Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Chapter 8
Refrigerating system
a) Absorption - a refrigerating system in which the refrigerant
gas evolved in the evaporator is taken up in an absorber and
released in a generator upon application of heat.
b) brine – an indirect refrigerating system employing brine as
the circulating liquid.
c) cascade – one having two or more refrigerant circuit, each
with a imposing element, condenser and evaporator, where the
evaporator of one circuit cools the condenser of another.
Refrigerating system
d) Central point – a system with two or more low side connected
to a single central high side ; multiple system.
e) Brine Spray – a refrigerating scheme for cooling by a mist or
spray of brine.
f) Chilled water – an indirect refrigerating system emploting water
as circulating liquid
g) Compression – a refrigerating system in which the pressure
imposing element is mechanically operated.
h) Direct expansion - a refrigerating system in which the
evaporator is in direct contact with the refrigerating material or
space or is located in air circulating passage communicating with
such space.
Refrigerating system
i) Flooded - a refrigerating system in which only part of the
refrigeration system passing over the heat transfer surface is
evaporated, and the portion not evaporated is separated from
the vapor and recirculated.
j) Indirect - a refrigerating system in which a liquid such as brine
or water cooled by the refrigerant, is circulated to the material or
space refrigerated or is used to cool air so circulated
k) Mechanical - a refrigerating system in which employing a
mechanical compression device to remove the low pressure
refrigerant enclose in the low pressure side and deliver it to high
pressure side of the system.
Refrigerating System:
l) Multiple – a refrigerating system in which using direct method
in which refrigerant is delivered to two or more evaporator is
separate room or refrigerator.
m) Single-package – a complete factory made and factory-
tested refrigerating system in a suitable frame or enclosure
which fabricated and shipped in one or more section and in
which no refrigerant-containing part are connected in the field.
n) steam-jet vacuum – a water vacuum refrigerating system in
which nozzle and acting to eject water vapor from the
evaporator, and maintain a requisite low pressure in the
evaporator, and produced the requisite pressure on the high-
side by virtue of compression in a following diffusion passage.
o) vapor – a refrigerating system employing a condensable
vapor as refrigerant.
Heating – with reference to this chapter, implies the utilization of
refrigeration system , but of the purpose in rejecting heat at high
temperature; is also known as Heat Pump
Heat Pump – uses the same equipment as a refrigeration system
but it operate for the purpose of delivering heat at a high level of
Rupture Member – a device that will automatically rupture at a
predetermine pressure.
Soldered Joint – is a gas-tight joint, obtained by the joining of metal
part with metallic mixture or alloy which melt at temperature below
538°C and above 176.7°C
Stop valve – a shut-off valve other than a valve for controlling the
flow of refrigerant.
Tenant - as a heroin used a tenant shall be constructed as a
person, firm or corporation possessed with the legal rights to occupy
premises .
Ventilation Standard in Air
Temperature and humidity of air to be used for
the comfort cooling shall be maintained at 20°C –
23°C effective temperature at an air movement
from 4,570 to 7,620 mm/min
The air quality must be free from toxin,
unhealthful, or disagreable gases. Fume and shall
be relatively free from odor and dust.
The air in all rooms and enclosed space shall be
distributed with reasonable uniformity
The carbon dioxide concentration when measured
91.0 mm above the floor shall not exceed to 100
The quality of air used be ventilate the space
during occupancy shall be always to maintain,
(temp., quality, motion and distributon)
Table 8.2
Group 1
Dichloromethane CH2CL2
Group 2
Ammonia NH3
Dichloroethylene C2H2Cl2
Ethyl Chloride CH3Cl
Methyl Formate HCOOCH3
Sulfur Dioxide SO2
Refrigerating Classification
Group 3
Butane C4H10
Ethane C2H8
Isobutane CH
Propane C3H8
Location in which Refrigerating System may be
place are grouped by occupancy as follows.:
Institutional Occupancy
Hospital, asylum, sanitarium, police station, jails, court houses with cell
Public Assembly
Auditorium, assembly rooms, ball rooms, broadcasting studios,
churches, dept. store, fraternity halls, libraries theater, etc.
Residential Occupancy
Apply to a portion of building which sleeping accomodation is provided.
Commercial occupancy
Apply to a portion of building used for transaction of business, for
rendering professional services or for supplying food and drinks.
