loader is an
interesting invention because it is actually three pieces of construction equipment combined into
one unit.
Engine Power – 160HP
Operating Weight – 20TONS
• Operation of brakes
• Steering mechanism
• Horn and Back up alarm
• Operating controls
• Hydraulic hoses (under operating conditions)
• Lights
2) Dragline Excavators:-
Unlike standard excavators, skid steers have booms and buckets that
face away from a driver. This orientation allows the attachments to reach
over the cab instead of around it, making them useful in more narrow
areas and maneuvering tricky turns.
5) Long Reach Excavators:-
As its name suggests, a long reach excavator features a
lengthier arm and boom sections. The design allows for
better operation in hard-to-reach locations. The excavator’s
extendable arm can reach over 100 feet horizontally.
Removal of pavement and other thin layers was especially problematic. The bucket simply could
not engage the material long enough to produce a respectable load within a reasonable time.
The Keystone Driller Company of Beaver Falls, PA, solved this problem when it invented the
These excavators are rigged using a universal power unit for surface stripping and shallow
excavation work up to 300 mm deep where a high degree of accuracy is required. They usually
require attendant haulage vehicles to remove the spoil and need to be transported between
sites on a low-loader. Because of their limitations and the alternative machines available they
are seldom used today.
•Road building
1) Towed Scraper:-
A Towed Scraper easily adapts to jobsite conditions. The scraper can be pulled
in single or tandem configurations, or top loaded with an excavator.
Ideally pulled by Cat Track-Type Tractors and Challenger Special Application
Tractors, hitches and drawbars are available for a wide variety of tractors.
Capacity(struck) - 18.8 yd3 to 23.5 yd3
Capacity(heaped) - 13 yd3 to 17 yd3
2) Elevating Scraper:-
Handling coal is a big job and relies on dependable machines. Only Wheel
Tractor- Scrapers designed exclusively for coal stockpiling and retrieval
The Caterpillar 637G and 657G Coal Bowl Scrapers can construct and
maintain coal stockpiles, as well as haul loads to inlet supply system to
meet the burn requirements of the plant.
4) Open Bowl Scraper:-
Scrapers have a reputation for major infrastructure work. Jobs like airports
and dams and interstate road building jobs that require moving large amounts
of dirt with little time.
Quick load/unload, Low cost/high production, Loaded Haul: 500 ft -
5,000 ft, Ideal for varying material conditions,
Ideal for moving high volume of material.
5) Pull Scraper:-