Industrial occupancy
Apply to a entire building occupied by single tenant for manufacturing
process, processing or storage of material, product including chemical,
food, candy, ice cream factories, ice making etc.
refrigerant Institutional Public Assembly Residential Commercial Industrial
occupancies Occupancies occupancies Occupancy Occupancies
Group1 -Unit system -The maximum Same rules as on Same rules as on There are no
containing not more quantity of this public assembly public assembly restriction on the
than 4.55 kg of refrigerant used in occupancies occupancies quantity or kind of
refrigerant and then a Direct system for refrigerant used in a
when only window human comfort industrial
should be limited to
or other ventilation Occupancy
as follows:
is provided. CO2 - 0.19 kg/m3
-System each
R-12 – 0.48 kg/m3
containing not more Carrene 1- 0.10 kg/m3
than 9.10 kg may be R -21 – 2.10 kg/m3
installed in kitchen, R-114 – 6.43 kg/m3
laboratories etc. R-11 -5.64 kg/m3
System more than -System containing
9.10 kg shall be shall more than 22.73 kg
be the indirect type. of refrigerant shall
be indirect type
unless it conform to
requirements to as
1. positive
automatic fire
2. automatic close
the damper and fan
when the temp of
air in the duct reach
System Containing
454.6 kg shall be
Indirect type and
mounted outside the
building or
installed in a
machinery room
refrigerant Institutional Public Assembly Residential Commercial Industrial
occupancies Occupancies occupancies Occupancy Occupancies
Group 2 -Unit System Unit system not -No system -system containing
containing not more more than 5.45 kg containing this more than 9.10 kg of
than 2.72 kg in or in a system refrigerant shall be this refrigerant shall
kitchen, lab, etc or containing not more used in a air- not be used for air
system containing than 454.80 kg of conditioning for conditioning for
not more than human comfort
refrigerant and human comfort
227.30 kg installed unless it is Indirect
in “ class 1 installed in a class 1 unless in a indirect, Vented Close
machinery room machinery room. Vented close Surface System,
-Shall not be used in - Air conditioning Surface System or Double Indirect,
a system for air for human comfort Absorptive Brine -- Vented Open Spray
conditioning for except in an System. System or indirect
human comfort , indirect, Vented System containing Absorptive Brine --
except in a indirect Surface System or more than 136.36 kg System.
vented closed Absorptive Brine of this refrigerant -system containing
surface system or in System. shall have contained more than 272.73 kg
a double indirect in a Class 1 of this refrigerant
vented open spray Machinery room shall have all
system or in a refrigerant
indirect absorptive containing part
brine system installed in a class 1
machinery room
Group 3 Shall not be used in Shall not be used in Shall not be in used Shall not be in used
a institutional a Public Assembly except for the except for the
occupancies Occupancies system not more system not more
than 2.73 kg than 2.73 kg
Water Discharged
B) Chilled Water
• Room Thermostat
• Face and Bypass Damper with modulator motor
• Chiller flow switch
• Chiller low water temperature cut-off;
• Compressor High Pressure Cut-off
Table 8.2.16
Weight of refrigerant in CMM of exhaust fan Duct Area Area of Open Window
9.09 4.25 0.023 0.372
22.73 7.08 0.031 0.558
45.45 11.34 0.046 0.929
68.18 15.69 0.062 1.162
90.90 19.27 0.062 1.301
113.64 22.67 0.093 1.394
136.36 25.50 0.093 1.580
181.82 31.17 0.116 1.859
227.27 36.13 0.139 2.231
Weight of refrigerant in CMM of exhaust fan Duct Area Area of Open Window
Stop valve placed where it is not obvious what they control shall be
suitable labelled. Numbers may be used to label the valve provide a
key to the numbers is located near valve.
Pipe and Tube support
All refrigerant piping shall be securely supported by means of metal
hanger, brackets, straps, clamps, or pedestal in such manner as to
relieves joint of harmful strains and vibration. Hangers for refrigerant
piping above 22 mm outside diameter, shall not be less than 0.806
cm ²
Location of Refrigerant Piping
Refrigerant Piping shall not be placed in public hallway, lobbies,
stairways, elevators, or dumb-waiter shaft, excepting that such
refrigerant piping may across a public hallway, and provide a non-
ferrous tubing of 25.4 mm nominal outside diameter and less be
contained in a rigid metal pipe.
Design and Construction
Every part of a refrigeration system, except pressure gauge and
control mechanism, shall be designed, constructed and assemble
and withstand the test pressure without being stress beyond 1/3 of
the ultimate strength
Equipment listed and refrigerant containing vessel recognized and
not recognized by engineering laboratory having a follow-up
inspection service
Pressure Relief Devices
Each pressure vessel containing liquid refrigerant and which mat be
shut off by valve from all other parts of refrigerating system, shall be
protected by a pressure relief valve in parallel with the rapture
Compressor operating 103.25 KPa gage and a having a
displacement exceeding 2.83 m³/ min shall be equipped by the
manufacturer with a pressure relief device of adequate size to
prevent rupture of compressor, located between compressor and
stop valve on the discharged aids.
Required Capacity
The minimum required rated discharged capacity of pressure relief
device for refrigerant containing vessel shall be determined by this
C = f x D x L x 4.89
C = minimum required rated discharged capacity of the relief device in
kg of air per minute
D = Outside Diameter of the vessel in mm
L = Length of the vessel in mm
f = Factor depend upon kind of refrigerant as follows: